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File metadata and controls

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The repository provides a controller that queries the Git repository, at set intervals, for new clusterImageSets. The new clusterImageSets are then applied by the controller to the hub cluster of the Red Hat Advanced Cluster Management for Kubernetes (ACM)/Red Hat Multicluster Engine (MCE) environment. This makes available the latest OpenShift images in ACM/MCE for OpenShift deployments.

The acm-hive-openshift-releases Git repository has a cron job that runs every 3 hrs. This cron job queries the install image repository for the latest OpenShift images. A new clusterImageSet YAML is added to the acm-hive-openshift-releases Git repository when a new OpenShift image is discovered. The contents of the acm-hive-openshift-releases Git repository is organized using a directory structure to separate images based on the OCP version and the release channel (fast/stable/candidate). The branch of the Git repository is used to define the set of cluster imagesets that are applicable to a particular MCE/ACM release.

By default, this controller synchronizes the clusterImageSets from the Git repository, branch backplane-2.2, and using the fast channel. These default values could be overriden through properties in the configMap with the name cluster-image-set-git-repo that is created in the same namespace as the controller.

This is a sample of the configMap YAML.

apiVersion: v1
kind: ConfigMap
  name: cluster-image-set-git-repo
  namespace: multicluster-engine
  gitRepoUrl: https://localhost:10880/p/testrepo2.git
  gitRepoBranch: release-2.6
  gitRepoPath: clusterImageSets
  channel: fast
  insecureSkipVerify: "false"
  caCerts: |
    -----END CERTIFICATE-----

If the Git repository requires authentication, the authentication information could be provided through properties in the secret cluster-image-set-git-repo in the open-cluster-management namespace.

Here is a sample of a secret that uses basic authentication:

apiVersion: v1
kind: Secret
  name: cluster-image-set-git-repo
  namespace: multicluster-engine
type: Opaque
  user: cGhpbGlw
  accessToken: cGFzc3cwcmQ=

For authentication using HTTPS client certificates, a secret similar to this could be used:

apiVersion: v1
kind: Secret
  name: cluster-image-set-git-repo
  namespace: multicluster-engine
type: Opaque
  clientKey: key1
  clientCert: cert1

The controller provides options to override the names of the configMap and secret that contains the configuration information used to access Git repository. For the full list of available options, run:

./bin/clusterimageset sync --help