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Yet another repository with solutions to the Project Euler problems.

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122 Problems down, $n$ more to go:

140 Modified Fibonacci golden nuggets 02 May 22 (11:46.58)
137 Fibonacci golden nuggets 05 Feb 22 (16:21.35)
190 Maximising a weighted product 18 Nov 21 (03:07.51)
622 Riffle Shuffles 27 Oct 21 (17:00.18)
243 Resilience 15 Oct 21 (22:04.01)
401 Sum of squares of divisors 13 Oct 21 (16:15.51)
435 Polynomials of Fibonacci numbers 01 Oct 21 (14:03.46)
203 Squarefree Binomial Coefficients 22 Sep 21 (00:07.35)
78 Coin partitions 19 Sep 21 (19:08.04)
148 Exploring Pascal's triangle 19 Sep 21 (14:58.31)
64 Odd period square roots 17 Sep 21 (16:35.55)
684 Inverse Digit Sum 08 Feb 21 (00:58.21)
80 Square root digital expansion 23 Dec 20 (22:38.50)
381 (prime-k) factorial 22 Dec 20 (18:58.28)
204 Generalised Hamming Numbers 21 Dec 20 (09:46.42)
209 Circular Logic 03 Dec 20 (06:15.51)
686 Powers of Two 01 Dec 20 (14:50.07)
357 Prime generating integers 01 Dec 20 (08:13.43)
104 Pandigital Fibonacci ends 30 Nov 20 (14:13.53)
700 Eulercoin 30 Nov 20 (07:11.07)
98 Anagramic squares 26 Nov 20 (07:20.18)
107 Minimal network 26 Nov 20 (03:45.28)
91 Right triangles with integer coordinates 25 Nov 20 (01:46.49)
95 Amicable chains 23 Nov 20 (08:53.09)
70 Totient permutation 21 Nov 20 (22:32.30)
100 Arranged probability 04 Jul 17 (03:41.01)
607 Marsh Crossing 28 Jun 17 (19:44.33)
577 Counting hexagons 13 Mar 17 (00:19.26)
187 Semiprimes 08 Mar 17 (01:34.25)
500 Problem 500!!! 20 Feb 17 (05:05.54)
587 Concave triangle 17 Feb 17 (18:38.36)
121 Disc game prize fund 19 Mar 16 (03:28.24)
76 Counting summations 29 Dec 15 (01:07.17)
65 Convergents of e 19 Dec 15 (20:18.44)
205 Dice Game 23 Oct 15 (02:52.59)
346 Strong Repunits 17 Oct 15 (13:50.22)
73 Counting fractions in a range 11 Oct 15 (02:43.06)
162 Hexadecimal numbers 08 Oct 15 (09:43.59)
72 Counting fractions 01 Oct 15 (02:08.52)
145 How many reversible numbers are there below one-billion? 25 Sep 15 (01:55.46)
63 Powerful digit counts 21 Sep 15 (14:05.59)
317 Firecracker 16 Sep 15 (19:52.57)
123 Prime square remainders 01 Jun 15 (22:23.18)
69 Totient maximum 14 May 15 (15:36.02)
85 Counting rectangles 26 Jan 15 (14:53.24)
173 Using up to one million tiles how many different "hollow" square laminae can be formed? 20 Jan 15 (16:57.45)
120 Square remainders 11 Nov 14 (23:56.04)
117 Red, green, and blue tiles 30 Oct 14 (22:47.10)
101 Optimum polynomial 25 Oct 14 (02:12.35)
116 Red, green or blue tiles 07 Oct 14 (16:46.03)
31 Coin sums 04 Oct 14 (22:36.33)
58 Spiral primes 18 Sep 14 (20:38.35)
166 Criss Cross 18 Sep 14 (13:14.15)
87 Prime power triples 17 Sep 14 (13:53.35)
57 Square root convergents 15 Sep 14 (23:55.41)
46 Goldbach's other conjecture 15 Sep 14 (22:20.10)
23 Non-abundant sums 15 Sep 14 (20:42.51)
