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File metadata and controls

263 lines (254 loc) · 16.7 KB


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How to run it?

Happy path:

$ cargo run -- tests/small_input.txt > accounts.csv

An erroneous transaction sequence:

(Also available as e2e_small_input_with_transaction_process_error_using_async_processor)

$ cargo run -- tests/small_input_with_transaction_process_error.txt


  1. Can a withdrawal (debit) operation be disputed?
    I assumed not. But I did not find specific answer in the question sheet. If withdrawals are disputable, it would then look like:
    type,       transaction_id, amount
    deposit,                 1,   5.00
    withdrawal,              2,   4.00
    dispute,                 2,
    Here's the account state change sequence:
    time,                 available,  held
    t0,                        0.00,  0.00
    after_transaction_1,       5.00,  0.00
    after_transaction_2,       1.00,  0.00
    after_transaction_3,       5.00, -4.00
    The amount disputed is -4.00 because it is a withdrawal. The available amount decreases by a negative amount, means its absolute value increases. This is also consistent with temporary rolling back the withdrawal transaction. Same goes with the held amount: it increases by a negative amount, from 0.00 to -4.00. Weird ...
    If withdrawals are not disputable, then they are not resolvable nor back chargable either.
    I started with allowing the dispute of a withdrawal, but that got very messy and I decided to change course and follow my gut feeling that withdrawals are not disputable. I wanted to provide a separate implementation that actually supports disputing withdrawal but I guess I am running out of time so in the submitted work, withdrawals are not disputable. You can find the test cases in appendix.
  2. Can the available amount go negative? (a potentially missing Pending status of deposit transactions)
    Consider following transaction sequence for a client: \
    type,       transaction_id, amount
    deposit,                 1,   5.00
    withdrawal,              2,   4.00
    dispute,                 3,
    Here's the account state change sequence:
    time,                 available, held
    t0,                        0.00, 0.00
    after_transaction_1,       5.00, 0.00
    after_transaction_2,       1.00, 0.00
    after_transaction_3,      -4.00, 5.00
    This does not make much sense but it does comply with the requirement given in the question sheet. I do think that in real life, for every deposit arriving at an account, it will firstly be Pending, and will not be included in the available amount. A subsequent opereation / transaction named "Clear" or "Settle" will then turn the Pending deposit into something like Accepted, then this amount of fund will be included in available amount. And only Pending deposits can be disputed. Given that this is not stated in the requirement, I deliberately omitted them and just implemented exactly what the requirement says, which results in the possibility of the available amount being negative.
  3. Error handling
    (see test cases at ErrorHandler)
    • The transaction process on an account could fail in following 4 cases:
      • AccountLocked (fails the process)
        No transaction (* see idempotency section) can be applied to a locked account. If that happens, the process of the file fails.
      • IncompatibleTransaction (fails the process)
        Cases like, a "resolve" is applied to a non disputed deposit, indicate a potential severe issue (could be records getting out of order by the requirement says that the records are already ordered chronologically), so the process of the file fails.
      • InsufficientFundForWithdrawal (suppressed)
        The account will not be updated on such cases and the process of the file continues.
      • NoTransactionFound (suppressed)
        As stated in the requirement that this can be ignored.
    • Idempotency
      Although the requirement says that transaction id is globally unique, I think it is a good practice to have built-in idempotency to suit cases like the following example:
      type,    client, tx, amount
      deposit,      1, 10,    4.0
      deposit,      1, 10,    4.0
      On the other hand, for a locked account, I am allowing cases like this:
      type,       client, tx, amount
      deposit,         2,  1,    3.0
      deposit,         2,  2,    2.0
      dispute,         2,  2,
      chargeback,      2,  2,
      dispute,         2,  2,
      After the chargeback, the account would have been locked. Subsequent transactions should all be rejected. However, if the process of a file fails due to some reason and once the problem is fixed, can we re-apply the file? That depends on whether the account data has been updated, e.g., whether there is a rollback mechanism in place when the process fails, or if the partially processed file has made its side-effect to the accounts, reapplying the fixed file may also fail again since some account might have been locked during the partial process. Allowing such transaction to go through as a duplicate makes it easier on this scenario. Please see the test cases in the appendix.
  4. Input:
    1. Since the sample provided in the question sheet contains only 2 out of 5 transaction types: deposit and withdrawal, I assume the literal of the other 3 in the input are: "dispute", "resolve" and "chargeback", all in lower case.
    2. The input is always a valid CSV - always have 4 fields like:
       type,    client, tx, amount
       deposit,      1,  1,    1.0
       deposit,      2,  2,    2.0
       dispute,      1,  1,
      and when the transaction does not require an amount, like "dispute", it will still come with a trailing comma ,. I need to make such an assumption since this is not covered in the sample provided. The CSV parsing breaks otherwise.
    3. Amount for deposit and withdrawal transactions can only be non-negative numbers. Although in terms of algebraic operations, negative number will still work, I just want to call this out that there is no validation against negative numbers in the input file.

