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File metadata and controls

155 lines (114 loc) · 3.63 KB


a control which extends Text and can use awesome font icon for JavaFx/Tornadofx

This liarbay includes the materical icon from Material Design,it has 5000+ icons.

You can download the icon-preview.html to see the icon.


Usage in TornadoFx

1.Import depdendency


open the setting.xml file and add following code


add the dependency in your pom.xml

Input the late-version,please look the jitpack picture to get the late version



Step 1. Add the JitPack repository to your build file

Add it in your root build.gradle at the end of repositories:

allprojects {
	repositories {
		maven { url '' }

Step 2. Add the dependency

dependencies {
	implementation 'com.github.Stars-One:IconTextFx:late-version'


There is 3 parmas for it.All of them is String.

name descption example
iconName the name of icon account,you can see more in the icon-preview.html file
size the size of icon accept number with unit,like 1px,1em...
color the color of icon accept hex color value or color name,like #f391c8,red...

Use in JavaFx


click and download this jar



You can use the MaterialDesignIconText or MaterialDesignIconTextFactory to get the icon text control.

like this:

MaterialDesignIconText iconText = new MaterialDesignIconText("account");
//set the color
//set the size

The parameter is same as the above-mentioned table.

Advanced Usage


when you want to get more icon text,you can use this factory to get the icon text.

like this:

//want to get a icon by icon name
val icon = MaterialDesignIconTextFactory.getIconText("account")

//want to get icons with a list saving more icon name
val dataList = arraylistof("account","close")
val icons = MaterialDesignIconTextFactory.getIconTextList(dataList)

//want to get all icons
val icons = MaterialDesignIconTextFactory.getIconTextALL()


you can use this to load your custom tff file and show the icon font.

val iconText = IconText(new FileInputStream(File("D:\\xx.ttf")),'\ue001')

val iconText = IconText("/ttf/xx.ttf),'\ue001')

Note: the method of setColor and setSize are same as the above-mentioned table.

Main Code Analysis

How to accomlish a icon text?It's so easy.

  1. load the tff file
  2. get the unicode
  3. set unicoe to the text control

like following code:

text {
	font = loadFont("/ttf/MaterialDesignIconsDesktop.ttf", 20)
	text = '\ue001'.toChar().toString()
	style {
		fontSize = 2.em
		fill = c("red")

it's same as when you use javafx.


In fact,the most unicode value is a hex data.For example,'\ue001' mapping the hex data 0xe001
