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OSDI 2020 Experiments

This document describes how to run the main experiments in the OSDI 2020 paper.


Software Dependencies

Gavel is implemented in Python. We have tested Gavel's simulator on Ubuntu 16.04 with Python 3.8; this can be installed using Miniconda.

Required software dependencies can be installed using,

apt-get -y install cmake g++ gcc libnuma-dev make numactl zlib1g-dev
pip install -r scheduler/requirements.txt
cd scheduler; make

These software dependencies have already been installed on the following AMI on Amazon EC2,

Field Value
Cloud Provider AWS
Region us-east-1
AMI ID ami-03e41a79bb745ce18
AMI Name gavel

See this link for how to find and launch a public AMI (this assumes you have a valid billable AWS account setup).

Data for Physical Cluster Experiments

Data for the workloads used in the physical cluster experiments are available in the gavel AMI available on Amazon EC2.

Reproducing Experiments

Gavel's heterogeneity-aware policies and scheduling mechanism can be evaluated either in simulation or on a physical cluster.

The evaluation in the paper largely shows results on a simulated cluster. We provide a JSON file with measured throughputs for the target workloads used in our experiments at simulation_throughputs.json. Experiments are run from the scheduler/ sub-directory.

We also include instructions on how to deploy Gavel on a small physical cluster.

Figure 8: Least Attained Service Policy on Continuous-Single Trace

To reproduce Figure 8 in the paper (that is, evaluate variants of the LAS policy (max_min_fairness*) in simulation), one can use the following command line (this sweep script runs the different policies for multiple traces, generated using different seeds and Poisson arrival rates on a cluster with 36 V100 GPUs, 36 P100 GPUs, and 36 K80 GPUs):

python -u scripts/sweeps/ -s 4000 -e 5000 -l /path/to/log/directory -j 24 -p allox gandiva max_min_fairness max_min_fairness_perf max_min_fairness_packed --seeds 0 1 2 -c 36:36:36 -a 0.0 -b 6.0 -n 16

The output of this script looks like this:

>> python -u scripts/sweeps/ -s 4000 -e 5000 -l test_logs -j 6 -p allox gandiva max_min_fairness max_min_fairness_perf --seeds 42 1234 15 -c 36:36:36 -a 0.0 -b 6.0 -n 16
[2020-09-03 17:17:49.260052] Running 180 total experiment(s)...
[2020-09-03 17:17:49.535227] [Experiment ID:  0] Configuration: cluster_spec=v100:36|p100:36|k80:36, policy=AlloX_Perf, seed=42, lam=9000.000000, profiling_percentage=1.000000, num_reference_models=26
[2020-09-03 17:17:49.600210] [Experiment ID:  1] Configuration: cluster_spec=v100:36|p100:36|k80:36, policy=AlloX_Perf, seed=1234, lam=9000.000000, profiling_percentage=1.000000, num_reference_models=26
[2020-09-03 17:17:49.699429] [Experiment ID:  2] Configuration: cluster_spec=v100:36|p100:36|k80:36, policy=AlloX_Perf, seed=15, lam=9000.000000, profiling_percentage=1.000000, num_reference_models=26
[2020-09-03 17:17:49.727137] [Experiment ID:  4] Configuration: cluster_spec=v100:36|p100:36|k80:36, policy=AlloX_Perf, seed=1234, lam=4500.000000, profiling_percentage=1.000000, num_reference_models=26
[2020-09-03 17:17:49.826323] [Experiment ID:  3] Configuration: cluster_spec=v100:36|p100:36|k80:36, policy=AlloX_Perf, seed=42, lam=4500.000000, profiling_percentage=1.000000, num_reference_models=26
[2020-09-03 17:17:49.875449] [Experiment ID:  5] Configuration: cluster_spec=v100:36|p100:36|k80:36, policy=AlloX_Perf, seed=15, lam=4500.000000, profiling_percentage=1.000000, num_reference_models=26
[2020-09-03 17:21:27.936718] [Experiment ID:  3] Results: average JCT=59770.441018, utilization=0.121262
[2020-09-03 17:21:28.072957] [Experiment ID:  6] Configuration: cluster_spec=v100:36|p100:36|k80:36, policy=AlloX_Perf, seed=42, lam=3000.000000, profiling_percentage=1.000000, num_reference_models=26
[2020-09-03 17:21:30.507841] [Experiment ID:  4] Results: average JCT=64695.450528, utilization=0.123312
[2020-09-03 17:21:30.639389] [Experiment ID:  7] Configuration: cluster_spec=v100:36|p100:36|k80:36, policy=AlloX_Perf, seed=1234, lam=3000.000000, profiling_percentage=1.000000, num_reference_models=26
[2020-09-03 17:21:31.027912] [Experiment ID:  5] Results: average JCT=55072.401336, utilization=0.121365
[2020-09-03 17:21:31.161566] [Experiment ID:  8] Configuration: cluster_spec=v100:36|p100:36|k80:36, policy=AlloX_Perf, seed=15, lam=3000.000000, profiling_percentage=1.000000, num_reference_models=26
[2020-09-03 17:21:54.980905] [Experiment ID:  2] Results: average JCT=54834.129989, utilization=0.060839
[2020-09-03 17:22:00.203122] [Experiment ID:  1] Results: average JCT=64494.582453, utilization=0.061878
[2020-09-03 17:22:01.456350] [Experiment ID:  0] Results: average JCT=59492.106756, utilization=0.060797

