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156 lines (114 loc) · 4.22 KB

SSSP on a compressed graph

How to run

The makefile separates by experiment. To run the experiments, run the following commands, respectively

$ make chaotic
$ make delta
$ make dijkstra
$ make deltaOptimal



  • CSR.cpp/h
    • Compressed Sparse Row class
  • Parser.cpp/h
    • Parsing input class, returns an instance of CSR
  • SSSP.cpp/h
    • Contains delta step algorithm
  • Worklist.cpp/h
    • Worklist class, abstracts a map of 'buckets'
  • *Experiment.cpp
    • Different runners for the various experiments

CSR.cpp - Compressed Sparse Row implementation

void put (int32_t x, int32_t y, int32_t val)

  • Sets x,y in the adjaceny matrix to val
  • x is from edge, y is to edge

int32_t get (int32_t x, int32_t y)

  • Returns the weight for edge x->y

vector<vector<int32_t>> iterate()

  • Returns a vector of vectors
  • Each vector will have the format <u, v, weight>

void printNodeLabels()

  • print all the labels for each of given nodes

long getTent (int32_t u)

  • returns the tentative cost of node u

void setTent (int32_t u, long val)

  • set the tentative cost of node u to cost val

void debugInfo()

  • print out the inner workings of the CSR
  • IA, JA, and the values

bool nodeFullyRelaxed (int32_t node)

  • returns true if all the nodes out of node have been relaxed

void relaxNode (int32_t src, int32_t dest):

  • sets the edge as relaxed

Worklist.cpp - Worklist implementation

bool hasElements()

  • returns true if there are still items in a bucket

long getIndex()

  • returns the index of the first non-empty bucket

set<int32_t> get(long i)

  • returns the bucket stored at i

void put(long i, set<int32_t> nodes)

  • puts a set of nodes at bucket i

void relaxNodes(set<csrTuple> req, int seed)

  • relaxes the set of nodes in req, shuffles with seed seed

void printRelaxCount()

  • prints the number of edge and node relaxations

set<vector<int32_t>> getLight()

  • returns the light edges

void setLight(set<vector<int32_t>> s)

  • sets the light edges to set s

set<vector<int32_t>> getHeavy()

  • returns the heavy edges

void setHeavy(set<vector<int32_t>> s)

  • sets the heavy edges to s

set<csrTuple> match(set<int32_t> bucket, set<vector<int32_t>> s)

  • returns a set to be relaxed, the nodes in both bucket and s

SSSP.cpp - DeltaStep implementaton

DeltaStep(CSR csr, int32_t step, int seed)

  • Constructor
  • takes in a CSR graph, step size, and a seed for shuffling

run(bool printNLabels, bool printRelaxCount)

  • Runs the delta step algorithm
  • If printNLabels is true, the node labels are printed
  • If printRelaxCount is true, the number of relaxations are printed

Parser.cpp - Input parser

CSR parseInput()

  • returns a created CSR from the input file

Runner Files - *Experiment.cpp


  • Measures clock time and node relaxations across different seeds
  • Seeds: 10, 20, 50


  • Measures node relaxations across different step sizes
  • Prints out node labels and number of steps


  • Runs dijkstra by setting delta to 1
  • prints out node labels and node relaxations


  • runs the optimal delta across all the different graphs
  • prints node relaxations and clock time

Finding Highest Outdegree

General Approach

The graph is represented by a NxN matrix, where the rows represent from vertices and the columns represent the to vertices. Therefore, if A[u][v] = w, there is edge from u to v with edge weight w.

With this definition, calculating the highest outdegree is equivalent to finding the row with the most non-zero entries.

Finding most non-zero entries with Compressed Sparse Row

The number of non-zero entries can be computed with the IA vector of Compressed Sparse Row.

The IA vector has the following definition:

  • IA[0] = 0
  • IA[i] = IA[i - 1] + number of non-zero entries for row i - 1


for(int i = 0; i < numRows){
    int currDegree = IA[i + 1] - IA[i];
    if(currDegree > oldDegree){
        row = i;
        oldDegree = currDegree;
return row;