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react-app example

Example of using mock-server with a trivial react app created with create-react-app.

Run the example

git clone
cd mock-server/examples/react-app
yarn install
yarn start

yarn start will start, in parallel, create-react-app's development server and mock-server.

What happens in the example

When loaded, the app makes an http GET request to ${API_URL}/target. While waiting for the server response, the app shows the string Loading. When it receives the response it shows the greeting Hello ${target}!, target being the body of the response.

The value of API_URL can be configured by setting the REACT_APP_API_URL environment variable, and it defaults to http://localhost:3456, ie the address of the mock server. During development, you wouldn't set the environment variable, so that the app sends requests to the mock server. In staging/production instead you would set it to point to your staging/production server.

In the example, the following options are used when starting mock-server:

  • --watch: starts the server in watch mode; try to change the response in mock-server/target/get.js and reload the browser
  • --delay 1000: the server waits 1000ms before responding
  • --require @babel/register: allows to write handler files in ES201X