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248 lines (192 loc) · 15.1 KB

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248 lines (192 loc) · 15.1 KB


6.2.0 - 2024-07-08

  • Add AbstractCollection::getFirst() and AbstractCollection::getLast()

6.1.0 - 2024-05-24

  • Add support for Symfony 7.0

6.0.1 - 2024-05-15

  • Documentation

6.0.0 - 2024-05-15

  • Add support for Symfony 6.3 and 6.4
  • Add support for PHP 8.3
  • Update CI dependencies
  • Add support for generics
  • [BC break] Remove ObjectCollectionDenormalizer::createObjectCollection() and add()
  • [BC break] Rename ObjectCollectionDenormalizer::denormalizeObject()todenormalizeValue()`
  • [BC break] Remove ScalarCollectionInterface
  • [BC break] Remove ScalarCollectionDenormalizer::createScalarCollection()
  • Add bridge/ to phpstan
  • Add generics everywhere it's possible
  • [BC break] Remove FloatCollectionInterface and FloatNullableCollectionInterface
  • [BC break] Remove IntegerCollectionInterface and IntegerNullableCollectionInterface
  • [BC break] Remove StringCollectionInterface and StringNullableCollectionInterface
  • [BC break] AbstractCollection::getStringKeys() return StringCollection instead of StringCollectionInterface
  • [BC break] AbstractCollection::getIntegerKeys() return IntegerCollection instead of IntegerCollectionInterface
  • [BC break] Rename AbstractCollection::doReplace() to replace()
  • [BC break] Rename AbstractCollection::doGet() to get()
  • [BC break] Rename AbstractCollection::doHas() to contains()
  • [BC break] Add CollectionInterface::__construct()
  • [BC break] Change return type of CollectionInterface::getIntegerKeys() from IntegerCollectionInterface to IntegerCollection
  • [BC break] Change return type of CollectionInterface::getStringKeys() from StringCollectionInterface to StringCollection
  • [BC break] Add CollectionInterface::get()
  • [BC break] Add CollectionInterface::contains()
  • [BC break] Add CollectionInterface::replace()
  • [BC break] Remove AbstractEnumCollection, use AbstractObjectCollection instead
  • [BC break] Add AbstractObjectCollection::getValueFqcn()
  • [BC break] Add parameter $value to AbstractObjectCollection::getAssertInstanceOfError()
  • [BC break] Add AbstractObjectNullableCollection::getValueFqcn()
  • [BC break] Add parameter $value to AbstractObjectNullableCollection::getAssertInstanceOfError()
  • [BC break] Add parameter $value to ObjectCollectionTrait::getAssertInstanceOfError()
  • [BC break] Remove ObjectCollectionTrait::assertClassName()
  • ObjectCollectionTrait::castValueToString() can cast the value from \BackedEnum and \UnitEnum
  • Because of generics, remove methods in FloatCollection: __construct(), replace(), has(), get(), merge() and toArray()
  • Because of generics, remove methods in FloatNullableCollection: __construct(), replace(), has(), get(), merge() and toArray()
  • Because of generics, remove methods in IntegerCollection: __construct(), replace(), has(), get(), merge() and toArray()
  • Because of generics, remove methods in IntegerNullableCollection: __construct(), replace(), has(), get(), merge() and toArray()
  • Because of generics, remove methods in StringCollection: __construct(), replace(), has(), get(), merge() and toArray()
  • Because of generics, remove methods in StringNullableCollection: __construct(), replace(), has(), get(), merge() and toArray()
  • Edhrendal Add AbstractCollection::isEmpty()
  • Remove CollectionInterface::getIntegerKeys() and CollectionInterface::getStringKeys(). It still exists in AbstractCollection.
  • [BC break] Remove parameter $readOnly in CollectionInterface::setReadOnly()
  • [BC break] Remove ValueAlreadyExistsException
  • [BC break] Rename AbstractCollection::canAddValue() to assertValueType()
  • [BC break] Remove ValueAlreadyExistsModeEnum and all it's usages: AbstractCollection::__construct(), CollectionInterface::getValueAlreadyExistsMode() etc
  • Remove AbstractCollection::isSameValues()
  • Remove AbstractCollection::castValueToString(), AbstractObjectCollection::castValueToString() and AbstractObjectNullableCollection::castValueToString()
  • [BC break] Remove ComparisonModeEnum and all it's usages: ObjectCollectionTrait::getComparisonMode()
  • Remove ObjectCollectionTrait::isSameValues()