This script can take on the order of hours to complete for most of the datapoints, and a couple of days for the tail; we suggest using tmux. The max_min_fairness_packed policy is particularly slow, and can be ommited to start to get results quickly. There are a couple of different ways to obtain results quicker: a) use a smaller cluster (e.g., 16 GPUs of each type, controlled by the -c argument), and consequently with a smaller range of input job rates (controlled by -a and -b command line arguments), b) use a fewer number of seeds, c) sweep fewer input job rates (controlled by the -n argument), d) adjust the -s and -e arguments, which control the size of the trace, and the size of the set of jobs of interest (e.g., -s 2000 -e 3000).

NOTE: Do not let this script run for an unbounded amount of time: traces with really high input rates will never finish, since the input rate is higher than the average rate the cluster can complete jobs. As a result, average job completion time for these traces is infinity (jobs never complete).

Some policies might need to be run for higher input job rates as well. Our experiments were run using seeds 0, 1, and 2; results with other seeds should look similar (and we encourage using different seeds).

scheduler/notebooks/figures/evaluation/continuous_jobs.ipynb contains code to parse the resulting logs and produce graphs (can be run using jupyter notebook). The notebook should use the appropriate log_directory used in the above command line.

Notebooks can be used to view the results of in-progress runs -- the sweep script can be killed once sufficient points are run. The script can be used to clean up really large logfiles that have not completed -- this will speed up the plotting scripts.

Figure 9: Least Attained Service Policy on Continuous-Multiple Trace

To reproduce Figure 9, one can use the following command line (use a different log directory for each figure):

python -u scripts/sweeps/ -s 4000 -e 5000 -l /path/to/log/directory -j 24 -p gandiva max_min_fairness max_min_fairness_perf max_min_fairness_packed --seeds 0 1 2 -c 36:36:36 -a 0.0 -b 3.0 -n 11 --generate-multi-gpu-jobs

scheduler/notebooks/figures/evaluation/continuous_jobs_multigpu.ipynb contains relevant parsing and plotting code. As before, max_min_fairness_packed takes the longest time and can be omitted to obtain results quicker.

Figure 10: Finish Time Fairness Policy on Continuous-Multiple Trace

To reproduce Figure 10, one can use the following command line:

python -u scripts/sweeps/ -s 4000 -e 5000 -l /path/to/log/directory -j 24 -p finish_time_fairness finish_time_fairness_perf --seeds 0 1 2 -c 36:36:36 -a 0.0 -b 3.0 -n 11 --generate-multi-gpu-jobs

Relevant parsing and plotting code is in the scheduler/notebooks/figures/evaluation/continuous_jobs_multigpu.ipynb notebook.

Makespan Policy on Static-Multiple Trace

To reproduce the makespan policy results:

python -u scripts/sweeps/ -l /path/to/log/directory -j 24 -p gandiva min_total_duration min_total_duration_perf min_total_duration_packed fifo gandiva --seeds 0 1 2 -c 36:36:36 -a 0 -b 500 -n 6 --generate-multi-gpu-jobs

Parsing and plotting code is in the scheduler/notebooks/figures/evaluation/makespan.ipynb notebook.

