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Account Setup

This guide walks you through step 1 of using Kelp’s trading strategies: setting up your Stellar accounts. In this example walkthrough we use an example token COUPON that we eventually want to trade. The strategy walkthrough guides will reference the COUPON token.

Create Accounts

For the purposes of this walkthrough we will setup two accounts: a trader account and a source account. Account structure is highly configurable based on your trading needs. Depending on your configuration the source account is optional, read this document for more information.

  • Trader Account: the account where the trade originates from (i.e. the "owner" of the trades)
  • Source Account: (optional) this account allows your bot to consume fee payments and sequence numbers from a different account. This is useful if you want multiple bots to use the same trader account. Note: Bots can use the same Trader Account if they use different source accounts.

This walkthrough runs on the Stellar Test network. In order to create and fund two accounts we’ll need to go to the Stellar Laboratory where we can create and fund two accounts on the test network using friendbot. Doing so, we generated the following accounts:

Account Secret Key Public Key

Create Trustlines

For a Stellar account to trade or hold a particular asset, it must first establish a trustline to it. Since only your Trader Account will actually trade or hold assets, only it needs trustlines.

In our case, before we can fund our Trader Account with our example token, COUPON, we need to create a trustline to it. The public address of COUPON's issuer is GBMMZMK2DC4FFP4CAI6KCVNCQ7WLO5A7DQU7EC7WGHRDQBZB763X4OQI.

Acquire Funds

You will need to acquire the relevant tokens that you want to trade. In our example we are trading the native XLM against the COUPON:GBMMZMK2DC4FFP4CAI6KCVNCQ7WLO5A7DQU7EC7WGHRDQBZB763X4OQI token.

We go through the necessary steps required by the issuer to issue us 10,000 COUPON tokens. In this example, we own the issuer account on the test network so we issued these tokens to our trader account.

Config Setup

You will need to set up your trader.cfg file which describes the accounts used by the bot. You need to set the following fields:

  • TRADING_SECRET_SEED: secret key for the Trading Account.
  • SOURCE_SECRET_SEED: if you have specified a Source Account fill in the secret key here.
  • ASSET_CODE_A: asset code for the base asset, in our case it's XLM.
  • ISSUER_A: issuer account for the base asset. In our case our base asset is the native XLM asset so we do not specify this field (this only applies to the native asset, XLM).
  • ASSET_CODE_B: asset code for the quote asset, in our case this is COUPON.
  • ISSUER_B: issuer account for the quote asset. In our case this is GBMMZMK2DC4FFP4CAI6KCVNCQ7WLO5A7DQU7EC7WGHRDQBZB763X4OQI.
  • TICK_INTERVAL_SECONDS: how often you want the bot to run in seconds. In our case the bot runs every 300 seconds (5 minutes).
  • HORIZON_URL: url for your horizon instance. In our case we want to use the test network so we put in

Note: The bot automatically determines the account address from the secret key so you don't need to enter that anywhere.

We've created a sample config file - take a look!

Next Steps

After taking the steps above you will be in a good position to pick a strategy and deploy your bot. Try using it to make a market for a stablecoin or to create liquidity for a stellar-based token.