5.0.1 - 2023-03-14

  • Fix AbstractCollection::doAdd() who was not calling canAddValue()

5.0.0 - 2023-03-14

  • [BC break] Rename repository, namespace and everything else from TypedArray to Collection
  • Define PHP 8.1 as default PHP version in Docker image steevanb/php-typed-array:ci
  • Update Composer to 2.5.4
  • [BC break] Remove AbstractTypedArray::$nullValueMode
  • Call $this->clear() in AbstractTypedArray::setValues()
  • Rework AbstractTypedArray::changeKeyCase()
  • [BC break] Remove NullValueException
  • [BC break] Remove NullValueModeEnum
  • Add PHPDoc everywhere to force return types in toArray()
  • [BC break] Remove AbstractScalarArray
  • Add ScalarArrayInterface for ScalarArrayDenormalizer
  • [BC break] Remove ScalarArray: it was not enough typed, too much types can be added
  • [BC break] FloatArray, IntArray and StringArray now accepts only the right type (null is not allowed too), values will not be casted by the TypedArray
  • [BC break] Remove ByteStringArray, CodePointStringArray and UnicodeStringArray: they are specific to another library
  • Add FloatNullableArray, IntNullableArray, StringNullableArray and ObjectNullableArray who allow null and the right type
  • [BC break] Remove setValueAlreadyExistMode(), now it's a parameter in __construct()
  • [BC break] Change __construct() parameters for all TypedArray classes
  • [BC break] AbstractEnumArray new extends AbstractTypedArray and not ObjectArray
  • [BC break] Rename Steevanb\PhpTypedArray\ObjectComparisonModeEnum to Steevanb\PhpTypedArray\ObjectArray\ComparisonModeEnum
  • [BC break] Remove ObjectArray to force an ObjectArray to have instance of only one class/interface.
  • [BC break] Default comparison mode for ObjectArray is HASH (it was STRING)
  • [BC break] Rename ValueAlreadyExistException to ValueAlreadyExistsException and AbstractTypedArray::getValueAlreadyExistMode() to AbstractTypedArray::getValueAlreadyExistsMode()
  • [BC break] Remove parameter $offset of AbstractTypedArray::canAddValue()
  • [BC break] Rename IntCollection to IntegerCollection
  • [BC break] Remove implementations of \Iterator and \ArrayAccess, too much bugs in PHP with this interfaces
  • [BC break] Remove phpstan rule
  • [BC break] AbstractCollection::changeKeyCase() parameter $case type changed from int to KeyCaseEnum

4.0.0 - 2022-12-20

  • [BC break] Remove support for PHP 7.1, 7.2, 7.3, 7.4 and 8.0
  • Add support for PHP 8.2
  • [BC break] Remove support for Symfony < 6.1
  • Add support for Symfony 6.1 and 6.2
  • [BC break] Rename namespace first part from steevanb to Steevanb
  • [BC break] AbstractTypedArray::NULL_VALUE_ALLOW, NULL_VALUE_DO_NOT_ADD and NULL_VALUE_EXCEPTION are replaced by NullValueModeEnum
  • [BC break] AbstractTypedArray::VALUE_ALREADY_EXIST_ADD, VALUE_ALREADY_EXIST_DO_NOT_ADD and VALUE_ALREADY_EXIST_EXCEPTION are replaced by ValueAlreadyExistsModeEnum
  • [BC break] ObjectArray::COMPARISON_STRING and COMPARISON_OBJECT_HASH are replaced by ObjectComparisonModeEnum
  • [BC break] Add types everywhere we can
  • Add AbstractEnumArray to store PHP 8.1 \UnitEnum.
  • [BC break] ObjectArray could not store instances of \UnitEnum anymore.
  • [BC break] Remove ReadOnlyInterface, merged into CollectionInterface

