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File metadata and controls

207 lines (145 loc) · 8.07 KB


You can check .env.example file to see additional settings.

CRON Setup

Create one CRON that runs every minute as follows;

* * * * * php /path-to-your-project/artisan schedule:run >/dev/null

Email Queues

Queues allow you to defer the processing of a time consuming task, such as sending an email, until a later time. Deferring these time consuming tasks drastically speeds up web requests to your application. You can change the queue driver in your .env file QUEUE_DRIVER=database


You can process the jobs by running php artisan queue:work --queue=default,high,normal,low --tries=3 --daemon.

Application Configuration

You can set your application to production by modifying this value in .env file.

  • APP_ENV - Set it to production
  • APP_DEBUG - Set it to false

System Configuration

Here some of the system configurations you can change in your .env

  • EMAIL_TRACKING_ENABLE - Enables email tracking for leads.
  • PDF_FONT - Font to use on PDF generated.
  • DAILY_DIGEST_ENABLED - Enables daily email summary - Default true.
  • DAILY_DIGEST_AT - Sets the time when daily summary should be sent - Default 23:58
  • ACTIVITY_DAYS - The number of days activity logs take to be cleared - Default 7 days
  • TICKETS_DUE_DAYS - Number of days before a ticket expires - Default 3 days
  • TASKS_DUE_DAYS - Days before a task is overdue - Default 7 days
  • ALERT_TODO_DAYS - Number of days to notify me before a todo is overdue
  • ESTIMATE_REMIND_DAYS - Number of days before a reminder is sent to client about expiring estimate. Default 2 days
  • CONTRACT_REMIND_DAYS - Days before a client is notified of expiring contract that has not been signed. Default 2 days
  • ENABLE_DRIFT - Enable Drift
  • ENABLE_CRISP - Enable Crisp
  • ENABLE_ONESIGNAL - Enable Onesignal

Backup Settings

  • BACKUP_DISKS - Comma separated list of backup disks e.g local,s3
  • BACKUPS_MAIL_ALERT - Email to send notifications on successfull backup
  • BACKUPS_SLACK_WEBHOOK - Slack webhook to post backup notifications
  • BACKUPS_SLACK_CHANNEL - Slack channel to post backup notifications. Default blank

Email Settings

  • MAIL_DRIVER - Email driver. Default smtp
  • MAIL_HOST - Email host e.g
  • MAIL_PORT - Outgoing email port e.g 2525
  • MAIL_USERNAME - Outgoing email username
  • MAIL_PASSWORD - Outgoing email password
  • MAIL_ENCRYPTION - Default null
  • MAIL_FROM_ADDRESS - The email address that sends emails (Your company address)
  • MAIL_FROM_NAME - Your company name that appears on emails


To send a test email go to Settings -> System Info and click on Test Email button.

Paypal Configuration

To setup paypal IPN;


To enable PayPal Live, go to Settings -> Payment Settings

Stripe Configuration

To configure Stripe, proceed as follows;

  • Login to your stripe dashboard account
  • Get your API Keys by clicking Developers section
  • Obtain your stripe webhook keys by clicking on Webhooks under Developers section of your stripe dashboard.

Open your .env file in Workice CRM and modify the values below;


Stripe Webhook Configuration

To handle Stripe webhooks, proceed as follows;
  • Login to your stripe dashboard and click on Developers section.
  • Click Webhooks -> Add Endpoint button
  • Enter webhook URL as https://{YOUR-DOMAIN}/stripe/webhook replace {YOUR-DOMAIN} with your actual domain e.g

By default, Workice CRM will automatically handle cancelling subscriptions that have too many failed charges (as defined by your Stripe settings), customer updates, customer deletions, subscription updates, and credit card changes;

Razorpay Configuration

To configure RazorPay, proceed as follows;

  • Login to your razorpay dashboard account
  • Get your API Keys by clicking Settings -> API Keys section

Open your .env file in Workice CRM and modify the values below;



Create Razorpay webhook and enter webhook URL as https://{YOUR-DOMAIN}/webhook/razorpay/ipn replace {YOUR-DOMAIN} with your actual domain e.g

Braintree Configuration

To configure Braintree, proceed as follows;

  • Login to your braintree dashboard account
  • Get your API Keys by clicking Settings -> API section
  • Just below the API keys you'll see your Merchant ID

Open your .env file in Workice CRM and modify the values below;



You will need to enter your Merchant Account in Settings -> Payment Settings -> Braintree Merchant Account


To enable Braintree Live, go to Settings -> Payment Settings

WePay Configuration

To configure WePay gateway, proceed as follows;

  • Login to your WePay dashboard account
  • Get your API Keys by clicking on your business account
  • Copy and replace the values below with your WePay API Keys

Open your .env file in Workice CRM and modify the values below;



To enable WePay Live, go to Settings -> Payment Settings

2Checkout Configuration

To configure 2checkout, proceed as follows;

  • Login to your 2checkout dashboard account
  • Get your API Keys by clicking on API section
  • Obtain your SELLER ID by clicking on your 2chekout avatar and copy Account Number.

Open your .env file in Workice CRM and modify the values below;



To enable 2Checkout Live, go to Settings -> Payment Settings

Mollie Configuration

To configure mollie, proceed as follows;

  • Login to your Mollie dashboard account
  • Get your API Keys by clicking on Developers section

Open your .env file in Workice CRM and modify the values below;


Google Calendar Setup

To display events from your Google Calendar, Go to Settings -> System Settings and enter your Google Calendar API key and your Google Calendar ID. Once the settings are configured, your events will display on Workice calendar.

Using a (Reverse) Proxy

If you need to set a list of trusted (reverse) proxies you can modify app/Http/Middleware/TrustProxies.php file. Your trusted proxies should be listed as an array on the $proxies property of this middleware. In addition to configuring the trusted proxies, you may configure the proxy $headers that should be trusted:

protected $proxies = [