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File metadata and controls

152 lines (121 loc) · 4.5 KB

startupjs offline


Startupjs offline creates an additional Thread (a la WebWorker) in background.

This thread has (we will call it offline backend):

  1. sharedb backend
  2. mingo
  3. async-storage (to store data)

Client sharedb connection is also modified. It can communicate with regular web server (via websocket) and with the thread offline-"backend". So, if web-server is available the client connects to the web-server otherwise it connects to offline server. Moreover going offline the socket copy all the current client sharedb data into the offline-server. Reconnecting it synchronizes data back from 'offline'-server to 'online'.

Also the offline-backend allows to have "readonly collections". F.e. it could be metadata about games, stages, exercises etc. To have the data prefetched on the client in case the user is offline.

Possible scenarios

Serverless app

We can create mobile apps without server storing all the data in the "offline"-backend. Pros here is that we can use our tech-stack without any changes: sharedb, mongo etc.

App with offline mode

We can design our app for full featured offline mode. The main task is to design it the way to have all the necessary data in offline. So, developer should decide which data should be read-only (usually it's necessary resources like game/stage/exercise metadata) and provide sincronization/update code (see example int the last section).


step 0

Create your app using

npx startupjs init myapp -v latest

step 1

Install offline required packages

yarn add @startupjs/offline @react-native-community/async-storage
npx rn-nodeify --hack --install "stream,buffer,process" --yarn

step 2

Modify project

add to index.js in the root of your app

import './shim' // the first line in the file

add to App.js

import offlineInitPlugin from '@startupjs/offline/lib/offlineInitPlugin'

 * All params are optional
 * @param subscribeDoc fn take collectionName, docId  - we need this to count refs and load/unload docs correctly
 * @param unsubscribeDoc fn take collectionName, docId - we need this to count refs and load/unload docs correctly
 * @param options.readOnlyCollections [String] - an array of names of collections with readonly data
const socketParams = {
  // ...

init({ baseUrl: BASE_URL, orm, plugins: [offlineInitPlugin], socketParams })

create worker.thread.js in the root of your app

import './shim'
import '@startupjs/offline/lib/offlineThread'

create react-native.config.js in the root of your app

// react-native.config.js
module.exports = {
  dependencies: {
    'react-native-threads': {
      platforms: {
        android: null, // disable Android platform, other platforms will still autolink if provided

step 3

Manually link react-native-threads for android

Open up android/app/src/main/java/[...]/

Add the lines

import com.reactlibrary.RNThreadPackage;
import com.reactnativecommunity.asyncstorage.AsyncStoragePackage;

to the imports at the top of the file

Add packages.add(new RNThreadPackage(mReactNativeHost, new AsyncStoragePackage())); to getPackages method before return.

Append the following lines to android/settings.gradle:

include ':react-native-threads'
project(':react-native-threads').projectDir = new File(rootProject.projectDir, '../node_modules/react-native-threads/android')

Insert the following lines inside the dependencies block in android/app/build.gradle:

  implementation project(':react-native-threads')

Just in case take a look here - and here - joltup/react-native-threads#79

How to upload/update readonly collections into thread

  const collections = {
     'games': {
       'id1': { /* */ }, /** doc as in mongo like in the comment
       'id2': { /* */ }  /**

  // doc example
  // {
  //   	"_id" : "65e74553-c7d7-4ace-9e1a-68b4e4600e62",
  // 	"name" : "",
  // 	"title" : "",
  // 	"_type" : "",
  // 	"_v" : 1,
  // 	"_m" : {
  // 		"ctime" : 1560842384760,
  // 		"mtime" : 1560842384760
  // 	},
  // 	"_o" : ObjectId("5d089090b49a8f7740f4a77d")
  // }

  // rm all the previous content of "games" and fill it with the new docs
  await'updateDocumentsFull', collections )
  // await model.connection.socket....
  // need to check