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Repository files navigation


This coding challenge is designed to be an introduction. We get to see your design and coding skills and in return we give you a taste what of our Front-End development pipeline is like at StoryCloud. There is no one way to complete these exercises as long as the minimum requirements are met. As users of the apps you create, we will be looking for a delightful user experience. As co-maintainers of your apps, we will be looking at how you organize and develop your code for extensibility and maintainability as well as for its clarity and elegance.

We work in the modern era; your solutions do not need to support older browsers, but they should be usable on mobile platforms, tablets, and desktops.

Go ahead, impress us!

JavaScript Test

Write a single page JavaScript application that allows one to search for repos by keyword. Cache the results to prevent triggering duplicate network requests. The results should show as a list, grouped by "owner" under Angular Material Design "SubHeadings". As demo'd in the Angular Material Design SubHeader Demo, the Owner's name should stick to the top of the scrollable area as the user scrolls through the list of repos. Each matching repo should be contained inside a Material Design Card. Cards should contain the following information on separate rows:

  • Repo Name (in bold, linked to the repo)
  • Description. If not available, this row is hidden
  • Home page. If not available, this row is hidden
  • Language
  • Forks
  • Open Issues

All required libraries (plus a few optional but helpful ones) are provided in the JS Skeleton project. A brief intro to the GitHub API is provided in app.js.

CSS Test

Create a page with 12 equally proportioned container elements, styled however you choose. Center the word “StoryCloud” within each container, horizontally and vertically. At the top of the screen, add a single checkbox toggle that when checked makes each of the containers' background color light-gray and text maroon (and when unchecked returns each style to its original state). Do this without using JavaScript (this is a CSS test, after all).

This should be a responsive page that is usable and readable on any device. The following guidelines are provided:

  • On a mobile device, these elements should stack on top of each-other and the text should be 20% larger than the other platforms
  • On medium-sized devices, have the containers stack to 4 rows of 3
  • On large-sized devices:
    • Have the containers stack to 2 rows of 6
    • When the user hovers over a container, create a transition to change the background color and font style to one of your choice

Visually, these are some pretty vanilla requirements, so feel free to make it pretty. Here's some suggestions to help spice it up:

  • Implement a hierarchical page entrance animation for each container
  • Leverage Angular's Material Design library


Integrate the two challenges using a Material Design SlideNav that enables the viewer to select the challenge to view. It should be locked at 150px on large and medium screens and act as a toggle on small ones.


No description, website, or topics provided.






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