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122 lines (96 loc) · 3.89 KB

File metadata and controls

122 lines (96 loc) · 3.89 KB

v0.3.1 (2017-11-28)

  • ~ sdk version header format fixed.

v0.3.0 (2017-11-11)

  • ~ use codecov as coverage service
  • + golint is added to the CI process
  • ~ dep is updated to the latest version
  • x vendor folder is not under version control
  • ~ makefile simplifications
  • + testing and linting is now handled by scripts under tools folder
  • ~ cosmetic changes in codebase to make linter happy

v0.2.0 (2017-04-12)

  • Godoc style examples
  • [Added] Query.go tests
  • [Added] Locale resource tests
  • [Added] ContentType tests
  • [Added] Missing space resource tests
  • [Added] User-Agent for api requests

v0.1.1 (2017-03-31)

  • [Added] Rate-limited api requests
  • [Fix] Locale model
  • [Added] Content type field unmarshaling

v0.1.0 (2017-03-26)

Introducing resource services

Every entity resource now has its own service definition for handling api communication. With this release, we don't store contentful client and space objects inside entities anymore. Resource services now get spaceID as a string parameter when it is neccessary.

With the old versions, in order to create a new ContentType, for example, you first need to observe Space object. That is no longer required. The problem with the old method was that you had to make an extra api request to observe the Space in order to interact with rest of the resources. The following example demonstras the difference between old and new version.

// prior to v0.1.0
space, err := cma.GetSpace("space-id") // this call was making an extra api call
contentTypes, err := space.ContentTypes()

// after v0.1.0
contentType := &contentful.ContentType{ ... }
spaceID := "space-id"
cma.ContentTypes.Upsert(spaceID, contentType) // now we are passing spaceID as string

You can access available resources as follows:

cma := contentful.NewCMA("token")

Every resource service exposes the following interface:

List(spaceID string) *Collection

Get(spaceID, contentTypeID string)(*ContentType, error)

Upsert(spaceID string, ct *ContentType) error

Delete(spaceID string, ct *ContentType) error

Create resource instancas directly from their model definitions

All New{ResourceName}, such as NewContentType, NewSpace, functions are removed from the SDK. It turned out that it wasn't a good practice in golang. Instead, you can directly initiate resource entities directly from their models, such as:

contentType := &contentful.ContentType{
    Name: "name",
    ... other fields

v0.0.3 (2017-03-22)

  • [Added] PredefinedValues validation
  • [Added] Range validation greater/less than equal to support.
  • [Added] Size validation for content type field.
  • [Added] Packages are vendored with godep.
  • [Added] version.go.
  • [Added] entity/content_type: regex validation for content type field.
  • [Added] Validation data structures added: MinMax, Regex
  • [Added] LinkType support for Field struct
  • [Added] New validations: MimeType, Dimension, FileSize

v0.0.2 (2017-03-21)

  • entity/webhook: add tests for webhook entity.
  • entity/space: add tests for space entity.
  • errors: add tests for error handler.
  • entity/content_type: add test for content type entity.
  • entity/content_type: Field validations added for link type
  • entity/content_type: field validations added: Range, PredefinedValues, Unique

v0.0.1 (2017-03-20)

  • sdk: first implementation.
  • collection: first implementation.
  • entity/content_type: first implementation.
  • entity/entry: first implementation.
  • entity/query: first implementation.
  • entity/asset: first implementation.
  • entity/locale: first implementation.
  • entity/space: first implementation.
  • entity/webhook: first implementation.
  • entity/api_key: first implementation.
  • sdk: basic documentation.
  • examples: some examples for entities