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Add crowdin file (#262)
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gregory-latinier committed May 2, 2018
1 parent 0a34389 commit 8d03c18
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Showing 2 changed files with 245 additions and 0 deletions.
3 changes: 3 additions & 0 deletions crowdin.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
- source: /src/locales/default.json
translation: /src/locales/%locale%.json
242 changes: 242 additions & 0 deletions src/locales/default.json
@@ -0,0 +1,242 @@
"signup":"Sign up",
"email_address":"Your email here",
"error_invalid_email":"Please input your email address",
"error_empty_email":"Please input a valid email address",
"lp_hero_title":"Secure access to the Steem ecosystem",
"lp_hero_description":"Securely manage your wallet, check your activity, and connect to services without giving up your password.",
"lp_follow_us":"Follow us",
"lp_section_1_tag":"How it works",
"lp_section_1_title":"SteemConnect is an identity layer on top of the Steem blockchain that makes accounts secure",
"lp_section_2_tag":"Safe and secure",
"lp_section_2_title":"Your Steem keys have never been more safe",
"lp_section_2_description":"SteemConnect gives you full access to the Steem ecosystem without giving up your private keys. That’s right, never risk a malicious or incompetent 3rd party app getting your private keys again. SteemConnect acts as the identity layer in between that enables participation without vulnerability.",
"lp_section_3_tag":"Learn more",
"lp_section_3_title":"Join the community",
"lp_feature_1_title":"Find and use Steem apps",
"lp_feature_1_description":"Search and start using any app built on Steem within SteemConnect, no registration or signup required.",
"lp_feature_2_title":"Manage your Account",
"lp_feature_2_description":"All Steem ecosystem accounts are tied to your SteemConnect, so you can control credentials, signing keys, and everything else with one dashboard.",
"lp_feature_3_title":"Steem Wallet",
"lp_feature_3_description":"Check your Steem activity, check your balances, and send STEEM payments from your SteemConnect dashboard.",
"lp_opensource_title":"We’re open source",
"lp_opensource_description":"Check the GitHub repo and start contributing!",
"lp_opensource_button":"Check GitHub",
"lp_developers_title":"Build your app",
"lp_developers_description":"We make it easy to get started on Steem, so what are you waiting for?",
"lp_developers_button":"Start building",
"lp_subscribe_title":"Stay up to date",
"lp_subscribe_description":"SteemConnect is just getting started. Enter your email to get early access to project updates and SteemConnect itself!",
"lp_subscribe_button":"Get me access",
"lp_footer": "A Steemit Inc + Busy project",

"about_steemconnect": "About SteemConnect",
"account": "Account",
"account_recovered": "The account @{account} has been recovered",
"account_to_recover": "Account to recover",
"add_account": "Add an account",
"add_new_post": "Do you want to add new post?",
"api_methods": "API methods",
"app_description": "App Description",
"app_icon": "App Icon",
"app_name": "App Name",
"app_secured_by": "This application is secured by SteemConnect.",
"applications": "Applications",
"apps": "Apps",
"are_you_sure": "Are you sure?",
"auth_uri": "You must specify at least one URI for authentication to work. If you pass a URI in an OAuth request, it must exactly match one of the URIs you enter here.",
"authorize": "Authorize",
"authorize_question": "Do you want to authorize the application {username} to use your {role} role?",
"authorize_question_weight": "Do you want to authorize the application {username} to use your {role} role with a weight of {weight}?",
"authorize_login_question": "Do you want to authorize the application {username} to verify your Steem identity?",
"authorized_apps": "Authorized Apps",
"authorized_apps_list": "Here is a list of authorized application to use your account.",
"base_auth_url": "Base authorization URL",
"body": "Body",
"cancel": "Cancel",
"choose_account": "Choose an account",
"choose_username": "Choose an username for your application",
"click_here": "Click here",
"click_to_reveal": "click to reveal",
"client_id": "Client Id",
"client_secret": "Client Secret",
"confirm_operation_log_in": "Log in to confirm the operation",
"confirmation_operation": "Do you want to confirm this operation?",
"confirmation_operations": "Do you want to confirm theses operations?",
"congratulations": "Congratulations",
"continue": "Continue",
"copy_link": "Copy link",
"copy_link_subtitle": "Copy or try your generated link on SteemConnect",
"copy_success": "Link copied to your clipboard",
"create_account": "Create account",
"create_app": "Create App",
"create_app_fee": "You need to create a new Steem account for setup your application on SteemConnect. The current fee for create a new account is {fee}. Make sure you have enough funds on your account before proceed.",
"create_app_keys_1": "Be careful, the newly created Steem account will be managed by SteemConnect and",
"create_app_keys_2": "you will not have access to the account's password or other keys.",
"developers": "Developers",
"do_you_want": "Do you want to {button}?",
"edit": "Edit",
"error": "Error",