3.3.2 - 2021-12-23

  • Add #[\ReturnTypeWillChange] when needed to remove a new deprecated with PHP 8.1

3.3.1 - 2021-09-11

  • Fix composer require version in in GitHub Actions workflow Release

3.3.0 - 2021-09-11

  • Add AbstractTypedArray::reset()
  • Add AbstractTypedArray::changeKeyCase()
  • CI moved from CircleCI to GitHub Actions
  • Add tools in bin/ci: composer-validate, phpunit-coverage, shellcheck and unused-scanner
  • Rework bin/ci binaries
  • Add bin/release binaries
  • Add GitHub Actions workflow Release

3.2.0 - 2021-05-13

  • Add ReadOnlyInterface
  • Add AbstractTypedArray::setReadOnly() and AbstractTypedArray::isReadOnly()

3.1.1 - 2021-05-10

  • Fix .gitattributes

3.1.0 - 2021-05-10

  • Allow PHP ^8.0 (it was already compatible)
  • [BC break] Removed steevanb\PhpTypedArray\ScalarArray\BoolArray: do not work and will never work due to \Iterator

3.0.1 - 2021-02-18

  • Fix ObjectArrayDenormalizer::createObjectArray()
  • Fix Symfony bridge tests

3.0.0 - 2021-02-18

  • Add tests for symfony/serializer 4.4, 5.0, 5.1 and 5.2
  • [BC break] Removed steevanb\PhpTypedArray\Bridge\Symfony\Normalizer\ObjectArray\AbstractObjectArrayDenormalizer
  • [BC break] Removed steevanb\PhpTypedArray\Bridge\Symfony\Normalizer\ObjectArray\ByteStringArrayDenormalizer
  • [BC break] Removed steevanb\PhpTypedArray\Bridge\Symfony\Normalizer\ObjectArray\CodePointStringArrayDenormalizer
  • [BC break] Removed steevanb\PhpTypedArray\Bridge\Symfony\Normalizer\ObjectArray\UnicodeStringArrayDenormalizer
  • Moved steevanb\PhpTypedArray\Bridge\Symfony\Normalizer\ObjectArray\ObjectArrayDenormalizer to steevanb\PhpTypedArray\Bridge\Symfony\Normalizer\ObjectArrayDenormalizer
  • [BC break] Removed steevanb\PhpTypedArray\Bridge\Symfony\Normalizer\ScalarArray\AbstractScalarArrayDenormalizer
  • [BC break] Removed steevanb\PhpTypedArray\Bridge\Symfony\Normalizer\ScalarArray\BoolArrayDenormalizer
  • [BC break] Removed steevanb\PhpTypedArray\Bridge\Symfony\Normalizer\ScalarArray\FloatArrayDenormalizer
  • [BC break] Removed steevanb\PhpTypedArray\Bridge\Symfony\Normalizer\ScalarArray\IntArrayDenormalizer
  • [BC break] Removed steevanb\PhpTypedArray\Bridge\Symfony\Normalizer\ScalarArray\ScalarArrayDenormalizer
  • [BC break] Removed steevanb\PhpTypedArray\Bridge\Symfony\Normalizer\ScalarArray\StringArrayDenormalizer
  • Add steevanb\PhpTypedArray\Bridge\Symfony\Normalizer\ScalarArrayDenormalizer to replace steevanb\PhpTypedArray\Bridge\Symfony\Normalizer\ScalarArray\*Denormalizer
  • Create Docker image steevanb/php-typed-array-ci:1.0.0 who contains symfony/serializer versions and phpstan

2.6.0 - 2021-02-03

  • Add ObjectArrayDenormalizer to denormalize all instances of ObjectArray
  • Deprecate ByteStringArrayDenormalizer, CodePointStringArrayDenormalizer and UnicodeStringArrayDenormalizer (replaced by ObjectArrayDenormalizer)
  • Launch unit tests with PHP 7.1, 7.2, 7.3 and 7.4 (only 7.4 before)
  • Fix AbstractTypedArray return types for PHP 7.1, 7.2 and 7.3