Figure 11: Multi-Level Fairness Policy

The code for the simulation shown in Figure 11 is in scheduler/notebooks/figures/evaluation/hierarchical.ipynb.

Figure 12: Policy Runtime Scaling

Policy runtimes can be measured using the following command:

python scripts/microbenchmarks/ -n 32 64 128 256 512 1024 2048 -p max_min_fairness_perf max_min_fairness_packed max_min_fairness_water_filling max_min_fairness_water_filling_packed --num_trials 3

This script prints some comma-separated values to stdout -- these values should be copied into a file for the plotting script to work.

scheduler/notebooks/figures/evaluation/policy_runtimes.ipynb contains relevant parsing and plotting code.

Figure 13: Efficacy of Scheduling Mechanism

The time proportions returned by the policy can be used directly to grant jobs times on each resource type between "reset events" -- this is a useful comparison for our scheduling mechanism. This "ideal" scheduling mechanism can be run for a given policy and trace by appending the --ideal argument to any of the sweep commands above (Figures 9 or 10) -- in our experiment, we used the max_min_fairness policy.

Concretely, one can run:

python -u scripts/sweeps/ -s 4000 -e 5000 -l /path/to/log/directory -j 24 -p allox gandiva max_min_fairness max_min_fairness_perf max_min_fairness_packed --seeds 0 1 2 -c 36:36:36 -a 0.0 -b 6.0 -n 16 --ideal

The round durations used by the scheduling mechanism can be similarly studied by using the -i argument -- the default used is 360 seconds, but other round durations can be used as well. For example, to use 720 seconds:

python -u scripts/sweeps/ -s 4000 -e 5000 -l /path/to/log/directory -j 24 -p allox gandiva max_min_fairness max_min_fairness_perf max_min_fairness_packed --seeds 0 1 2 -c 36:36:36 -a 0.0 -b 6.0 -n 16 -i 720

Physical Cluster

In a physical cluster, Gavel is comprised of a centralized scheduler (deployed on a separate scheduling server) and workers (each worker has 1 or more GPUs). Jobs are submitted to the scheduler. The scheduler then computes a heterogeneity-aware allocation for each active job using its policy framework. It then uses its round-based scheduling mechanism to determine how to grant resources to jobs.

We provide scripts to launch both the scheduler and workers. Make sure software dependencies are installed on the scheduler and workers, as described above. To launch the scheduler, use scripts/drivers/ as follows:

python scripts/drivers/ \
  --trace traces/physical_cluster/artifact_evaluation.trace \
  --seed 0 \
  --solver ECOS \
  --throughputs_file physical_cluster_throughputs.json \
  --time_per_iteration 360 \
  --policy min_total_duration_perf \
  --expected_num_workers 6

Running this command will start the scheduler and log the IP address the server is running with. Using this IP address, we can launch a worker as follows:

python \
  -t [WORKER_TYPE] \
  -i [IP_ADDRESS] -s 50060 -w 50061 -g [NUM_GPUS_ON_WORKER] \
  --run_dir /path/to/gavel/workloads/pytorch \
  --data_dir /path/to/data \
  --checkpoint_dir /path/to/checkpoints

This should be done for all workers in the cluster - for V100 GPUs use 'v100' as the worker type, and for K80 GPUs use 'k80'.

The included trace for artifact evaluation should complete in about 2 hours using a cluster size of 6 GPUs (2 V100s and 4 K80s), and is intended merely to show that the infrastructure required to deploy Gavel in a physical cluster is included; actually replicating the physical cluster experiments shown in the paper will require more resources for a much longer duration.

Measuring Overhead of Running Jobs with Gavel's Preemptive Scheduler

The following commands can be used to measure the overhead of Gavel's preemptive scheduler. These require only a single GPU.

The first script sweeps through all model types and runs each model for 10 rounds in configurations with and without lease extensions. It saves job timelines into the specified directory.

python scripts/microbenchmarks/ \
  --timeline_dir /path/to/timelines \
  --run_dir /path/to/gavel/workloads/pytorch \
  --data_dir /path/to/data \
  --checkpoint_dir /path/to/checkpoints

The next script parses the saved timelines and computes the overhead.

python scripts/utils/ \
  --timeline_dir /path/to/timelines