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A documentation for the McmcHermes package.

McmcHermes is a pure-Julia implementation of Metropolis Hasting Algorithm under an MIT license. McmcHermes will help you if you want to estimate model parameters or sample a probability density distribution.


using Pkg

Basic Usage

!!! note

This guide assumes that you already have define your likelihood, prior and the logarithm of the posterior probability as in the example below.


If you want to draw samples from two Gaussian distributions, you would do something like:

function pdf(X::Number, params::Vector)
    s1, s2, mu1, mu2 = params[1], params[2], params[3], params[4]
    return 1 / (sqrt(2 * pi) * s1) * exp( -0.5*((X - mu1)/s1)^2 ) + 1 / (sqrt(2 * pi) * s2) * exp( -0.5*((X - mu2)/s2)^2 )

function gaussian_function(X::Vector, params::Vector)
    x_values = collect(range(minimum(X), maximum(X), length=length(X)))
    s1, s2, mu1, mu2 = params[1], params[2], params[3], params[4]
    return 0.5 ./ (sqrt(2 * pi) .* s1) .* exp.(-0.5*((x_values .- mu1)./s1).^2) .+ 0.5 ./ (sqrt(2 * pi) .* s2) .* exp.(-0.5*((x_values .- mu2)./s2).^2)

using McmcHermes

params = [3, 1.5, -5, 5]
interval = [-20, 20]
sampling = McmcHermes.sampler(pdf, 10000, interval, params)

x_values = Vector{Float64}(range(interval[1], interval[2], 100))

histogram(sampling, xlabel=L"samples", ylabel=L"p(x)", xguidefontsize=12, color=:gray, yguidefontsize=12, normalize=:pdf, show=true, label="samples")
plot!(x_values, gaussian_function(x_values, params), lw=3, size=(500,400), label="Function", lc=:orange, show=true)


Parameter estimation

To estimate parameters $\mu$ and $\sigma$ from a gaussian distribution. First, you need some data

using Distributions, Plots, LaTeXStrings, DataFrames

mu, sigma = 10, 2 # truths
l_b, u_b = 0, 20
d = Truncated(Normal(mu, sigma), l_b, u_b)
N = 10000
data = rand(d, N)

histogram(data, legend=false, size=(400,400), xlabel=L"data", show=true, normalize=:pdf,  ylabel=L"p(x)", xguidefontsize=12, color=:gray, yguidefontsize=12)


Now, define likelihood and prior

function log_likelihood(X::Vector, parameters::Vector)
    mu, sigma = parameters[1], parameters[2]
    y = 1 ./ (sqrt(2 * pi) .* sigma) .* exp.( -0.5 * ((X .- mu)./sigma).^2 )
    return sum(log.(y))

function log_prior(parameters::Vector)
    mu, sigma = parameters[1], parameters[2]
    if 5.0 < mu < 15.0 && 0.0 < sigma < 4.0
        return 0.0
    return -Inf

function log_probability(X::Vector, parameters::Vector)
    lp = log_prior(parameters)
    if !isfinite(lp)
        return -Inf
    return lp + log_likelihood(X, parameters)

Then, define the number of walkers, iterations, dimension of the parameter space and the initial guess.

using McmcHermes

mu, sigma = 10, 2
initparams = Vector{Float64}([mu, sigma])

n_iter, n_walkers = 5000, 30
n_dim = 2
seed = rand(n_walkers, n_dim) * 1e-4 .+ transpose(initparams)

chains = McmcHermes.run_mcmc(log_probability, data, seed, n_iter, n_walkers, n_dim, a=0.01)

println(size(chains)) # (5000, 30, 2)

The convergence of the chains can be validated by the Gelman-Rubin's diagnostic:

println("Gelman Rubin Diagnostic: ", McmcHermes.get_gelman_rubin(chains)) # 1.0206366055

Finally, plot the chains.

labels = Tuple([L"\mu", L"\sigma"])
x = 1:size(chains)[1]
p = []
for ind in 1:n_dim
    push!(p, plot(x, [chains[:,i,ind] for i in 1:size(chains)[2]], legend=false, 
    lc=:black, lw=1, ylabel=labels[ind], alpha = 0.1, xticks=false))

plot(p[1], p[2], layout = (2,1))
plot!(size=(600,200), xlims = (0, size(chains)[1]), show=true)


Chains can also be plotted in a corner. To do so, get the flat chain

flat_chains = McmcHermes.get_flat_chain(chains, burn_in=100, thin=10)
println(size(flat_chains)) # (14901, 2)
mean_posterior = quantile(flat_chains[:, 1], 0.5) # 10.0273672
std_posterior = quantile(flat_chains[:, 2], 0.5) # 1.9998453

using PairPlots, CairoMakie

table = (; x=flat_chains[:,1], y=flat_chains[:,2],)
fig = pairplot(table, labels = Dict(:x => L"\mu", :y => L"\sigma"))


Develop by J. Alfonso.

Modules = [McmcHermes]