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Releases: hulloitskai/begone

Error-reporting hotfix

22 Dec 23:12
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Resolved an issue where a spam run wouldn't report an error if it occurred after the first spam cycle.


7e7642b Fixed issue where BotRunner.Run didn't report errors
c965ebf Minor README update

Improved error reporting, added support for numeric user IDs

20 Dec 13:35
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begone now features better error reporting, by providing contextual suggestions for common mistakes, like entering invalid convo IDs:

There is also now an additional flag for disabling fancy graphics, in case they get in the way of purity of The Begone Experience™, and other fixes in terms of terminal output formatting.


fc6dc9b Added project status to README
0815c2c Added warnings for invalid convo ID input
6ab0001 Resolved issue #2 with a --assume-user flag
5cd32a5 Updated fbmsgr dependency

Added spammable resources

11 Dec 22:36
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All distributions now included a resources/ folder which contains some text files and images that can be sent with begone.

Gamers, rise up. 😎


e429bad Included spamming resources, moved public libs to pkg
765ed12 Updated README, removed git-lfs

Updated archive format for macOS

07 Dec 02:47
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It seems to be easier to work with .zip archives on macOS (as opposed to .tar.gz), so that's what the default release will be using.


1f4deb5 Configured git-lfs to track .github/demo.gif
4a0cd6f Removed unused sections from Makefile
c5d135e Switched release archive format to .zip for macOS
75d0356 Updated git-hooks, added CONTRIBUTING

Fixed send-fail counting inconsistency

29 Nov 14:14
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Fixed an issue where a message would fail to send, but not be considered a true 'send fail', and still increment the counter of 'successful sends'.


b30a532 Added default version ('unknown')
183bc9c Configured build-tests with Travis
f2c091b Prevented 'count' from incrementing upon send fail
d5b9066 Updated README with FAQ

Image command hotfix

28 Nov 17:22
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Fixed an issue where begone image was not receiving the correct filepath.


8a295c6 Fixed bug where 'begone image' wouldn't get correct filepath
8a30f07 Updated README with advanced piping usage

Piping Integration Update

28 Nov 14:36
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Ever wanted to pipe a message from another program to begone? Well, now you can:

echo "testing 1 2  3" | begone repeat --stdin <CONVERSATION ID>

This is the perfect integration for dgen, my highly sophisticated string generator. This one line can probably do a lot of damage:

dgen "👅" fb | begone repeat --stdin <CONVERSATION ID>

Remember to play it responsible, kids, and don't get banned from Facebook!


428f61a Added --stdin flag to 'begone repeat' command

Common flags update

27 Nov 23:14
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Improved common flag logic; no longer will the --delay or --cycles flag appear on the help text for begone login, etc.


cfda4c9 Refactored common flag logic to be more accurate

Kingpin CLI update

27 Nov 19:59
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This release marks a switch from using spf13/cobra to alecthomas/kingpin for begone's CLI framework. I found that there were a bunch of inconsistencies ranging from tab completion to usage output while using cobra, and found that kingpin produced more reliable, cleaner result, and allowed me to write cleaner, more modular code for package cmd.


0e36fe9 Merge pull request #1 from stevenxie/kingpin
27f1c3b Switched CLI framework to Kingpin
d9dbc01 Updated bash / zsh completion scripts

Incorrect flags hotfix

26 Nov 02:09
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Fixed some issues with bad flags. In particular, the global flag --max-send-fails had a way-too-big default value of 1000, and the --mode flag on the emojify subcommand just straight-up didn't work.

This is all fixed now. 🛠


3529cbe Fixed bad flags