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RLP encoding

RLP (recursive length prefix) is a common algorithm for encoding of variable length binary data. RLP encodes data before storing on disk or transmitting via network.



Primary RLP can only deal with "item" type, which is defined as:

  1. Byte string (bytes or bytearray in Python) or
  2. Sequence of items (usually list).

Some examples are:

  • b'\x00\xff'
  • empty list []
  • list of bytes [b'\x00', b'\x01\x03']
  • list of combinations [[], b'\x00', [b'\x00']]

The encoded result is always a byte string:

digraph RLP_basic {

rankdir="LR"; item [shape="box", label="Item"]; rlp [shape="box", label="RLP"]; item -> rlp [label="Encoding"];


Encoding algorithm

Given x item as input, we define rlp_encode as the following algorithm:

Let concat be a function that joins given bytes into single byte sequence.

  1. If x is a single byte and 0x00 <= x <= 0x7F, rlp_encode(x) = x.
  2. Otherwise, if x is a byte string, Let len(x) be length of x in bytes and define encoding as follows:
    • If 0 < len(x) < 0x38 (note that empty byte string fulfills this requirement, as well as b'0x80'):

      rlp_encode(x) = concat(0x80 + len(x), x)

      In this case first byte is in range [0x80; 0xB7].

    • If 0x38 <= len(x) <= 0xFFFFFFFF:

      rlp_encode(x) = concat(0xB7 + len(len(x)), len(x), x)

      In this case first byte is in range [0xB8; 0xBF].

    • For longer strings encoding is undefined.
  3. Otherwise, if x is a list, let s = concat(map(rlp_encode, x)) be concatenation of RLP encodings of all its items.
    • If 0 < len(s) < 0x38 (note that empty list matches):

      rlp_encode(x) = concat(0xC0 + len(s), s)

      In this case first byte is in range [0xC0; 0xF7].

    • If 0x38 <= len(s) <= 0xFFFFFFFF:

      rlp_encode(x) = concat(0xF7 + len(len(s)), len(s), x)

      In this case first byte is in range [0xF8; 0xFF].

    • For longer lists encoding is undefined.

See more in Ethereum wiki.

Encoding examples

Encoding examples
x rlp_encode(x)
b'' 0x80
b'\x00' 0x00
b'\x0F' 0x0F
b'\x79' 0x79
b'\x80' 0x81 0x80
b'\xFF' 0x81 0xFF
b'foo' 0x83 0x66 0x6F 0x6F
[] 0xC0
[b'\x0F'] 0xC1 0x0F
[b'\xEF'] 0xC1 0x81 0xEF
[[], [[]]] 0xC3 0xC0 0xC1 0xC0


However, in the real world, the inputs are not pure bytes nor lists. Some are of complex key-value pairs like dict. Some are of "0x123" form of number.

This module exists for some pre-defined conversion, serialization:

digraph RLP_basic {

rankdir="LR"; item [shape="box", label="Item"]; obj [shape="box", label="Real worldnobject"] rlp [shape="box", label="RLP"]; obj -> item [label="Serialization"] item -> rlp [label="Encoding"];


API documentation