2.5.0 - 2020-12-30

  • Add TypedArrayInterface and use it in AbstractTypedArray
  • Add DisallowTypedArrayRule for phpstan

2.4.0 - 2020-12-03

2.3.0 - 2020-11-10

  • Add steevanb\PhpTypedArray\ScalarArray\BoolArray
  • Add steevanb\PhpTypedArray\ScalarArray\FloatArray
  • Add steevanb\PhpTypedArray\ScalarArray\ScalarArray
  • Add some unit tests

2.2.0 - 2020-10-29

  • Add merge() function to all but ObjectArray
  • Update CI

2.1.2 - 2019-10-11

  • Documentation

2.1.1 - 2019-10-11

  • Documentation

2.1.0 - 2019-10-11

  • [BaBeuloula] Add steevanb\PhpTypedArray\ObjectArray\ByteStringArray
  • [BaBeuloula] Add steevanb\PhpTypedArray\ObjectArray\CodePointStringArray
  • [BaBeuloula] Add steevanb\PhpTypedArray\ObjectArray\UnicodeStringArray
  • Add composerRequireChecker
  • Add phpcf
  • Update phpcs to 2.0.10
  • Add phpstan

2.0.1 - 2019-05-10

  • Add /** @return $this */ when a method return self for PHPStorm autocompletion.

2.0.0 - 2019-04-27

  • Moved steevanb\PhpTypedArray\IntArray, steevanb\PhpTypedArray\IntNullableArray, steevanb\PhpTypedArray\StringArray and steevanb\PhpTypedArray\StringNullableArray into steevanb\PhpTypedArray\ScalarArray namespace.
  • Moved steevanb\PhpTypedArray\ObjectArray into steevanb\PhpTypedArray\ObjectArray namespace.
  • Moved steevanb\PhpTypedArray\NonUniqueValueException into steevanb\PhpTypedArray\Exception namespace.
  • steevanb\PhpTypedArray\Exception\NonUniqueValueException extends steevanb\PhpTypedArray\Exception\PhpTypedArrayException instead of \Exception.
  • steevanb\PhpTypedArray\AbstractTypedArray::castValueToString renamed to castValueToString.
  • Removed steevanb\PhpTypedArray\IntNullableArray and steevanb\PhpTypedArray\StringNullableArray, use setNullValueMode() instead.
  • Replaced AbstractTypedArray::setUniqueValues(), isUniqueValues(), setExceptionOnNonUniqueValue() and isExceptionOnNonUniqueValue() by setValueAlreadyExistMode().
  • Renamed AbstractTypedArray::asArray() to toArray().
  • All throwned exceptions are instance of steevanb\PhpTypedArray\PhpTypedArrayException instead of \Exception.
  • Create steevanb\PhpTypedArray\InvalidTypeException throwned instead of \Exception when trying to add a value into a AbstractTypedArray.
  • Renamed steevanb\PhpTypedArray\NonUniqueValueException to steevanb\PhpTypedArray\ValueAlreadyExistException.
  • Removed steevanb\PhpTypedArray\AbstractTypedArray::merge(), too much differences with PHP array_merge() function and it could be called directly: array_merge($typedArray1->toArray(), $typedArray2->toArray()).

1.1.0 - 2018-08-05

  • Add AbstractTypedArray::merge().
  • Add AbstractTypedArray::setUniqueValues() and AbstractTypedArray::isUniqueValues().
  • Add AbstractTypedArray::setExceptionOnNonUniqueValue() and AbstractTypedArray::isExceptionOnNonUniqueValue().
  • Add AbstractTypedArray::__construct() $uniqueValues and $exceptionOnNonUniqueValue parameters.

1.0.1 - 2018-08-05

  • Change array type hint to iterable in AbstractTypedArray::__construct().

1.0.0 - 2018-01-18

  • Create \IntArray, \IntNullableArray, \StringArray, \StringNullableArray and \ObjectArray.