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MinioMatic is a backend service API for Minio that provides a simple way to create and manage Minio instances on Kubernetes. It is built using Golang.

Table of Contents


Docker Image

You can run the application using the Docker image:

Using environment variables file:

git clone
cd miniomatic
cp .env_example .env

# Edit .env file and set the required environment variables

docker run --rm -d \
-p8080:8080 \
--env-file .env \
-v $PWD/assets/:/app/assets:rw \
-v $HOME/.kube/config:/app/config:ro \

# The API will be available at http://localhost:8080

Using discrete environment variables:

docker run --rm -d \
-p8080:8080 \
-e KUBECONFIG_FILE=/app/config \
-e \
-e CLUSTERISSUER=letsencrypt \
-e API_KEY=mysecretapikey \
-v $PWD/assets/:/app/assets:rw \
-v $HOME/.kube/config:/app/config:ro \

# The API will be available at http://localhost:8080

Go Binary

You can run the application using the Go binary from the Releases page:

git clone
cd miniomatic
cp .env_example .env
# Edit .env file and set the required environment variables

# Download the binary from the Releases page and place it in the miniomatic directory
tar -xvf miniomatic_*_*.tar.gz
chmod +x miniomatic


# The API will be available at http://localhost:8080

Go Build

You can build miniomatic using go build:

git clone
cd miniomatic
go build .
cp .env_example .env

# Edit .env file and set the required environment variables


# The API will be available at http://localhost:8080

Example Usage

Start miniomatic using the instructions above. The API will be available at http://localhost:8080 and the API-Key is set to secret.

All examples below use jq for formatting the JSON responses.

Create a new instance

Create a new instance with an initial bucket named "mybucket" and storage size "2Gi":

(!!!) Note that the accesskey and secretkey are only returned once, so make sure to save them somewhere safe.

curl -s -X POST -H "X-API-KEY: secret" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"bucket":"mybucket", "storage":"2Gi"}' http://localhost:8080/v1/instances|jq
  "status": "provisioning",
  "id": "4yucnm",
  "storage": "2Gi",
  "bucket": "mybucket",
  "url": "",
  "accesskey": "K1w0xFmPSmY4y43lL",
  "secretkey": "8icO32H5VXOOKnw9V9Zi5s3375fdhCO7a"

List the instance and get the status

curl -s -X GET -H "X-API-KEY: secret" http://localhost:8080/v1/instances/4yucnm|jq
  "status": "ready",
  "date": "1999-12-31 23:59:50",
  "id": "4yucnm",
  "initbucket": "mybucket",
  "url": "",
  "storage": "2Gi"

List all instances

curl -s -X GET -H "X-API-KEY: secret" http://localhost:8080/v1/instances|jq
    "status": "ready",
    "date": "1999-12-31 23:59:50",
    "id": "4yucnm",
    "initbucket": "mybucket",
    "url": "",
    "storage": "2Gi"
    "status": "ready",
    "date": "1999-12-31 23:59:59",
    "id": "ho72wa",
    "initbucket": "yourbucket",
    "url": "",
    "storage": "4Gi"

Update the storage size of an instance

curl -s -X PATCH -H "X-API-KEY: secret" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"storage":"4Gi"}' http://localhost:8080/v1/instances/4yucnm|jq
  "status": "resizing",
  "id": "4yucnm",
  "storage": "4Gi",
  "bucket": "mybucket",
  "url": ""

Delete an instance

curl -s -X DELETE -H "X-API-KEY: secret" http://localhost:8080/v1/instances/4yucnm|jq
  "status": "Deletion in progress"


Before deploying this application, ensure your Kubernetes cluster meets the following prerequisites:

1. Cert-Manager

The application relies on cert-manager to automatically provision and manage TLS certificates. Ensure you have cert-manager properly installed and configured.

You can follow the official installation guide to set it up.

2. StorageClass

A specific StorageClass is expected for provisioning persistent volumes. Ensure the storage class specified in the STORAGECLASSNAME environment variable (default: local-pv) is available and properly configured in your cluster.

3. Nginx Ingress Controller

The application utilizes the Nginx Ingress Controller to manage external access to the services in the Kubernetes cluster. Ensure you have the Nginx Ingress Controller set up.

Installation instructions can be found in the official documentation.

4. Wildcard Domain

A wildcard domain is required for creating instance-specific subdomains. Ensure you have a wildcard domain configured for your cluster. For example, if you have a domain like, you can create a wildcard domain like * to be used for creating instance-specific subdomains.

5. Kubernetes Version

This application has been tested on:

  • K3S version: v1.28.2+k3s1

Environment Variables


  • Description: Path to your Kubernetes configuration file.
  • Default: ~/.kube/config


  • Description: The wildcard domain used for creating instance-specific subdomains.
  • Example: If set to, an instance might have a domain like


  • Description: Specifies the cert-manager issuer to be used for generating SSL/TLS certificates for the domains.
  • Default: letsencrypt


  • Description: Specifies the name of the storage class to be used for creating persistent volumes.
  • Default: local-pv
  • Note: Storage Class needs allowVolumeExpansion set to true in order to be able to resize the volumes.


  • Description: Specifies the API key to be used for authenticating requests to the API.
  • Example: mysecretapikey


  • Description: Specifies the origin to be allowed for CORS requests.
  • Example:

API Documentation


1. Get all instances

  • URL /v1/instances
  • Method GET
  • Description: Returns a list of all instances

2. Get single instance

  • URL /v1/instances/{id}
  • Method GET
  • Parameters:
    • id - The unique identifier for the instance.
  • Description: Returns a single instance

3. Create an instance

  • URL /v1/instances
  • Method POST
  • Body:
    • bucket - The name of the initial bucket to create.
    • storage - The size of the instance in Ki, Mi or Gi (10Gi for example).
  • Description: Creates a new instance and returns its details

4. Update an instance (storage size)

  • URL /v1/instances/{id}
  • Method PATCH
  • Parameters:
    • id - The unique identifier for the instance.
  • Body:
    • storage - The new size of the instance in Ki, Mi or Gi (10Gi for example).
  • Description: Updates the storage size of an instance and returns the updated details
  • Note: The storage size can only be increased, not decreased. Also, Storage Class needs allowVolumeExpansion set to true in order to be able to resize the volumes

5. Delete an instance

  • URL /v1/instances/{id}
  • Method DELETE
  • Parameters:
    • id - The unique identifier for the instance.
  • Description: Deletes a specific instance by its ID