Answers to some of the questions in the sheet:

  1. Can you stream values through memory as opposed to loading the entire data set upfront?
    This is entirely up to the implementation of the std::io::Read provided to the TransactionStreamProcessor.
  2. What if your code was bundled in a server, and these CSVs came from thousands of concurrent TCP streams?
    It will still work with following limit:
    • All CSV files to be processed in parallel do not have common clients.
      The reason is that the process of transactions from a single client needs to be total-ordered, while process of transactions from different clients can be done in any order


  1. Amount has a range of [i64::MIN / 10_000, i64::MAX / 10_000]
    I chose to store the amount as an integer for simplicity. But in order to keep 4 digits after the decimal point, I had to reduce the range by 10^4.
  2. Serde: not fully using serde (mostly due to time limit)
    1. Due to the lack of strongly typed deserialisation, the parsing would only fail when deposit or withdrawal does not have an "amount" field. But it would not fail when dispute, resolve or chargeback has an "amount" field.


Test Cases

//    |------------------- input ------------------| |-------------------- output --------------------------------------------------|
//     original_account,                   tx_id,                        expected_account
//        avail, deposits,                   amount, expected_status     avail,  deposits
#[case(active(0, vec![]),                      0, 3, Ok(Transacted),     active(3, vec![(0, accepted_dep(3))])                      )]
#[case(active(3, vec![(0, accepted_dep(3))]),  0, 3, Ok(Duplicate),      active(3, vec![(0, accepted_dep(3))])                      )]
#[case(active(3, vec![(0, held_dep(3))]),      0, 3, Ok(Duplicate),      active(3, vec![(0, held_dep(3))])                          )]
#[case(active(3, vec![(0, resolved_dep(3))]),  0, 3, Ok(Duplicate),      active(3, vec![(0, resolved_dep(3))])                      )]
#[case(active(3, vec![(0, chrgd_bck_dep(3))]), 0, 3, Ok(Duplicate),      active(3, vec![(0, chrgd_bck_dep(3))])                     )]
#[case(active(3, vec![(0, accepted_dep(3))]),  2, 5, Ok(Transacted),     active(8, vec![(0, accepted_dep(3)), (2, accepted_dep(5))]))]
// locked cases
#[case(locked(3, vec![(0, accepted_dep(3))]),  0, 3, Ok(Duplicate),      locked(3, vec![(0, accepted_dep(3))])                      )]
#[case(locked(3, vec![(0, held_dep(3))]),      0, 3, Ok(Duplicate),      locked(3, vec![(0, held_dep(3))])                          )]
#[case(locked(3, vec![(0, resolved_dep(3))]),  0, 3, Ok(Duplicate),      locked(3, vec![(0, resolved_dep(3))])                      )]
#[case(locked(3, vec![(0, chrgd_bck_dep(3))]), 0, 3, Ok(Duplicate),      locked(3, vec![(0, chrgd_bck_dep(3))])                     )]
#[case(locked(3, vec![(0, accepted_dep(3))]),  1, 3, Err(AccountLocked), locked(3, vec![(0, accepted_dep(3))])                      )]
//    |-------------------- input -----------------------------| |------------------------------- output ----------------------------------|
//                                            tx
//     original_account,                      id,                                expected_account
