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Safe v0.7.0

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@jhunt jhunt released this 03 Apr 21:38
· 279 commits to master since this release

New Features

  • safe local will spin a Vault server for you, initialize and
    unseal it, and target it seamlessly. You can opt for transient
    local vaults via safe local --memory or more durable vaults
    via safe local --file path/to/store. You can name your local
    vaults, but safe took a creative writing course and it itching
    to use its newfound list of adjectives and nouns!

  • safe target and safe targets now support a --json flag,
    for getting target information in a script-parseable format.

  • Targets can now be specified by URL. If you have multiple
    aliases for the same Vault (i.e. for specifying different auth
    parameters), you must use the aliases, since safe can't
    figure out which target you truly meant.