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Jamie worshipper

This bot was created with the sole purpose of worshipping jamie.

The bot is now ported to c#

You can download it and use it for yourself, an official version will always be hosted, you can invite it with This link

Self usage

The bot will automatically create the required databases with some default values for the actual official bot status i recommend you change.


All the configuration is stored in the SQLITE Database for a future command i'm planning to write, being like this the configuration is not finished and so some values are hard coded (plan to change)

Env variables

The bot also requires a .env file to be created in the compiled folder with the following keys/values

Key Value description
MODERATORS All the bot moderators discord ID's separated with commas without spaces
TOKEN Your discord bot token
GITCREDS Your GitHub credentials for the bot status command, format: user:token


Since the configuration is not yet finished, no releases will be published until then, the first release requires the bot to be fully configurable trough commands, which is not right now.


And keep worshipping jamie (he deserves it)


A discord bot to worship jamie