//        avail, existing withdrawals,            amount, expected_status           avail, existing withdrawals
#[case(active(7, vec![]),                      0,      8, Err(InsufficientFund), active(7, vec![])                                          )]
#[case(active(7, vec![]),                      0,      0, Ok(Transacted),        active(7, vec![(0, accepted_wdr(0))])                      )]
#[case(active(7, vec![]),                      0,      4, Ok(Transacted),        active(3, vec![(0, accepted_wdr(4))])                      )]
#[case(active(7, vec![]),                      0,      7, Ok(Transacted),        active(0, vec![(0, accepted_wdr(7))])                      )]
#[case(active(7, vec![(0, accepted_wdr(3))]),  0,      3, Ok(Duplicate),         active(7, vec![(0, accepted_wdr(3))])                      )]
#[case(active(7, vec![(0, accepted_wdr(3))]),  1,      5, Ok(Transacted),        active(2, vec![(0, accepted_wdr(3)), (1, accepted_wdr(5))]))]
// locked cases
#[case(locked(7, vec![(0, accepted_wdr(3))]),  0,      3, Ok(Duplicate),         locked(7, vec![(0, accepted_wdr(3))])                      )]
#[case(locked(7, vec![(0, accepted_wdr(3))]),  1,      3, Err(AccountLocked),    locked(7, vec![(0, accepted_wdr(3))])                      )]
// disputing credit transactions
//    |------------------ input ---------------------| |------------------------- output -----------------------------------|
//     original_account,                            tx                           expected_account
//        avail, held, deposits,                    id, expected_status,             avail, held, deposits
#[case(active(7,    0, vec![(0, accepted_dep(3))] ), 0, Ok(Transacted),          active( 4,    3, vec![(0, held_dep(3))]     ))]
#[case(active(7,    0, vec![(0, held_dep(3))]     ), 0, Ok(Duplicate),           active( 7,    0, vec![(0, held_dep(3))]     ))]
#[case(active(7,    0, vec![(0, resolved_dep(3))] ), 0, Ok(Duplicate),           active( 7,    0, vec![(0, resolved_dep(3))] ))]
#[case(active(7,    0, vec![(0, chrgd_bck_dep(3))]), 0, Ok(Duplicate),           active( 7,    0, vec![(0, chrgd_bck_dep(3))]))]
#[case(active(3,    0, vec![(0, accepted_dep(7))] ), 0, Ok(Transacted),          active(-4,    7, vec![(0, held_dep(7))]     ))]
#[case(active(3,    0, vec![(0, accepted_dep(7))] ), 1, Err(NoTransactionFound), active( 3,    0, vec![(0, accepted_dep(7))] ))]
// locked cases
#[case(locked(7,    0, vec![(0, accepted_dep(3))] ), 0, Err(AccountLocked),      locked( 7,    0, vec![(0, accepted_dep(3))] ))]
#[case(locked(7,    0, vec![(0, accepted_dep(3))] ), 1, Err(AccountLocked),      locked( 7,    0, vec![(0, accepted_dep(3))] ))]
#[case(locked(7,    0, vec![(0, held_dep(3))]     ), 0, Ok(Duplicate),           locked( 7,    0, vec![(0, held_dep(3))]     ))]
#[case(locked(7,    0, vec![(0, resolved_dep(3))] ), 0, Ok(Duplicate),           locked( 7,    0, vec![(0, resolved_dep(3))] ))]
#[case(locked(7,    0, vec![(0, chrgd_bck_dep(3))]), 0, Ok(Duplicate),           locked( 7,    0, vec![(0, chrgd_bck_dep(3))]))]
// disputing credit transactions
//    |------------------ input -----------------------| |----------------------------- output ------------------------------------|
