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Les Hazlewood edited this page Dec 11, 2013 · 54 revisions

Apache Shiro plugin for Stormpath

The Apache Shiro plugin for Stormpath allows an Apache Shiro-enabled application to easily use the Stormpath User Management & Authentication service for all authentication and access control needs.

Pairing Shiro with Stormpath gives you a full application security system complete with immediate user account support, authentication, account registration and password reset workflows, password security and more - with little to no coding on your part.


  1. Add the stormpath-shiro .jars to your application using Maven, Ant+Ivy, Grails, SBT or whatever maven-compatible tool you prefer:

  2. Ensure you have an API Key so your application can communicate with Stormpath. Store your API Key file somewhere secure (readable only by you), for example:

  3. Configure shiro.ini with the Stormpath ApplicationRealm:

     stormpathClient = com.stormpath.shiro.client.ClientFactory
     # Replace this value with the file location from #2 above:
     stormpathClient.apiKeyFileLocation = /home/myhomedir/.stormpath/
     # If you've configured a Shiro CacheManager (recommended to reduce network calls):
     stormpathClient.cacheManager = $cacheManager
     stormpathRealm = com.stormpath.shiro.realm.ApplicationRealm
     stormpathRealm.client = $stormpathClient
     stormpathRealm.applicationRestUrl = REPLACE_ME_WITH_YOUR_STORMPATH_APP_REST_URL
     securityManager.realm = $stormpathRealm
  4. Replace the stormpathRealm.applicationRestUrl value above with your Application's Stormpath-specific REST URL, for example:

     stormpathRealm.applicationRestUrl =


In a web application, you can use one of Shiro's existing authentication filters to automatically handle authentication requests (e.g. BasicHttpAuthenticationFilter, FormAuthenticationFilter) and you won't have to code anything - authentication attempts will be processed as expected by the StormpathRealm automatically.

However, if you want to execute the authentication attempt yourself (e.g. you have a more complex login form or UI technology) or your application is not a web application, this is easy as well:

Create a Shiro UsernamePasswordToken to wrap your user's submitted username and password and then call Shiro's Subject.login method:

String username = //get from a form or request parameter (OVER SSL!)
String password = //get from a form or request parameter (OVER SSL!)
String host = //end-user's host IP for auditing, e.g. servletRequest.getRemoteHost();

UsernamePasswordToken token = new UsernamePasswordToken(username, password, host);

Subject currentUser = SecurityUtils.getSubject();

that's it - a standard Shiro authentication attempt. If the authentication attempt fails, an AuthenticationException will be thrown as expected.

In Stormpath, you can add, remove and enable accounts for your application and Shiro reflects these changes instantly!


After an account has authenticated, you can perform standard Shiro role and permission checks, e.g. subject.hasRole(roleName) and subject.isPermitted(permission).

Role checks

Shiro's role concept in Stormpath is represented as a Stormpath Group.

Role checks with the Group href

The recommended way to perform a Shiro role check is to use the Stormpath group's href property as the Shiro role 'name'.

While it is possible (and maybe more intuitive) to use the Group name for the role check, this secondary approach is not enabled by default and not recommended for most usages: role names can potentially change over time (for example, someone changes the Group name in the Stormpath administration console without telling you). If you code a role check in your source code, and that role name changes in the future, your role checks will likely fail!

Instead, it is recommended to perform role checks with a stable identifier.

You can use a Stormpath Group's href property as the role 'name' and check that:

String groupHref = stormpathGroup.getHref();
if (subject.hasRole(groupHref)) { 
    //do something 

Role checks with the Group name

If you still want to use a Stormpath Group's name as the Shiro role name for role checks - perhaps because you have a high level of confidence that no one will change group names once your software is written - you can still use the Group name if you wish by adding a little configuration.

In your shiro.ini (or compatible configuration mechanism), you can set the supported naming modes of what will be represented as a Shiro role:

groupRoleResolver = com.stormpath.shiro.realm.DefaultGroupRoleResolver
groupRoleResolver.setModeNames = NAME
stormpathRealm.groupRoleResolver = $groupRoleResolver

The modes (or mode names) allow you to specify which Group properties Shiro will consider as role 'names'. The default is href, but you can specify more than one if desired. The supported modes are the following:

  • HREF: the Group's href property will be considered a Shiro role name. This is the default mode if not configured otherwise. Allows a Shiro role check to look like the following: subject.hasRole(group.getHref()).
  • NAME: the Group's name property will be considered a Shiro role name. This allows a Shiro role check to look like the following: subject.hasRole(group.getName()). This however has the downside that if you (or someone else on your team or in your company) changes the Group's name, you will have to update your role check code to reflect the new names (otherwise the existing checks are very likely to fail).
  • ID: the Group's unique id will be considered a Shiro role name. The unique id is the id at the end of the Group's HREF url. This is a deprecated mode and should ideally not be used in new applications.

