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File metadata and controls

223 lines (160 loc) · 7.43 KB


Adds 2 new behaviors to your Stimulus controller: appear and disappear.

This behavior is built on top of the Intersection Observer API


useIntersection(controller, options = {})

controller : a Stimulus Controller (usually 'this')

options :

Option Description Default value
dispatchEvent Whether to dispatch appear, disappear events or not. true
element The root element listening to intersection events. The controller element
eventPrefix Whether to prefix or not the emitted event. Can be a boolean or a string.
- true prefix the event with the controller identifier card:appear
- someString prefix the event with the given string someString:appear
- false to remove prefix
visibleAttribute The name of the attribute which gets added to the tracked element when the element is visible isVisible

Additionally, the following options can also be passed to the options object. The following descriptions are from MDN:

If options isn't specified, the observer uses the document's viewport as the root, with no margin, and a 0% threshold (meaning that even a one-pixel change is enough to trigger a callback). You can provide any combination of the following options:

Option Description Default value
root An Element or Document object which is an ancestor of the intended target, whose bounding rectangle will be considered the viewport. Any part of the target not visible in the visible area of the root is not considered visible. document viewport
rootMargin A string which specifies a set of offsets to add to the root's bounding_box when calculating intersections, effectively shrinking or growing the root for calculation purposes. The syntax is approximately the same as that for the CSS margin property; see The intersection root and root margin for more information on how the margin works and the syntax. "0px 0px 0px 0px"
threshold Either a single number or an array of numbers between 0.0 and 1.0, specifying a ratio of intersection area to total bounding box area for the observed target. A value of 0.0 means that even a single visible pixel counts as the target being visible. 1.0 means that the entire target element is visible. See Thresholds for a more in-depth description of how thresholds are used. 0.0



import { Controller } from '@hotwired/stimulus'
import { useIntersection } from 'stimulus-use'

export default class extends Controller {
  connect() {

  appear(entry, observer) {
    // callback automatically triggered when the element
    // intersects with the viewport (or root Element specified in the options)

  disappear(entry, observer) {
    // callback automatically triggered when the element
    // leaves the viewport (or root Element specified in the options)

Extending a controller

import { IntersectionController } from 'stimulus-use'

export default class extends IntersectionController {
  options = {
    element: this.element, // default

  appear(entry, observer) {
    // ...

  disappear(entry, observer) {
    // ...


This module adds two new events appear and disapear event that you may use to triggers Stimulus Actions.

For example, to count all visible elements on a page we could listen to individual appear/disappear events to update a counter

import { Controller } from '@hotwired/stimulus'
import { useIntersection } from 'stimulus-use'

export default class extends Controller {
  connect() {
    useIntersection(this, { eventPrefix: false })

  increase() { /* ... */ }
  decrease() { /* ... */ }
  data-action="appear@window->counter#increase disappear@window->counter#decrease"

Since the data-controller and the data-action are on the same element you can even leave out the @window because you don't need to wait for the event to bubble up the DOM tree to the window. The event gets dispatched on the controller element (if not overridden by the element option).

  data-action="appear->counter#increase disappear->counter#decrease"

Event Details

Get the emitting controller and entry object for an appear event

count(event) {
  const { controller, entry, observer } = event.detail

Helper functions

If you are tracking multiple events in your controller you might find these helper functions handy:

Helper Description
this.isVisible() / this.allVisible() Returns true if all of the tracked elements are visible. 
this.noneVisible() Returns true if none of the tracked elements are visible. 
this.oneVisible() Returns true if exactly one of the tracked elements is visible.
this.atLeastOneVisible() Returns true if at least one of the tracked elements is visible.

Using Helper functions

import { Controller } from '@hotwired/stimulus'
import { useIntersection } from 'stimulus-use'

export default class extends Controller {
  static targets = [ 'menu' ]

  connect() {

  appear() {
    if (this.atLeastOneVisible()) {

  disappear() {
    if (this.noneVisible()) {

Manually calling observe() and unobserve()

You can manually call observe() and unobserve() by obtaining references from the useIntersection() function call.

useIntersection() returns an array with two functions, the first one is the observe() and the second one is the unobserve() function.

export default class extends Controller {
  connect() {
    const [observe, unobserve] = useIntersection(this)
    this.observe = observe
    this.unobserve = unobserve

  appear() {
    // observe and emit `appear()` callback just once

Accessing the IntersectionObserver instance

You have the freedom to perform more advanced operations on the observer directly, so you can customize the logic according to your needs. The IntersectionObserver instance gets passed in as the second argument to the appear and disappear callbacks.

export default class extends Controller {
  connect() {

  appear(entry, observer) {
    // observe and emit `appear()` callback just once

Alternatively, you can also access the observer from the event detail.


Rails Infinite scroll:



Exisiting polyfill: