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JS SourceMaps for Perl

Since everyone deploys minified/combined wads of JS goo, debugging errors in the field can be a bitch. The idea behind sourcemaps is to provide a way for web developers to debug their code once deployed. Sourcemaps provide a compact index into the minified source that lets you map the file/line/col given to you in a JS runtime error thrown by your minified JS back into the real file/line/col in your source code.

A decent albeit dated tutorial can be found here:

The use case for this module is a server-side component in Perl that receives JS runtime error information somehow from a web application's JS front end. You generally have the source map available on the server already but there is a discover function in JS::SourceMap that will search JS code for a pointer to its source map as per convention. You'll have to fetch the URL that discover finds yourself, though.

This module is inspired by It hews fairly closely to that implementation. I brought over all of the same test inputs (t/fixtures) and all of the tests that made sense (no iterators in Perl).


Module github repo: Feel free to open issues there if you find them. The module is also available on CPAN.


It's the usual deal:

$ perl Makefile.PL
$ make
$ make test
$ [ `uname` != OpenBSD ] && alias doas=sudo # doesn't everyone do this?
$ doas make install


Please read the JS::SourceMap POD, but in a nutshell:

# args: mapfile line col
# output: line col sourcefile
use JS::SourceMap;

$map = JS::SourceMap::load(shift(@ARGV)) or die "bad map";
$token = $map->lookup(@ARGV) or die "line/col out of bounds";
print sprintf("%d %d %s\n",$token->src_line,$token->src_col,$token->src);

The web is a scary place. Enjoy.