The GroupRoleResolver Interface

If the above default role name resolution logic does not meet your needs or if you want full customization of how a Stormpath Group resolves to one or more Shiro role names, you can implement the GroupRoleResolver interface and configure the implementation on the StormpathRealm:

groupRoleResolver =
stormpathRealm.groupRoleResolver = $groupRoleResolver

Permission checks

Stormpath does not yet have a permission concept that maps to Shiro's, but you can still resolve a set of Permissions that you want attributed with a Stormpath Group or Stormpath Account by implementing the *PermissionResolver interfaces. This allows you to call Shiro subject.isPermitted methods and have them function correctly based on Stormpath Group or Accounts.

The *PermissionResolver interfaces allow you to simulate full permission associations to Stormpath Groups or Accounts even though Stormpath does not store these permissions directly. Your *PermissionResolver implementation(s) would likely query a data store or file or other mechanism to get assigned permissions for a given Stormpath Group or Account.

How StormpathRealm Permission Checks Work

The StormpathRealm will use any configured AccountPermissionResolver and GroupPermissionResolver instances to create the aggregate of all permissions attributed to a Subject during a permission check. In other words, the following call:


will return true if the following is true:

  • any of the permissions returned by the AccountPermissionResolver for the Subject's backing Account implies aPermission
  • any of the permissions returned by the GroupPermissionResolver for any of the backing Account's Groups implies aPermission

false will be returned if aPermission is not implied by any of these permissions.

For further clarity, the isPermitted check works something like this (simplified for brevity):

Set<Permission> accountPermissions = accountPermissionResolver.resolvePermissions(account);
for (Permission accountPermission : accountPermissions) {
    if (accountPermission.implies(permissionToCheck)) {
        return true;

for (Group group : account.getGroups()) {
    Set<Permission> groupPermissions = resolvePermissions(group);
    for (Permission groupPermission : groupPermissions) {
        if (groupPermission.implies(permissionToCheck)) {
            return true;

//otherwise not permitted:
return false;


The StormpathRealm's AccountPermissionResolver inspects a Stormpath Account and returns a set of Shiro Permissions that are considered directly assigned to that Account.

This interface is provided to resolve permissions that are directly assigned to a Stormpath Account. Permissions that are assigned to an account's groups (and therefore implicitly or indirectly associated with an Account) are best provided by a GroupPermissionResolver instance instead.

Your AccountPermissionResolver implementation could then be configured on the StormpathRealm instance. For example, in shiro.ini:

accountPermissionResolver = com.mycompany.stormpath.shiro.MyAccountPermissionResolver
stormpathRealm.accountPermissionResolver = $accountPermissionResolver

After you've configured this you can perform permission checks. For example, perhaps you want to check if the current account is allowed to update their own information:

String updateSelf = "account:" + subject.getPrincipal() + ":update";
if (subject.isPermitted(updateSelf)) {
    //do something

This check would succeed if the MyAccountPermissionResolver implementation returned that permission for the Subject's backing Account.


The StormpathRealm's GroupPermissionResolver inspects a Stormpath Group and returns a set of Shiro Permissions that are considered assigned to that Group.

You can configure a custom GroupPermissionResolver implementation on the StormpathRealm instance. For example, in shiro.ini:

groupPermissionResolver = com.mycompany.stormpath.shiro.MyGroupPermissionResolver
stormpathRealm.groupPermissionResolver = $groupPermissionResolver

After you've configured this you can perform group permission checks. For example, perhaps you want to check if the current Subject is allowed to edit a specific blog article:

String editArticle = "blogArticle:" + article.getId() + ":edit";
if (subject.isPermitted(editArticle)) {
    //do something

This check would succeed if the Subject's direct permissions or any of its Groups' permissions (as returned by the MyGroupPermissionResolver implementation) implied the 'editArticle` permission.

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