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Compact parallel hash tables for the GPU

This is a small header-only CUDA C++ library implementing compact GPU hash tables. There is currently a bucketed cuckoo and a 2-level iceberg table. More information can be found in and the conference paper Compact Parallel Hash Tables on the GPU to be presented at Euro-Par 2024.


As this is a header-only library, it suffices to copy the include directory.


Host-side API

The snippet below creates an iceberg table with 16 bit slots in both levels, with 2^10 primary buckets of 32 slots, and 2^7 secondary buckets of 16 slots, and find-or-puts some keys.

#include "iceberg.cuh"


auto table = Iceberg<uint16_t, 32, uint16_t, 16>(20, 10, 7);
table.find_or_put(keys_start, keys_end, results);

A full example can be found in the examples directory.

The library contains default permutation functions. It is possible to pass a custom permutation function as an extra template argument. See include/iceberg.cuh and include/quotient.cuh.

Device-side API

Some documentation (especially for device-side usage) is provided in the comments in include/cuckoo.cuh and include/iceberg.cuh. The test cases therein may be useful examples as well.

Build instructions

This project was developed using GCC 10 and CUDA Toolkit 12, but should also work on more recent versions. It uses Thrust (included with the toolkit) and C++20 for convenience/readability. Both could be eliminated.

To compile the tests and benchmark suite, first make sure that the CUDA Toolkit in installed and that the environment is set up properly so that, in particular, the nvcc compiler is in the PATH. Then install Meson and Ninja and setup a build directory using

meson setup build -Dbuildtype=debugoptimized

The project can then be compiled with

meson compile -C build

For older versions of the CUDA Toolkit (12.0), the build fails because of warnings regarding CUB. The werror flag must then be disabled. This can be done by passing -Dwerror=true to the setup command above, or afterwards using

meson configure build -Dwerror=false


The tests can be run with

meson test -C build

The interface of the tests executable (built in the build directory) is automatically generated by doctest and has useful options. For example,

./build/tests -s

also reports passed tests (useful for debugging).


The benchmarks folder contains code for benchmark executables, as well as data generators. See for more details.

Implementation notes

These are key-only hash tables. The code can be used as a basis for key-value implementations.

As implemented, the number N of buckets in (each level of) the hash tables is always a power of 2. This slightly eases the implementation, as the address of a key is then the first log N bits of its permutation σ(k), and the remainder the other bits. More granular variation of N can be obtained by letting the address of k be σ(k) % N and the (unfortunately named) remainder N / σ(k).

The main algorithms are in include/cuckoo.cuh and include/iceberg.cuh.


Non-compact parallel bucketed Cuckoo hashing on the GPU is due to BGHT. Iceberg hashing is due to IcebergHT.

Parts of the implementation are inspired by CompactCuckoo and BGHT. In particular, the cooperative-group based approach from BGHT is used, and the default key permutation is (a one-round Feistel function) based on the hash family in BGHT for comparison purposes.


Compact parallel hash tables written in CUDA







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