"error_404": "Looks like you followed a bad link. If you think this is a problem with SteemConnect, please tell us. Here's a link to the {link}.",
"error_account_not_found": "Account name is not found",
"error_account_recover_required": "Please input the account to recover",
"error_account_recovery_required": "Please input the recovery account username",
"error_amount_format": "Please type a valid amount, 12.123 STEEM or 12.123 SBD for example",
"error_amount_symbol": "Please select a valid symbol: STEEM or SBD",
"error_boolean_format": "Please input 'true' or 'false'",
"error_date_before_date": "{dateA} must be before {dateB}",
"error_date_format": "Please input a valid date using this format YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS",
"error_date_passed": "The date must be in the future",
"error_integer_format": "Please input an integer",
"error_invalid_scope": "The parameter scope contains one or more invalid scopes. It must be one of these values: {scopes}",
"error_tx_base64_encode": "The url parameter must be base64 encoded",
"error_tx_base64_json": "The url parameter must be an array of operations",
"error_tx_base64_required": "The url parameter is required",
"error_is_required": "{field} is required",
"error_json_valid": "{field} is not a JSON valid field",
"error_new_password_required": "Please input a new password",
"error_password_not_valid": "Password or key is not valid",
"error_password_required": "Please input your password or key",
"error_post_exist": "The post doesn't exist",
"error_recent_password_required": "Please input a recent password",
"error_request_validation": "Validation errors in your request!",
"error_required": "The field is required",
"error_url_format": "{url} is not a valid URL",
"error_user_equals": "The field '{field}' must be equal to either {userA} or {userB}",
"error_user_exist": "The user {user} doesn't exist",
"error_username_required": "Please input an username for your application",
"error_username_sign_required": "Please input your username",
"error_validation_account_alpha": "Account name should have only letters, digits, or dashes",
"error_validation_account_dash": "Account name should have only one dash in a row",
"error_validation_account_end": "Account name should end with a letter or digit",
"error_validation_account_max": "Account name should be shorter",
"error_validation_account_min": "Account name should be longer",
"error_validation_account_start": "Each account segment should start with a letter",
"error_validation_account_segment_alpha": "Each account segment should have only letters, digits, or dashes",
"error_validation_account_segment_dash": "Each account segment should have only one dash in a row",
"error_validation_account_segment_end": "Each account segment should end with a letter or digit",
"error_validation_account_segment_min": "Each account segment should be longer",
"error_validation_account_segment_start": "Each account segment should start with a letter",
"error_vests_format": "Please type a valid amount, 12.123 SP or 12.123456 VESTS for example",
"error_vests_symbol": "Please select a valid symbol: VESTS or SP",
"general_error" : "Oops! Something went wrong, open your console to see the error details.",
"general_error_short": "Oops! Something went wrong!",
"generate_link": "Generate link",
"generate_new_link": "Generate new link",
"gfl_subtitle": "Your SteemConnect link generator helper",
"gfl_title": "Generate hot signing link",
"go_back": "Go Back",
"hide": "hide",
"home_page": "home page",
"implementing_oauth2" : "Implementing OAuth2",
"implementing_oauth2_text": "The first step in implementing OAuth2 is {link}, and retrieving your client ID and client secret. The URLs for OAuth2 are as follows:",
"information": "Information",
"is_required": "is required",
"log_in": "Log in",
"log_out": "Log out",
"json_metadata": "Json Metadata",
"manage_visibility": "Manage the visibility of your application in SteemConnect App Store.",
"max_characters": "Maximum {characters} characters",
"next": "Next",
"new_apps": "New App",
"new_password": "New password",
"not_visible": "Not visible",
"my_apps": "My Apps",
"no": "No",
"oauth2": "OAuth2",
"operation_require_roles": "This operation requires your {roles} key or master password.",
"operation_require_signature": "This operation require a signature from the account creator.",
"operations": "operations",
"oops": "Oops!",
"or": "or",
"password": "Password",
"password_or_key": "Password or key",
"password_tip": "Write down your password and keep it somewhere very safe and secure.",
"permissions": "Permissions",
"permissions_list": "Here is a list of {username}'s account permissions.",
"posting": "posting",
"recent_password": "Recent password",
"recover": "Recover",
"recover_account": "Recover account",
"recovery_account": "Recovery account",
"redirect_ten_seconds": "If you are not redirected within 10 seconds",
"redirect_uris": "Redirect URI(s)",
"registering_app": "registering a developer application",
"reply_post": "Do you want to reply to {author}'s post?",
"request_account_recovery": "Request account recovery",
"require_account_recovery_link": "request account recovery",
"require_account_recovery_text": "It's required to {link} before going further.",
"required_authority": "Required authority",
"reset": "Reset",
"reset_secret_question": "Are you sure you want to reset your current client secret?",
