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executable file
362 lines (242 loc) · 13.5 KB


General Usage

Data Input/Output

PyGNA relies requires two data sources, a network and a geneset. Regardless of the test, the genes in the geneset are mapped to the input network (e.g. BioGrid) and then statistical tests are carried out.

Networks are read as tab separated text files (.tsv), where edges are represented by a node pair. An example of a .tsv file is the fowllowing:


Genesets use the GMT format, where each geneset is reported as:


Otherwise, a single geneset could be passed as a TXT file, with a list of genes, one for each line.


Since GMT file can have multiple genesets, PyGNA can either run the analyses on all of them or on a user-specified subset.

Results are stored in CSV files, along with the parameters of the analysis. Results can be easily visualised using PyGNA plotting utilities, and save either as PDF or PNG files.

Matrix computation

Computing the shortest path and the interaction probabilities between each pair of nodes in the network can be computationally taxing. However, since matrices are never modified by statistical tests, they can be computed as part of a pre-processing step.

For this reason, we have implemented a separate step for evaluating and saving the shortest path and RWR matrices.

$ pygna build-rwr-diffusion barabasi.interactome.tsv --output-file interactome_RWR.hdf5
$ pygna build-distance-matrix barabasi.interactome.tsv interactome_SP.hdf5


PyGNA provides commands for running geneset network topology (GNT) and geneset network analysis (GNA) tests. Running pygna -h shows all the available analyses, whereas extend documentation can be found :ref:`CLI` here.

Here a simplified structure of the available tests:

  • geneset network topology:
    • module
    • internal degree
    • total degree
    • shortest path
    • random walk
  • geneset network association:
    • shortest path
    • random walk

The analyses commands have all the same interface; for example, the available RWR GNT analysis options can be checked by running:

$ pygna test-topology-rwr -h

Complete analysis of one geneset

In case you have your own geneset you can completely characterise it using PyGNA as follows (names of min_working_example).

INPUT: <network> and <geneset>, and/or a <geneset_pathway> to run the association analysis.

OUTPUT: <network_sp>.hdf5, <network_rwr>.hdf5, <table_results_test>_<test>.csv

Generate the network matrices:

$ pygna build-distance-matrix <network> <network_sp>.hdf5
$ pygna build-rwr-diffusion <network> --output-file <network_rwr>.hdf5

Topology tests:

$ pygna test-topology-module <network> <geneset> <table_results_test>_topology_module.csv --number-of-permutations 100 --cores 4
$ pygna test-topology-rwr <network> <geneset> <network_rwr>.hdf5 <table_results_test>_topology_rwr.csv --number-of-permutations 100 --cores 4
$ pygna test-topology-internal-degree <network> <geneset> <table_results_test>_topology_internal_degree.csv --number-of-permutations 100 --cores 4
$ pygna test-topology-sp <network> <geneset> <network_sp>.hdf5 <table_results_test>_topology_sp.csv --number-of-permutations 100 --cores 4
$ pygna test-topology-total-degree <network> <geneset> <table_results_test>_topology_total_degree.csv --number-of-permutations 100 --cores 4

Association tests:

$ pygna test-association-sp <network> <geneset> <network_sp>.hdf5 <table_results_test>_association_sp.csv -B <geneset_pathways> --keep --number-of-permutations 100 --cores 4
$ pygna test-association-rwr <network> <geneset> <network_rwr>.hdf5 <table_results_test>_association_rwr.csv -B <geneset_pathways> --keep --number-of-permutations 100 --cores 4

Analysis of a geneset from a table (e.g. DeSeq2)

In many workflows, the genes to analyse are stored in a table-like format. Hence, we provide a function to create a GMT geneset from a table, with the possibility of applying a filter to the data. You can even just use it to return a GMT with all the genes in a column by applying a dummy filter.

NOTE: In case you would like to apply more filters, just use the output_csv command, instead of GMT, in order to only filter the original data and return the table in the original format.

Here, for example, we obtain a GMT file of the differentially expressed genes computed using DeSeq2, by selecting genes with padj<0.01.

$ pygna geneset-from-table <deseq>.csv diff_exp <deseq>.gmt --descriptor deseq

PyGNA implements a generic interface to filter any CSV file. Filters are applied to the values in the filter_column (for example pvalue) and the cut is performed using the alternative parameter. The threshold parameters are used to specify what the filter should be used. Bare in mind the filter is supposed to be applied to numerical values. The output GMT will have the gene-names in the <name_column>

$ pygna geneset-from-table <filename>.csv <setname> <filename>.gmt --name-colum <gene_names_column> --filter-column <filter-col> <'less'> --threshold <th> --descriptor <descriptor string>


PyGNA can be seamlessly integrated into Snakemake workflows, and we provide a basic [snakemake workflow]( to carry out network analysis with PyGNA.

Converting data using PyGNA

One of the most important feature in pygna is the possibility to convert a file from a format to another. PyGNA supports:

Converting into GMT format

Geneset in table-like formats (e.g. CSV) can be converted into GMT format as follows:

$ pygna geneset-from-table gene_analysis.csv brca --output-gmt brca_analysis.gmt -f significant -d significant -n genes.Entrezid -t 0.5 -a greater

It is also possible to merge different setnames in a single gmt file through the function generate-group-gmt. You can override the default parameters, to match the columns in your table.

