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severity: medium
severity: medium
If it breaks the basic use of the product but can be worked around
size: large
size: large
If the PR includes 1+ file(s) with a total of 50+ lines of text or 100+ lines of code
size: medium
size: medium
If the PR includes 1+ file(s) with a total of 10 to 50 lines of text or <100 lines of code
size: small
size: small
If the PR includes only 1 file with <10 lines of text or a small code fix
source: Dev Docs
source: Dev Docs
PRs/issues targeting the Developer Docs
source: external documentation
source: external documentation
Issues targeting any content *not* featured on the various docs* websites
source: repo
source: repo
PRs/issues not targeting a specific documentation but rather affecting the whole repo
source: Strapi Cloud
source: Strapi Cloud
PRs/issues targeting the Strapi Cloud documentation
source: User Guide
source: User Guide
PRs/issues targeting the User Guide
Spam from Hactoberfest
status: can not reproduce
status: can not reproduce
Not enough information to reproduce
status: confirmed
status: confirmed
Confirmed by a Strapi Team member or multiple community members
status: duplicate
status: duplicate
status: on-hold
status: on-hold
Not currently planned
status: pending product
status: pending product
Waiting for a product PR to be merged before the documentation PR is merged
status: pending reproduction
status: pending reproduction
Waiting for free time to reproduce the issue, or more information
status: waiting-for-CLA
status: waiting-for-CLA
Waiting for user to sign CLA
status: will not fix
status: will not fix
Won't fix as it's either intended or for some other reason
target: next
target: next
Documentation PRs/issues targeting content from (next branch)
target: v3
target: v3
Documentation PRs/issues targeting content from (v3 branch)
target: v4
target: v4
Documentation PRs/issues targeting content from (main branch).
temp: port to v5
temp: port to v5
Temporary label for PRs that need to be ported to v5 docs
topic: backend customization
topic: backend customization
Temporary label to group PRs for backend customization improvements
Documentation PR that targets Strapi v5