"revocation_url": "Revocation URL",
"revoke": "Revoke",
"revoke_access_tokens_text": "You can revoke all OAuth tokens if you want to invalidate the access of any existing token for this Steem apps. You will have to grant permission again to use it.",
"revoke_access_tokens_question": "Do you want to revoke the tokens?",
"revoke_access_tokens_question_app": "Do you want to revoke the tokens of all the users of your application?",
"revoke_access_tokens": "Revoke tokens",
"revoke_all_oauth_token": "Revoke All OAuth Tokens",
"revoke_all_oauth_token_text": "You can revoke all OAuth tokens if you want to invalidate the access of any existing token Steem apps. You will have to grant permissions again to use them.",
"revoke_posting" : "Do you want to revoke the Steem account @{username} to use your {role} role?",
"save": "Save",
"search_placeholder": "Search Operation",
"select_operation": "Select operation",
"sign_in": "Sign In",
"something_users_trust": "Something users will recognize and trust",
"source_code": "source code",
"steem": "Steem",
"steem_tip": "Use the format '0.000 STEEM', the 3 decimals and unit are important.",
"steemconnect_website_confirm": "Confirm that you are on before entering your password",
"steemjs": "Steem.js",
"steemjs_doc": "This documentation is generated from Steem.js v{version} {source}. It include every {api} and every {operations}. You can click on \"Try it\" link and change default values with appropriate parameters to test them.",
"success": "Success",
"success_account_create": "The account @{account} has been successfully created",
"success_account_recovery_request": "Account recovery has been successfully requested",
"success_app_updated": "Your application has been successfully updated",
"success_operation_broadcasted": "The operation has been successfully broadcasted.",
"success_proxy_account": "The proxy account @{clientId} has been successfully created",
"success_revoke_app_tokens": "Tokens have been successfully deleted",
"success_secret_reset": "The client secret have been successfully reset",
"title": "Title",
"token_url": "Token URL",
"transaction_id": "Transaction id",
"try_again": "try again",
"try_it": "Try it",
"try_link": "Try link",
"use_another_account": "Use another account",
"username": "Username",
"vests": "Vests",
"vests_tip": "Use the format '0.000000 VESTS', the 6 decimals and unit are important.",
"visible": "Visible",
"website": "Website",
"yes": "Yes",
"you": "You",
"your_apps": "These are your apps.",

"account_witness_proxy_description": "Choose a proxy that will vote for witnesses for one account. This will reset the current account witness selection.",
"account_witness_vote_description": "Vote for a witness.",
"cancel_transfer_from_savings_description": "Cancel a withdrawal from the savings balance immediately.",
"claim_reward_balance_description": "Transfer author and curation rewards into STEEM, SBD and or VESTS balances.",
"comment_description": "Post or update a comment.",
"custom_json_description": "Add arbitrary authenticated JSON data to the blockchain.",
"delegate_vesting_shares_description": "This method delegates VESTS from one account to another.",
"delete_comment_description": "Delete a post or a comment. This operation is possible only if there is no active vote on the post or comment to be deleted.",
"escrow_approve_description": "Approve a proposed escrow transfer. Funds cannot be released until after approval. This is in lieu of requiring multi-sig on escrow_transfer.",
"escrow_dispute_description": "Raise a dispute on the escrow transfer before it expires.",
"escrow_release_description": "Release funds help in escrow.",
"escrow_transfer_description": "Transfer funds from one account to another using escrow. STEEM and SBD can be transferred.",
"follow_description": "Marks one account as following another account. Requires the posting authority of the follower.",
"mute_description": "Marks one account as ignoring another account.",
"profile_update_description": "Update account profile information.",
"reblog_description": "Publish in the timeline of one account a selected post of another account.",
"transfer_description": "Transfer funds from one account to another. STEEM and SBD can be transferred.",
"transfer_from_savings_description": "Withdrawing funds from savings, it takes 72 hours from the moment it has been initiated for the funds to become available.",
"transfer_to_savings_description": "Transfers into savings happen immediately, transfers from savings take 72 hours.",
"transfer_to_vesting_description": "Transfer STEEM into a vesting fund represented by vesting shares (VESTS). VESTS are required to vesting for a minimum of one coin year and can be withdrawn once a week over a 13 weeks withdraw period. VESTS are protected against dilution up until 90% of STEEM is vesting.",
"undelegate_vesting_shares_description": "This method retrieve delegated VESTS from one account to another.",
"unfollow_description": "Unmarks one account as following another account.",
"unmute_description": "Unmarks one account as ignoring another account.",
"vote_description": "Vote on a comment to be paid STEEM",
"withdraw_vesting_description": "Set up a vesting withdraw request. The request is fulfilled once a week over the next 13 weeks."

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