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Maintainability Test Coverage


A fan-out pubsub message implementation for Rails 5. Named after the world's most famous plumber, Ozzy Osbourne.


  • Publish messages via Osbourne.publish("topic_name", message). Messages are expected to either be a String or respond to #to_json
  • Message processor via the osbourne shell command
  • Worker generator via rails g osbourne:worker worker_name topic
  • Auto-provisioning of SQS queues, SNS topics, and subscriptions between them
  • Built-in support for locking to prevent accidental duplicate message delivery
  • Test helpers

Inspired heavily by the excellent Shoryuken & Circuitry gems


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'osbourne'

And then execute:

$ bundle install
$ bundle exec rails g osbourne:install

Installation creates config/initializers/osbourne.rb and config/osbourne.yml

AWS credentials

There are a few ways to configure the AWS client:

  • Ensure the AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID and AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY env vars are set.
  • Create a ~/.aws/credentials file.
  • Set Aws.config[:credentials] or Osbourne.sqs_client = and Osbourne.sns_client = from Ruby code
  • Use the Instance Profiles feature. The IAM role of the targeted machine must have an adequate SQS Policy.

You can read about these in more detail here.

Production AWS

The default config/osbourne.yml production configuration is blank. This is not by accident. Hitting real AWS resources requires no additional configuration.

Mock AWS for local devlopment

This gem has been tested successfully with localstack. The localstack tools can succesfully emulate SQS & SNS, as well as subscription marshalling.

The following settings in config/osbourne.yml will configure Osbourne to use a mocked SQS & SNS on localhost:

    endpoint: http://localhost:4575
    endpoint: http://localhost:4576
    verify_checksums: false

Please note verify_checksums: false is required for the subscriber configuration.

It is recommended to use the dotenv gem and add these dummy credentials to your .env:


There must be a region set. Use whichever is appropriate for your situation.


To turn on test mode, in your spec helper:

  require 'osbourne/test'

This will enable test mode for provisioning and publishing. Example:

  class TestWorker < Osbourne::WorkerBase
    worker_config topics: %w[test_topic]

    def process(message)
      # Do stuff here...

  RSpec.describe TestWorker do
    subject(:worker) { }

    before do
      # This will call `#publish` on `TestWorker`
      Osbourne.publish('test_topic', 'message')

There is also a test Message object you can use and pass directly into your workers. It stubs out the message validation, and creates a mock message as if it had been broadcast from SNS.


let(:test_worker) { }
let(:message) { "test", body: "thing") }

# Now you can use `test_worker.process(message)` in your specs


Publishing a message

Publishing a message is simple: Osbourne.publish("topic_name", message)

Osbourne will automatically provision the SNS topic if it does not already exist. The message object is expected to either be a String object, or respond to #to_json.

Generating a worker

$ bundle exec rails g osbourne:worker worker_name topic1 topic2

This will generate a WorkerNameWorker in app/workers/worker_name_worker.rb, subscribed to topic1 and topic2.

There is some configuration options available within the generated worker. See comments in the worker for options.

SNS messages broadcast through an SQS queue will have some layers of envelop wrappings around them. The message object passed into the worker's #perform method contains some helpers to make parsing this easier. #message_body is the most important one, as it contains the actual string of the message that was originally broadcast.

Running workers

To run all workers in app/workers:

$ bundle exec osbourne

This can be easily added to a Procman configuration to run alongside your ActiveJob processor (eg: sidekiq)


The gem is available as open source under the terms of the GPL-3.0 License.