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File metadata and controls

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Getting Started

Install DQL with pip:

pip install dql

Since DQL uses botocore under the hood, the authentication mechanism is the same. You can use the $HOME/.aws/credentials file or set the environment variables AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID and AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY.

DQL uses us-west-1 as the default region. You can change this by setting the AWS_REGION variable or passing it in on the command line:

$ dql -r us-east-1

You can begin using DQL immediately. Try creating a table and inserting some data

us-west-1> CREATE TABLE posts (username STRING HASH KEY,
         >                     postid NUMBER RANGE KEY,
         >                     ts NUMBER INDEX('ts-index'),
         >                     THROUGHPUT (5, 5));
us-west-1> INSERT INTO posts (username, postid, ts, text)
         > VALUES ('steve', 1, 1386413481, 'Hey guys!'),
         >        ('steve', 2, 1386413516, 'Guys?'),
         >        ('drdice', 1, 1386413575, 'No one here');
us-west-1> ls
Name   Status  Read  Write
posts  ACTIVE  5     5

You can query this data in a couple of ways. The first should look familiar

us-west-1> SELECT * FROM posts WHERE username = 'steve';

By default, SELECT statements are only allowed to perform index queries, not scan the table. You can enable scans by setting the 'allow_select_scan' option (see options) or replacing SELECT with SCAN:

us-west-1> SCAN * FROM posts WHERE postid = 2;

You can also perform updates to the data in a familiar way:

us-west-1> UPDATE posts SET text = 'Hay gusys!!11' WHERE
         > username = 'steve' AND postid = 1;

The queries section has detailed information about each type of query.