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executable file
79 lines (65 loc) · 2.95 KB

File metadata and controls

executable file
79 lines (65 loc) · 2.95 KB


  • Ticker: STKC
  • Premine: ~2.5%
  • Mining algorithm: CryptoNight (it enables truly anonymous and decentralized blockchain-based currency)
  • Max supply: 100 million coins
  • Block reward: initial reward of ~190 STKC
  • Block target time: 60 seconds
  • Difficulty: Retargets at every block
  • Transaction fee: 0.001 STKC
  • P2P Port: 44211
  • RPC Port: 44212


Mining pools: coming soon

Block explorer: coming soon


Windows GUI wallet: coming soon

Linux GUI wallet:   Instructions

  • Decompress the file: tar -zxvf stopkimcoin.tar.gz
  • Run the executable: ./stopkimcoin
  • Write down your seed information in case you lose your wallet!

Pre-compiled binaries:

For Linux:   Instructions (Tested on Ubuntu 16.0)

  • Extract the files: tar -zxvf stopkimcoin_linux_x64_bin.tar.gz
  • Run ./stopkimcoind to synchronize your computer with the P2P network blockchain, then keep the program running
  • Open a new terminal and run ./simplewallet to create/open your wallet
  • Write down your seed information in case you lose your wallet!

You can also compile directly from the source code:

For Linux:

Linux Instructions:

  • Build your environment ~$ sudo apt-get update ~$ sudo apt-get install build-essential git cmake libboost-all-dev
  • Download stopkimcoin source code ~$ git clone ?
  • Build the binaries ~$ cd stopkimcoin ~/stopkimcoin$ make
  • Sync the blockchain ~/stopkimcoin$ cd build/release/src/ ~/stopkimcoin/build/release/src$ ./stopkimcoind --log-level=3
  • Create your wallet (open it in a new terminal because you need the stopkimcoin daemon running) ~/stopkimcoin/build/release/src$ ./simplewallet
  • Write down your seed information in case you lose your wallet!
  • Start mining your coins! Type start_mining. For more commands, type help.

Windows Instructions:

  • Install Microsoft Visual Studio Community 2015
  • Install the latest CMake: o During installation, choose Add cmake to your system path
  • Download and compile Boost 1.60.0 C++ Libraries: o Extract the zip archive o Compile Boost 1.60.0 o Run Windows command prompt cmd o cd to where you extracted boost__1_60_0 o Run bootstrap.bat o Run b2 --toolset=msvc variant=release link=static threading=multi runtime-link=static address-model=64
  • Download stopkimcoin source code to your computer o Clone repository type git clone
  • Finally, compile stopkimcoin o cd stopkimcoin o mkdir build -- Create 'build' directory. o cd build -- Change to build Directory. o cmake -G "Visual Studio 15 Win64" -DBOOST_ROOT=c:\boost_1_60_0 -DBOOST_LIBRARY_DIR=c:\boost_1_60_0\stage\lib .. o msbuild stopkimcoin.sln /p:Configuration=release Find your binaries in ..\stopkimcoin\build\src\release\

Good luck everyone!