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Stash Catalog

Stash Catalog - Catalog of Stash Addons


$ helm repo add appscode
$ helm repo update
$ helm search repo appscode/stash-catalog --version=v2022.05.18
$ helm upgrade -i stash-catalog appscode/stash-catalog -n stash --create-namespace --version=v2022.05.18


This chart deploys Stash catalog on a Kubernetes cluster using the Helm package manager.


  • Kubernetes 1.14+

Installing the Chart

To install/upgrade the chart with the release name stash-catalog:

$ helm upgrade -i stash-catalog appscode/stash-catalog -n stash --create-namespace --version=v2022.05.18

The command deploys Stash catalog on the Kubernetes cluster in the default configuration. The configuration section lists the parameters that can be configured during installation.

Tip: List all releases using helm list

Uninstalling the Chart

To uninstall the stash-catalog:

$ helm uninstall stash-catalog -n stash

The command removes all the Kubernetes components associated with the chart and deletes the release.


The following table lists the configurable parameters of the stash-catalog chart and their default values.

Parameter Description Default
registryFQDN Docker registry fqdn used to pull Stash related images. Set this to use docker registry hosted at ${registryFQDN}/${registry}/${image} ""
image.registry Docker registry used to pull Postgres addon image ""
waitTimeout Number of seconds to wait for the database to be ready before backup/restore process. 300
elasticsearch.enabled If true, deploys Elasticsearch addon true
elasticsearch.backup.args Arguments to pass to multielasticdump command during backup process ""
elasticsearch.restore.args Arguments to pass to multielasticdump command during restore process ""
mariadb.enabled If true, deploys MariaDB addon true
mariadb.backup.args Arguments to pass to mariadbdump command during bakcup process "--all-databases"
mariadb.restore.args Arguments to pass to mariadb command during restore process ""
mongodb.enabled If true, deploys MongoDB addon true
mongodb.maxConcurrency Maximum concurrency to perform backup or restore tasks 3
mongodb.backup.args Arguments to pass to mongodump command during backup process ""
mongodb.restore.args Arguments to pass to mongorestore command during restore process ""
mysql.enabled If true, deploys MySQL addon true
mysql.backup.args Arguments to pass to mysqldump command during bakcup process "--all-databases"
mysql.restore.args Arguments to pass to mysql command during restore process ""
perconaxtradb.enabled If true, deploys Percona XtraDB addon true
perconaxtradb.backup.args Arguments to pass to mysqldump command during bakcup process "--all-databases"
perconaxtradb.backup.socatRetry Optional argument sent to backup script 30
perconaxtradb.restore.args Arguments to pass to mysql command during restore process ""
perconaxtradb.restore.targetAppReplicas Optional argument sent to recovery script 1
postgres.enabled If true, deploys PostgreSQL addon true
postgres.backup.cmd Postgres dump command, can either be: pg_dumpall or pg_dump "pg_dumpall"
postgres.backup.args Arguments to pass to backup.cmd command during backup process ""
postgres.restore.args Arguments to pass to psql command during restore process ""
redis.enabled If true, deploys Redis addon true
redis.backup.args Arguments to pass to redis-dump command during bakcup process ""
redis.restore.args Arguments to pass to redis command during restore process ""
nats.enabled If true, deploys NATS addon true
nats.backup.args Arguments to pass to nats str backup command during backup process ""
nats.backup.streams List of streams to backup. Don't set this field if you want to backup all streams. ""
nats.restore.args Arguments to pass to nats str restore command during restore process ""
nats.restore.streams List of streams to restore. Don't set this field if you want to restore all the backed up streams. ""
nats.restore.overwrite Specify whether to delete the old stream before restoring from backup. false
etcd.enabled If true, deploys ETCD addon true
etcd.backup.args Arguments to pass to etcdctl save command during backup process ""
etcd.restore.args Arguments to pass to etcdctl restore command during restore process ""
etcd.restore.initialCluster List of the peers used to bootstrap the ETCD cluster ""
etcd.restore.initialClusterToken Initial token used for the ETCD cluster ""
etcd.restore.dataDir Directory where the ETCD stores its data for persistence ""
etcd.restore.workloadKind Kind of the workload used to deploy the ETCD cluster (i.e. StatefulSet) ""
etcd.restore.workloadName Name of the workload used to deploy the ETCD cluster ""
kubedump.enabled If true, deploy kubedump addon true
kubedump.backup.sanitize Specify whether to remove the decorator true
kubedump.backup.labelSelector Specify label selector to filter resources ""
kubedump.backup.includeDependants Specify whether to include the dependants resources along with it's parent false

Specify each parameter using the --set key=value[,key=value] argument to helm upgrade -i. For example:

$ helm upgrade -i stash-catalog appscode/stash-catalog -n stash --create-namespace --version=v2022.05.18 --set waitTimeout=300

Alternatively, a YAML file that specifies the values for the parameters can be provided while installing the chart. For example:

$ helm upgrade -i stash-catalog appscode/stash-catalog -n stash --create-namespace --version=v2022.05.18 --values values.yaml