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Notes from the fastai book

Some random stuff

  • Criticism that deep learning is 'blackbox' couldn't be further from the truth.
  • Non-images can be represented as images, and those images can be used in image classification. Problems deal with non-images such as sound, time series, and mouse movement were converted into images and deep learning showed SOTA or near-SOTA performances.
  • Start blogging. It's like a resume, only better.

L1 and L2 norm

  • L1 norm (Mean Absolute Value): absolute value of differences -> mean of it
  • L2 norm (RMSE): square of differences -> mean of it -> square root of it
  • Difference between L1 norm and MSE: latter penalizes bigger mistakes more heavily and is more lenient with small mistakes.

PyTorch Autograd

  • In autograd, if any input tensor of an operation has requires_grad=True, the computation will be tracked.
x = torch.tensor([3., 4.]).requires_grad_()
tensor([3., 4.], requires_grad=True)
def f(x): return (x**2).sum()
y = f(x)
tensor(25., grad_fn=<SumBackward0>)
tensor([6., 8.])
  • 덧셈노드의 역전파는 상류의 값을 그대로 하류로 흘려보냄. 따라서 2를 곱해주기만 하면 됨.
  • 그런데 2를 곱해줘야 한다는 정보는 어디에 저장? grad_fn=<PowBackward0>에?
  • 여러 operation을 한꺼번에 한 경우 마지막 operation의 grad_fn만 보이는듯.
  • power operation 이후 addition operation을 하니 grad_fn으로 <SumBackward0>만 찍힘.
x = torch.tensor([3., 4.]).requires_grad_()
tensor([3., 4.], requires_grad=True)
def f(x): return torch.mul(*(x**2))
y = f(x)
tensor(144., grad_fn=<MulBackward0>)
tensor([96., 72.])
  • 곱셈노드의 역전파는 순전파 때의 값을 서로 바꿔 곱해 하류로 흘려보냄.
  • 6*16=96, 8*9=72
  • 9, 16의 정보는 grad_fn=<MulBackward0>에 저장해두나봄.


  • Loss is a whatever function we've decided to use to optimize the parameters of our model.
  • Accuracy is not useful as loss function. It's about either being right or wrong. Derivative of accuracy is nil everywhere and infinity at the threshold. Loss must be a function that has a meaningful derivative.

Why use deeper models?

  • Performance. Deeper model means less parameters, and less parameters mean that model trains more quickly and needs less memory.


def softmax(x): return exp(x) / exp(x).sum()
  • Taking exponential ensures all our numbers are positive.
  • Dividing by the sum ensures all our numbers add up to 1.

Early stopping is unlikely to give the best result

  • Because by the time training is stopped by early stopping, learning rate hasn't reach the small values.
  • Instead, retrain from scratch, and this time select a total number of epochs based on where the previous best result were.

Sigmoid+BCE, Softmax+CE, MSE

  • Sigmoid+BCE: nn.BCEWithLogitsLoss
    • $y = \frac{1}{1+\exp(-x)}$, $L = -(t \cdot \log (y) + (1-t) \cdot \log (1-y))$
    • $\frac{\partial y}{\partial x} = y(1-y)$, $\frac{\partial L}{\partial y} = - \frac{y}{y} + \frac{1-t}{1-y}$
    • $\frac{\partial L}{\partial y} = y-t$
  • Softmax+CE: nn.CrossEntropyLoss = nn.LogSoftmax + nn.NLLLoss(Negative Log Likelihood Loss)
  • MSE: nn.MSELoss
    • $L = \frac{1}{2}(t_1 - x_1)^2 + \frac{1}{2}(t_2 - x_2)^2$
    • $\frac{\partial L}{\partial x_1} = 2 \cdot \frac{1}{2} (t_1 - x_1) \cdot (-1) + 0 = x_1-t_1$
  • Both have output - target as backprop.

Mixup and label-smoothing

  • Model output always goes through sigmoid or softmax -- is never exactly 0 or 1.
  • Mixup and label-smoothing solve it, since their targets are somewhere between 0 and 1.
  • You won't generally see significant improvements from mixup and label-smoothing until later epochs.

Weight decay (L2 regularization)

  • Adds the sum of all weights squared to the loss function.
  • The idea behind it is that it encourages the weights to be small, because larger coefficients leads to sharper canyons in the loss function.
loss = loss + weight_decay_rate*(parameters**2).sum()
  • Above is effectively the same as below:
parameters.grad += weight_decay_rate * (2*parameters)

Bagging and random forest

  • Bagging: averaging models
  • Feeding random subset of data to multiple models and averaging them -- bagging -- shows better performance.
  • Also using random subset of features (or columns, as they say in traditional machine learning community) along with bagging is called random forest.
  • OOB(Out-of-Bag) error: metric of model calculated by using unused data from bagging -- which I guess is kinda like cross-validation error, but for random forest.
  • Random forests are resilient to overfitting, and do not require much of hyperparameter tuning.
  • One shortcoming of trees in general is that they cannot predict values outside the range of training data.

Boosting and gradient boosting

  • Boosting: adding models
  • Gradient Boosting Machines utilize multiple underfitting models on top of each other, each feeding from residual data of previous underfitting model.
  • GBMs overfit easily.