//     original_account,                            tx                               expected_account
//        avail, held, deposits,                    id, expected_status,                 avail, held, deposits
#[case(active(7,    5, vec![(0, held_dep(3))]),      0, Ok(Transacted),              active(10,    2, vec![(0, resolved_dep(3))]) )]
#[case(active(7,    0, vec![(0, resolved_dep(3))]),  0, Ok(Duplicate),               active( 7,    0, vec![(0, resolved_dep(3))]) )]
#[case(active(7,    0, vec![(0, accepted_dep(3))]),  0, Err(NonDisputedTransaction), active( 7,    0, vec![(0, accepted_dep(3))]) )]
#[case(active(7,    0, vec![(0, chrgd_bck_dep(3))]), 0, Err(NonDisputedTransaction), active( 7,    0, vec![(0, chrgd_bck_dep(3))]))]
#[case(active(7,    0, vec![(0, chrgd_bck_dep(3))]), 1, Err(NoTransactionFound),     active( 7,    0, vec![(0, chrgd_bck_dep(3))]))]
// locked cases
#[case(locked(7,    5, vec![(0, held_dep(3))]),      0, Err(AccountLocked),          locked( 7,    5, vec![(0, held_dep(3))])     )]
#[case(locked(7,    0, vec![(0, resolved_dep(3))]),  0, Ok(Duplicate),               locked( 7,    0, vec![(0, resolved_dep(3))]) )]
#[case(locked(7,    0, vec![(0, accepted_dep(3))]),  0, Err(AccountLocked),          locked( 7,    0, vec![(0, accepted_dep(3))]) )]
#[case(locked(7,    0, vec![(0, chrgd_bck_dep(3))]), 0, Err(AccountLocked),          locked( 7,    0, vec![(0, chrgd_bck_dep(3))]))]
#[case(locked(7,    0, vec![(0, chrgd_bck_dep(3))]), 1, Err(AccountLocked),          locked( 7,    0, vec![(0, chrgd_bck_dep(3))]))]
// disputing credit transactions
//    |------------------ input ----------------------| |---------------------------- output ------------------------------------|
//     original_account,                            tx                               expected_account
//        avail, held, deposits,                    id, expected_status,                avail, held, deposits
#[case(active(7,    5, vec![(0, accepted_dep(3))]),  0, Err(NonDisputedTransaction), active(7,    5, vec![(0, accepted_dep(3))]) )]
#[case(active(7,    5, vec![(0, held_dep(3))]),      0, Ok(Transacted),              locked(7,    2, vec![(0, chrgd_bck_dep(3))]))]
#[case(active(7,    5, vec![(0, resolved_dep(3))]),  0, Err(NonDisputedTransaction), active(7,    5, vec![(0, resolved_dep(3))]) )]
#[case(active(7,    5, vec![(0, chrgd_bck_dep(3))]), 0, Ok(Duplicate),               active(7,    5, vec![(0, chrgd_bck_dep(3))]))]
#[case(active(7,    5, vec![(0, chrgd_bck_dep(3))]), 1, Err(NoTransactionFound),     active(7,    5, vec![(0, chrgd_bck_dep(3))]))]
// locked cases
#[case(locked(7,    5, vec![(0, accepted_dep(3))]),  0, Err(AccountLocked),          locked(7,    5, vec![(0, accepted_dep(3))]) )]
#[case(locked(7,    5, vec![(0, held_dep(3))]),      0, Err(AccountLocked),          locked(7,    5, vec![(0, held_dep(3))])     )]
#[case(locked(7,    5, vec![(0, resolved_dep(3))]),  0, Err(AccountLocked),          locked(7,    5, vec![(0, resolved_dep(3))]) )]
#[case(locked(7,    5, vec![(0, chrgd_bck_dep(3))]), 0, Ok(Duplicate),               locked(7,    5, vec![(0, chrgd_bck_dep(3))]))]
#[case(locked(7,    5, vec![(0, chrgd_bck_dep(3))]), 1, Err(AccountLocked),          locked(7,    5, vec![(0, chrgd_bck_dep(3))]))]