$ pygna generate-group-gmt gene_analysis.csv setnames_gmt.gmt group-col Cancer_Setnames

If you want to add a column corresponding to the EntrezID or the gene's symbol, you can use the following command:

$ pygna convert-csv mygenefile.csv e2s original-col-name EntrezID new-name-col Symbols geneset brca

Showing the results

PyGNA generates publication-ready plots for each analysis.

For example, a barplot of the GNT RWR analysis for multiple genesets can be generated by running:

$ pygna paint-datasets-stats pygna_gnt_results.csv pygna_gnt.png

which produced a plot similar to the following:


For a complete list of the plots refer to :ref:`visualisation`

Adding GNT or GNA test statistics

PyGNA can be easily extended to run user-defined statistical tests. Check " :ref:`customization` " for a full tutorial on how to do that.

.. toctree::
    :maxdepth: 1


It is possible to define custom functions outside the pygna package and use them in a stand-alone test. The code below shows how it is possible to implement a function such as the average closeness centrality of a geneset, using Pygna.

import argh
import logging
import networkx as nx
import pygna.reading_class as rc
import pygna.output as out
import pygna.statistical_test as st
import pygna.painter as paint
import pygna.diagnostic as diagnostic
import pygna.command as cmd
import numpy as np

def average_closeness_centrality(graph: nx.Graph, geneset: set, diz: dict, observed_flag: bool = False) -> float:
    This function calculates the average closeness centrality of a geneset.
    For a single node, the closeness centrality is defined as the inverse
    of the shortest path distance of the node from all the other nodes.

    Given a network with N nodes and a distance shortest path function
    between two nodes d(u,v)
    closeness centrality (u)= (N -1) / sum (v != u) d(u,v)

    where sp is the distance of the node with each other node and tot_sp is the total shortest paths for the whole graph.


    graph_centrality = []

    ids = [diz["nodes"].index(n) for n in geneset]
    graph_centrality = [(len(matrix["nodes"]) - 1) / matrix['vector'][idx] for idx in ids]

    return np.mean(graph_centrality)

def test_topology_centrality(
    network_file: "network file",
    geneset_file: "GMT geneset file",
    distance_matrix_filename: "The matrix with the SP for each node",
    output_table: "output results table, use .csv extension",
    setname: "Geneset to analyse" = None,
    size_cut: "removes all genesets with a mapped length < size_cut" = 20,
    number_of_permutations: "number of permutations for computing the empirical pvalue" = 500,
    cores: "Number of cores for the multiprocessing" = 1,
    results_figure: "barplot of results, use pdf or png extension" = None,
    in_memory: 'load hdf5 data onto memory' = False,
    diagnostic_null_folder: "plot null distribution, pass the folder where all the figures are going to be saved "
                            "(one for each dataset)" = None):

    This function calculates the average closeness centrality of a geneset.
    For a single node, the closeness centrality is defined as the inverse
    of the shortest path distance of the node from all the other nodes.
    """"Evaluating the test topology total degree, please wait")
    network = rc.ReadTsv(network_file).get_network()
    network = nx.Graph(network.subgraph(max(nx.connected_components(network), key=len)))
    geneset = rc.ReadGmt(geneset_file).get_geneset(setname)
    setnames = [key for key in geneset.keys()]

    diz = {"nodes": cmd.read_distance_matrix(distance_matrix_filename, in_memory=in_memory)[0],
        "matrix": cmd.read_distance_matrix(distance_matrix_filename, in_memory=in_memory)[1]}
    diz["matrix"] = diz["matrix"] + np.transpose(diz["matrix"])

    np.fill_diagonal(diz["matrix"], float(0))

    diz['vector'] = np.sum(diz["matrix"],axis = 0)

    # Generate output
    output1 = out.Output(network_file, output_table, "topology_total_degree", geneset_file, setnames)"Results file = " + output1.output_table_results)
    # Create table
    st_test = st.StatisticalTest(average_closeness_centrality, network, diz)
    for setname, item in geneset.items():
        # Geneset smaller than size cut are not taken into consideration
        if len(item) > size_cut:
            item = set(item)
            observed, pvalue, null_d, n_mapped, n_geneset = st_test.empirical_pvalue(item,
  "Setname:" + setname)
            if n_mapped < size_cut:
      "%s removed from results since nodes mapped are < %d" % (setname, size_cut))
      "Observed: %g p-value: %g" % (observed, pvalue))
      "Null mean: %g null variance: %g".format(np.mean(null_d), np.var(null_d)))
                output1.update_st_table_empirical(setname, n_mapped, n_geneset, number_of_permutations, observed,
                                                pvalue, np.mean(null_d), np.var(null_d))
                if diagnostic_null_folder:
                    diagnostic.plot_null_distribution(null_d, observed, diagnostic_null_folder + setname +
                                                    '_total_degree_null_distribution.pdf', setname=setname)
    if results_figure:
        paint.paint_datasets_stats(output1.output_table_results, results_figure, alternative='greater')"Test topology CENTRALITY completed")

def main():
    argh dispatch


Distribution plot

When running a statistical test, one might want to visually assess the null distribution. By passing -d <diagnostic_folder/> through command line, a distribution plot of the empirical null is shown for each test.

Here is an example.
