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RunPod: Launch the Stable Studio

Kaloyan Raev edited this page Jul 26, 2023 · 1 revision


Open the Connect screen

When your Docker container starts, you can connect to the provided services using the Connect button.


Connect to the Stable Studio

The Stable Studio runs on port 3000.

Click on the "Connect to HTTP Service [Port 3000]" button, and it will open in a separate tab in your web browser.

Note: Don't get discouraged if the button is yellow instead of purple. For some reason, RunPod cannot detect that the Stable Studio is already running.


Configure Stable Studio

Stable Studio requires a little configuration. Go ahead and click on the cogs button at the top right corner to open the Settings screen.


Configure the Stable Diffusion Web UI address

The Stable Studio is launched with the Stable Diffusion Web UI plugin. Enter the address of the Stable Diffusion Web UI backend in the Host URL. You can take the address from the web browser's address bar when you launch the Stable Diffusion Web UI.

Note: Remove any trailing slash / from the address as Stable Studio if there is one.

If you see a status message "Ready without history plugin", you are good to go. Click on the "Generate" button in the top left corner to return to the main screen.


Select the model and sampler

Expand the Advanced section in the left sidebar.

Click on the "Select a model" drop-down and select a model.

Click on the "Select a sampler" drop-down and select a sampler.

Note: If you see a drop-down displaying "Loading samplers..." like on the screenshot below and they never load, try refreshing your web browser and repeat the steps.


Start dreaming

You are now set to start dreaming in Stable Studio.


Next step

Train your model and upload it to Storj.