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Providing provenance for a RESTful service

This is an example of how a a RESTful service, implemented using JAX-RS and CXF, can expose provenance of the resources it exposes.

There are two branches in this project on

  • master - REST service that can say hello, and return provenance of greeting
  • paq - REST service that also provides link between greeting and its provenance

To compile/run, you will need Java and Maven:

PS C:\users\stain\src\paq> mvn clean jetty:run
[INFO] Scanning for projects...
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] Building Example PROV-AQ usage 0.1-SNAPSHOT
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
2013-03-25 15:39:09.419:INFO::Started SelectChannelConnector@
[INFO] Started Jetty Server
[INFO] Starting scanner at interval of 10 seconds.

The base URI should be http://localhost:8080/paq/ unless you modified the port with mvn -Djetty.port=9999

Check the HelloWorld REST service is working using your favourite HTTP client (e.g. browser or curl in a new terminal window).

PS C:\Users\stain\src\paq> curl http://localhost:8080/paq/hello/Alice
Hello, Alice

You may replace Alice with any name, as long as it is URI escaped:

PS C:\Users\stain\src\paq> curl http://localhost:8080/paq/hello/Joe%20Bloggs
Hello, Joe Bloggs

Provenance resource

This example service provide provenance, using the PROV-N format:

PS C:\Users\stain\src\paq> curl -i http://localhost:8080/paq/provenance/hello/Alice
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: text/provenance-notation
Date: Mon, 25 Mar 2013 15:41:02 GMT
Content-Length: 305
Server: Jetty(6.1.26)

  prefix hello <http://localhost:8080/paq/hello/>
  prefix app <http://localhost:8080/paq/>
  wasDerivedFrom(hello:Alice, name)
  entity(name, [ prov:value="Alice" ])
  agent(app:hello, [ prov:type=prov:SoftwareAgent ])
  wasAttributedTo(hello:Alice, app:hello)

Note that we used the -i parameter above to verify that the correct media-type text/provenance-notation was returned.

This provenance says that the resource http://localhost:8080/paq/hello/Alice was derived from a name with value "Alice", and made by the (web) service http://localhost:8080/paq/hello.

This PROV-N trace is generated by HelloWorld.helloProvenance() by filling in the URIs and name in the template src/main/resources/provTemplate.txt - a more detailed provenance trace might include things like timestamps and details about who provided the name.

Providing links to the provenance

A restful client who has requested http://localhost:8080/paq/hello/Alice will not magically know that there is a provenance trace at http://localhost:8080/paq/provenance/hello/Alice - the URI for the provenance resource could just as well have been say http://localhost:8080/about/history/1337.

Rather than for each publisher to invent specific ways to locate the provenance resource, the W3C PROV-AQ Note suggests a common way to find the provenance resource by using HTTP Link: headers according to RFC5988

Specifically, PAQ says that a resource accessed by HTTP can describe its provenance trace by adding a Link}} header with the relation "". So in our case, this can be achieved with:

Link: <http://localhost:8080/paq/provenance/hello/Alice>; rel=""

OK, so how do we provide this Link header? Our existing greeting is quite simple thanks to JAX-RS and CXF:

public String hello(@PathParam("name") String name) {
    String greeting = "Hello, " + name + "\n";
    return greeting;

Our provenance method is a bit more complicated as it generates the absolute URIs for the greeting resource (depending on the name parameter) and then build the PROV-N trace - here using a simple MessageFormat template.

public String helloProvenance(@PathParam("name") String name,
        @Context UriInfo ui) throws IOException {
    // Get our absolute URI
    // See       
    UriBuilder appUri = ui.getBaseUriBuilder();
    // Absolute URIs for resources we are to give provenance about
    URI helloURI = appUri.path(getClass(), "hello").build(name);        
    // Prepare prefixes for PROV-N qualified names
    URI appURI ="").resolve("../");       
    URI helloPrefix = helloURI.resolve("./");
    // The PROV-N qualified name for our /hello/{name} resource
    String helloEntity = "hello:" + helloPrefix.relativize(helloURI);
    // Simple PROV-N trace, see <>
    // Here this is done in a naive way by loading a template 
    // from src/main/resources and do string-replace to insert
    // our URIs.
    String template = IOUtils.toString(getClass().getResourceAsStream("/provTemplate.txt"));
    String prov = MessageFormat.format(template, 
            helloPrefix, appURI, helloEntity, name);
    // Note: PROV-N should be be built using say the PROV Toolbox 
    // rather than this naive template approach!
    return prov;

So in order to provide the RESTful links we will need to insert Link: headers in the hello() response. As we need to return both the greeting and HTTP headers, we change our return to a Response:

public Response hello(@PathParam("name") String name) {
    String greeting = "Hello, " + name + "\n";
    ResponseBuilder responseBuilder = Response.ok().entity(greeting);

We'll inject the same @Context UriInfo ui parameter as in
in order to find the absolute URI to calling the helloProvenance() method:

public Response hello(@PathParam("name") String name, @Context UriInfo ui) {
    URI provUri = ui.getBaseUriBuilder().path(getClass(), "helloProvenance").build(name);

and then build a new Link instance:

    Link provLink = Link.fromUri(provUri).rel(HAS_PROVENANCE).build();

This uses the fixed URI for the provenance relation:

private static final String HAS_PROVENANCE = "";

Finally we include the new Link header by adding it to the response builder before returning:

return responseBuilder.header(HttpHeaders.LINK, provLink).build();

The final version of hello() should then look something like:

public Response hello(@PathParam("name") String name, @Context UriInfo ui) {
    String greeting = "Hello, " + name + "\n";
    ResponseBuilder responseBuilder = Response.ok().entity(greeting);
    // TODO: Could have used Link.fromResourceMethod but it seems to return wrong URI in CXF :(
    URI provUri = ui.getBaseUriBuilder().path(getClass(), "helloProvenance").build(name);
    Link provLink = Link.fromUri(provUri).rel(HAS_PROVENANCE).build();
    return responseBuilder.header(HttpHeaders.LINK, provLink).build();

You may check out the paq branch from to see the final version.

Finding the provenance links

If you have not followed the tutorial above, make sure you check out and build the paq branch from to include the PROV-AQ Link headers.


Example of using PROV-AQ






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