32 Pandigital products 15 Sep 14 (01:37.57)
38 Pandigital multiples 14 Sep 14 (22:35.20)
59 XOR decryption 12 Sep 14 (13:48.48)
124 Ordered radicals 12 Sep 14 (11:33.36)
41 Pandigital prime 10 Sep 14 (15:27.27)
82 Path sum: three ways 29 Aug 14 (18:23.32)
81 Path sum: two ways 28 Aug 14 (08:46.49)
15 Lattice paths 14 Jun 14 (11:50.06)
206 Concealed Square 01 Jun 14 (13:13.17)
45 Triangular, pentagonal, and hexagonal 29 May 14 (10:55.54)
112 Bouncy numbers 24 May 14 (18:41.56)
52 Permuted multiples 24 May 14 (13:20.33)
53 Combinatoric selections 20 May 14 (22:10.19)
37 Truncatable primes 20 May 14 (19:36.04)
55 Lychrel numbers 19 May 14 (23:43.55)
99 Largest exponential 18 May 14 (00:24.01)
74 Digit factorial chains 17 May 14 (23:43.17)
89 Roman numerals 10 May 14 (20:08.42)
28 Number spiral diagonals 10 May 14 (00:42.37)
92 Square digit chains 06 May 14 (23:26.15)
49 Prime permutations 06 May 14 (22:17.49)
34 Digit factorials 01 May 14 (21:15.25)
30 Digit fifth powers 01 May 14 (18:06.28)
47 Distinct primes factors 26 Apr 14 (22:15.58)
71 Ordered fractions 26 Apr 14 (15:37.18)
102 Triangle containment 25 Apr 14 (18:26.01)
26 Reciprocal cycles 21 Apr 14 (18:29.45)
67 Maximum path sum II 15 Apr 14 (14:24.49)
24 Lexicographic permutations 29 Mar 14 (12:03.16)
35 Circular primes 02 Mar 14 (12:36.10)
27 Quadratic primes 21 Feb 14 (12:32.55)
39 Integer right triangles 23 Jan 14 (15:59.56)
33 Digit cancelling fractions 29 Oct 13 (19:52.37)
18 Maximum path sum I 25 Oct 13 (22:55.12)
97 Large non-Mersenne prime 13 Oct 13 (14:44.45)
56 Powerful digit sum 23 Sep 13 (12:34.24)
54 Poker hands 21 Sep 13 (21:36.33)
79 Passcode derivation 20 Sep 13 (18:45.13)
43 Sub-string divisibility 20 Sep 13 (16:59.36)
40 Champernowne's constant 30 Jul 13 (23:37.08)
19 Counting Sundays 30 Jul 13 (23:13.17)
29 Distinct powers 30 Jul 13 (15:19.06)
42 Coded triangle numbers 27 Jul 13 (01:19.09)
36 Double-base palindromes 26 Jul 13 (23:57.27)
21 Amicable numbers 26 Jul 13 (18:05.51)
14 Longest Collatz sequence 26 Jul 13 (00:34.55)
22 Names scores 25 Jul 13 (01:08.30)
12 Highly divisible triangular number 24 Jul 13 (23:17.03)
17 Number letter counts 23 Jul 13 (14:43.06)
11 Largest product in a grid 22 Jul 13 (21:21.40)
16 Power digit sum 22 Jul 13 (13:47.49)
9 Special Pythagorean triplet 21 Jul 13 (20:12.52)
8 Largest product in a series 21 Jul 13 (18:20.15)
4 Largest palindrome product 21 Jul 13 (16:06.38)
3 Largest prime factor 21 Jul 13 (02:12.35)
25 1000-digit Fibonacci number 20 Jul 13 (22:56.18)
10 Summation of primes 18 Jul 13 (23:56.04)
7 10001st prime 18 Jul 13 (23:48.58)
13 Large sum 18 Jul 13 (22:01.14)
48 Self powers 18 Jul 13 (15:25.38)
20 Factorial digit sum 18 Jul 13 (15:00.53)
2 Even Fibonacci numbers 18 Jul 13 (11:33.35)
6 Sum square difference 09 Mar 13 (18:12.48)
5 Smallest multiple Completed when dinosaurs roamed the earth.
1 Multiples of 3 or 5 Completed a long, long time ago.