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Releases: stan-dev/bayesplot

bayesplot v1.3.0

07 Aug 21:17
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Release notes

(GitHub issue/PR numbers in parentheses)

The biggest change is:

  • bayesplot::theme_default is now set as the default ggplot2 plotting theme
    when bayesplot is loaded instead of hardcoded for each plot. This makes
    changing the default theme using ggplot2::theme_set possible.
    Thanks to @gavinsimpson. (#87)

Some minor changes:

  • mcmc_hist and mcmc_hist_by_chain now take a freq argument that defaults
    to TRUE (behavior is like freq argument to R's hist function).
  • Using a ts object for y in PPC plots no longer results in an error. Thanks
    to @helske. (#94)
  • mcmc_intervals doesn't use round lineends anymore as they slightly
    exaggerate the width of the intervals. Thanks to @tjmahr. (#96)

bayesplot v1.2.0

14 Apr 20:18
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bayesplot v1.2.0 is now on CRAN and can be installed with install.packages("bayesplot").
There is a lot of new stuff in this release!

Release notes

(GitHub issue/PR numbers in parentheses)


  • Avoid error in some cases when divergences is specified in call to
    mcmc_trace but there are not actually any divergent transitions.
  • The merge_chains argument to mcmc_nuts_energy now defaults to FALSE.

New features in existing functions

  • For mcmc_* functions, transformations are recycled if transformations
    argument is specified as a single function rather than a named list. Thanks to @tklebel. (#64)
  • For ppc_violin_grouped there is now the option of showing y as a violin,
    points, or both. Thanks to @silberzwiebel. (#74)
  • color_scheme_get now has an optional argument i for selecting only a
    subset of the colors.
  • New color schemes: darkgray, orange, viridis, viridisA, viridisB, viridisC.
    The viridis schemes are better than the other schemes for trace plots (the
    colors are very distinct from each other).

New functions

  • mcmc_pairs, which is essentially a ggplot2+grid implementation of rstan's
    pairs.stanfit method. (#67)
  • mcmc_hex, which is similar to mcmc_scatter but using geom_hex instead of
    geom_point. This can be used to avoid overplotting. (#67)
  • overlay_function convenience function. Example usage: add a Gaussian (or any
    distribution) density curve to a plot made with mcmc_hist.
  • mcmc_recover_scatter and mcmc_recover_hist, which are similar to mcmc_recover_intervals and compare estimates to "true" values used to simulate data. (#81, #83)
  • New PPC category Discrete with functions:
    • ppc_rootogram for use with models for count data. Thanks to @paul-buerkner. (#28)
    • ppc_bars, ppc_bars_grouped for use with models for ordinal, categorical
      and multinomial data. Thanks to @silberzwiebel. (#73)
  • New PPC category LOO (thanks to suggestions from @avehtari) with functions:
    • ppc_loo_pit for assessing the calibration of marginal predictions. (#72)
    • ppc_loo_intervals, ppc_loo_ribbon for plotting intervals of the LOO predictive distribution. (#72)

bayesplot v1.1.0

20 Dec 19:22
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bayesplot v1.1.0 is now on CRAN and can be installed using install.packages("bayesplot").

Release notes

(GitHub issue/PR numbers in parentheses)


  • Images in vignettes should now render properly using png device. Thanks to
    TJ Mahr. (#51)
  • xaxis_title(FALSE) and yaxis_title(FALSE) now set axis titles to NULL
    rather than changing theme elements to element_blank(). This makes it easier
    to add axis titles to plots that don’t have them by default. Thanks to Bill
    Harris. (#53)

New Features

  • Introduce ppc_error_hist_grouped for plotting predictive errors
    by level of a grouping variable. (#40)
  • Introduce mcmc_recover_intervals for comparing MCMC estimates to "true"
    parameter values used to simulate the data. (#56)
  • Add argument divergences to mcmc_trace function. For models fit using
    HMC/NUTS this can be used to display divergences as a rug at the bottom of the
    trace plot. (#42)
  • Introduce bayesplot_grid function for juxtaposing plots and enforcing shared
    axis limits. (#59)
  • The stat argument for all ppc_stat_* functions now accepts a function
    instead of only the name of a function. (#31)

Initial CRAN release

18 Nov 23:54
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[ci skip]

Beta Release

31 Oct 15:15
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Beta Release Pre-release

To install this beta release of the bayespot package you will also need the preview version of the
upcoming ggplot2 update (not the CRAN version):

if (!require("devtools"))

devtools::install_github("stan-dev/bayesplot", build_vignettes = TRUE)