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This is a Next.js project bootstrapped with create-next-app.

App deployment:

Getting Started

First, run the development server:

npm run dev
# or
yarn dev
# or
pnpm dev
# or
bun dev

Open http://localhost:3000 with your browser to see the result.

You can start editing the page by modifying pages/index.tsx. The page auto-updates as you edit the file.

API routes can be accessed on http://localhost:3000/api/hello. This endpoint can be edited in pages/api/hello.ts.

The pages/api directory is mapped to /api/*. Files in this directory are treated as API routes instead of React pages.

This project uses next/font to automatically optimize and load Inter, a custom Google Font.

Learn More

To learn more about Next.js, take a look at the following resources:

You can check out the Next.js GitHub repository - your feedback and contributions are welcome!

Deploy on Vercel

The easiest way to deploy your Next.js app is to use the Vercel Platform from the creators of Next.js.

Check out our Next.js deployment documentation for more details.

Sample queries:

I am filing a formal complaint against Palisades Funding Corp for the wrongful repossession of my vehicle.
Company: Palisades Funding Corporation\nState: NY\nProduct: Vehicle loan or lease\nSub-product: Loan\nIssue: Repossession\nSub-issue: Account reinstatement or redemption after repossession\nComplaint: I am filing a formal complaint against Palisades Funding Corp for the wrongful repossession of my vehicle. On XX/XX/, my vehicle was repossessed due to Palisades Funding Corps claim that my XXXX XXXX registration was suspended. However, I had already registered the vehicle in XXXX after relocating, with a valid and visibly displayed registration. \n\nPalisades Funding Corp employed misleading tactics, failed to explain why they needed my vehicle keys, and later demanded over XXXX car payments and a co-signer for its return. Such requirements were not outlined in my loan contract. \n\nMoreover, they violated my privacy by sharing my personal and financial information with a third party to facilitate the repossession. This action was taken without my consent and not stipulated in the contract. \n\nTo continue commuting to work, I had to incur unexpected expenses due to the wrongful repossession, including {$400.00} in XXXX expenses. \n\nI am requesting : XXXX. The immediate return of my vehicle without a new contract. \nXXXX. A complete refund of {$10000.00} for all payments made, including the down payment XXXX expenses to get from work to home ( XXXX ) I have tried to resolve this matter directly with Palisades Funding Corp to no avail. Your intervention is greatly appreciated. \n\nSincerely, XXXX XXXX
Penn Credit Corporation has fraudulently reported my personal information to credit reporting agencies
Company: Penn Credit Corporation\nState: NY\nProduct: Credit reporting or other personal consumer reports\nSub-product: Credit reporting\nIssue: Improper use of your report\nSub-issue: Report provided to employer without your written authorization\nComplaint: XXXX XXXX XXXX, Penn Credit Corporation and XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX has fraudulently reported my personal information to credit reporting agencies, In accordance with the FAIR CREDIT REPORTING ACT this creditor has violated my rights under 15 USC 1681 602 states I have the right to privacy. 15 USC 1681 section 604 A section 2 also states a consumer reporting agency can not furnish an account without my written instructions. USC 15 1666b A creditor may not treat a payment on an account under an open end consumer credit plan as late for any purpose
Company: UNITED SERVICES AUTOMOBILE ASSOCIATION\nState: GA\nProduct: Checking or savings account\nSub-product: Checking account\nIssue: Closing an account\nSub-issue: Funds not received from closed account\nComplaint: All 3 of my checking accounts with USAA were closed on XX/XX/2023 due to filing too many disputes. They stated that I can never open another checking account with them. \n\nI have a payroll and student financial aid check that was deposited which they are holding for 60 days. I would like these funds released immediately and my account reopened or a new account opened with these held funds. \n\nAs I stated, I have the right to file a dispute or many disputes. This is harassment, discrimination, and even extortion to keep holding my funds.
Company: AMERISAVE MORTGAGE CORPORATION\nState: SC\nProduct: Mortgage\nSub-product: Conventional home mortgage\nIssue: Applying for a mortgage or refinancing an existing mortgage\nSub-issue: Trying to communicate with the company to fix an issue with the application process\nComplaint: In XX/XX/2023, I inquired about this company regarding a Home Equity Line of Credit or Home Equity Loan. They advised me that they were not able to offer that however could offer a cash out refinance of my mortgage. I stated I was not interested in any refinance options as I have an excellent rate on my current mortgage and needed a relatively small amount of money for home repairs- it wouldn't make sense to triple my rate for my whole mortgage for that little amount. I ended the phone call having stated that I was not interested in what they were offering. Despite this, the company checked my credit and opened a mortgage application in my name. They have continued to contact me repeatedly over the past two months ( it is now XX/XX/2023 ) to 'get more information for my mortgage application ', have sent unsolicited copies of said application to my home which contain details such as my social security number and are therefore an identity theft risk to simply sit in the mailbox when I did not request or expect them, and have stated they will 'deny my application. ' Again, at no point did I EVER request that they open a mortgage application for a refinance and in fact explicitly and repeatedly stated I did not want to do a refinance with them or any other lender.
Company: Shellpoint Partners, LLC\nState: NY\nProduct: Mortgage\nSub-product: Conventional home mortgage\nIssue: Trouble during payment process\nSub-issue: Fees charged\nComplaint: Starting XX/XX/XXXX, my monthly mortgage payment was increased by {$410.00}. I contacted my current mortgage lender, Shellpoint Mortgage, to find out why my monthly payment amount increased and I was told that they added the lender paid home insurance premium on my account. I immediately sent the copy of my home insurance policy to Shellpoint Mortgage and confirmed with their customer representative they have received my insurance policy. However, they didnt remove/credit/waive the additional {$410.00} and require the master insurance policy for my condominium. Then, I provided our Homeowners Association and XXXX XXXX XXXX contact information to Shellpoint Mortgage so Shellpoint can request the copy directly from them. As of today, Shellpoint has not yet waived the additional monthly fee of {$410.00} and have charged 5 % penalty for the month of XXXX and XXXX because I refused to pay for the {$410.00}. The mortgage loan was initially from XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX ) in XX/XX/XXXX, then XXXX XXXX  sold the mortgage loan to Shellpoint during pandemic. The homeowner insurance was not required when I got the mortgage from XXXX XXXX in XXXX. Shellpoint added the requirement for requiring borrower to obtain additional homeowner insurance coverage. My annual homeowner insurance premium is less than {$500.00}. Shellpoint Mortgage charges the borrower ( me ) to pay for lender paid home insurance for {$410.00} monthly premium because they added this new requirement without the mortgagor agreement. I have clearly mentioned during the calls with the customer service representatives at Shellpoint that I refused to pay for the fees which I am not responsible for, not to mention I have my homeowner insurance coverage in place and have provided the policy to Shellpoint. Shellpoint Mortgage refused to waive/remove the {$410.00} lender paid home insurance premium and 5 % monthly penalty