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File metadata and controls

117 lines (76 loc) · 3.77 KB

Implement this Solution

Analyze Results Logic App - send single-page PDF document data to REST API endpoint of trained custom document model

Next step is to open the Logic App designer in the Azure portal for the second Logic App you deployed with "analyzeresults" in the name.

  1. Add the Azure Blob Storage trigger When a blob is added or modified (properties only) (V2) with the following settings:
Property Setting
Storage account name Use connection settings
Container /single
Number of blobs to return 1
How often to you want to check for items 1 Minute

Analyze Results Logic App trigger

  1. Add a new step: Create SAS URI by path (V2) with the following settings:
Property Setting
Storage account name Use connection settings
Blob path List of Files Path (Dynamic Expression)

Analyze Results Logic App- SAS URI by path step

  1. Add a new step: HTTP Please note that you will have to replace a few variables tailored to your resource deployment. Here are the variables you must replace:
  • FORM_RECO_URI: this is the Endpoint of your Form Recognizer service in Azure. You can find your endpoint here after navigating to your Form Recognizer service that was created during resource deployment.

FR Endpoint

  • FORM_RECO_KEY: this is the Key used to access your Cognitive Service API. You can find your Key here after navigating to your Form Recognizer service that was created during resource deployment.

FR Endpoint Key

  • MODEL_ID: this is the Model ID that you created while training a custom document model in Form Recognizer Studio.
Property Setting
Method POST
URI <FORM_RECO_URI>/formrecognizer/documentModels/<MODEL_ID>:analyze?api-version= 2022-01-30-preview
Headers Ocp-Apim-Subscription-Key <FORM_RECO_KEY>
Body {"urlSource": "@{body('Create_SAS_URI_by_path_(V2)')?['WebUrl']}"}

Logic App Analyze HTTP step

  1. Add a new step: Initialize variable with the following settings:
Property Setting
Name analyze-status
Type String
Value @{null}

Logic App Analyze - Iniyalize status variable

  1. Add a new step: Until with the following settings
is equal to

Logic App Analyze Until step

  1. Add an action: HTTP with the following settings
Property Setting
Method GET
URI @{outputs('HTTP')['headers']['Operation-Location']}
Headers Ocp-Apim-Subscription-Key <FORM_RECO_KEY>

Logic App Analyze - HTTP step

  1. Add an action: Set variable
Property Setting
Name analyze-status
Value @{body('HTTP_2')['status']}

Logic App Analyze - Set variable step

  1. Add an action: Delay
Property Setting
Count 10
Unit Second

Logic App Analyze - Delay step

  1. Add a new step: Create blob (V2)
Property Setting
Storage account name Use connection settings
Folder path /results
Blob name @{replace(triggerBody()?['DisplayName'], '.pdf', '.json')}
Blob content @body('HTTP_2')

Logic App Analyze - Create blob step

  1. Click Save. Your Logic App should now look like this:

Logic App Analyze - Complete

Next Steps

Verify the functionality