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TjadenFroyda committed Jul 11, 2021
1 parent 8a60b71 commit 5175156
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Showing 5 changed files with 230 additions and 5 deletions.
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion integration_tests/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -139,7 +139,7 @@ def _get_spendable_transactions(
wallet_name=wallet_name, account_name='account 0', min_confirmations=min_confirmations
spendable_transactions = [x for x in spendable_transactions.transactions]
sorted_spendable_transactions = sorted(spendable_transactions, key=lambda x: int(x.amount))
sorted_spendable_transactions = sorted(spendable_transactions, key=lambda x: x.amount)
amount_to_send = amount
op_return_amount = op_return_amount
transactions = []
Expand Down
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion pystratis/api/wallet/requestmodels/
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Expand Up @@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ class VerifyMessageRequest(Model):
"""A request model used for the /wallet/verifymessage endpoint.
signature (str): The signature is to be verified.
signature (str): The signature to be verified.
external_address (Address): The address of the signer.
message (str): The message that was signed.
Expand Down
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion pystratis/api/wallet/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -140,7 +140,7 @@ def verify_message(self,
"""Verifies the signature of a message.
signature (str): The signature is to be verified.
signature (str): The signature to be verified.
external_address (Address, str): The address of the signer.
message (str): The message that was signed.
**kwargs: Extra keyword arguments.
Expand Down
138 changes: 137 additions & 1 deletion tutorials/
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@@ -1,2 +1,138 @@
Sending a Standard Transaction with Pystratis
When you used a wallet GUI to send a transaction, several steps to build the transaction are hidden from the user.
These include:
- Retrieving a list of spendable outputs
- Building the transaction
- Signing the transaction
- Broadcasting the transaction. Details about performing these steps will be covered in this tutorial.

## Retrieving spendable utxo
The spendable_transactions method returns a [SpendableTransactionsModel](,
which contains a list of [SpendableTransactionModel](

from pystratis.nodes import StraxNode
from pystratis.api.wallet.responsemodels import SpendableTransactionsModel
node = StraxNode()
s_txs: SpendableTransactionsModel = node.wallet.spendable_transactions(wallet_name='ExampleWallet')

# Re-order the spendable transactions smallest to largest to preferentially use low value utxos.
s_txs = [x for x in s_txs.transactions]
s_txs = sorted(s_txs, key=lambda x: x.amount)
## Building and signing a transaction
In this example we are going to send a transaction to an unused address on our node.

See [Recipient]( and [Outpoint]( for details on usage below.

The result of the build_transaction call is a [BuildTransactionModel]( The transaction hex is then ready for broadcasting.
from pystratis.core import Outpoint, Recipient
from pystratis.core.types import Money
# First we want to define the destination address.
destination_address = node.wallet.unused_address(wallet_name='ExampleWallet')
# The change address is optional. In this case, we are sending any change back to an adress that has a balance.
change_address = node.wallet.balance(
wallet_name='ExampleWallet', include_balance_by_address=True

# Here we are setting a fee (rather than using the fee estimation API call).
fee_amount = Money(0.0001)
amount_to_send = Money(1)

# After declaring the amount being sent, we need to include enough utxos as transaction
# inputs such that the sum of the input amounts >= the amount being sent.
# The for loop below is one way to accomplish this.
transactions = []
trxid_amount = Money(0)
for spendable_transaction in s_txs:
trxid_amount += spendable_transaction.amount
if trxid_amount >= amount_to_send: # Can add fee here if not subtracting from amount below.

# The last elements of the transaction to build are the outpoints and the recipients.
# The outpoints are built from the utxos in the previous step. The list comprehension below does this efficiently.
# The recipient list can be 1 or more recipient, but the sum must be less than the amount contained in included utxos.
response = node.wallet.build_transaction(
account_name='account 0',
outpoints=[Outpoint(transaction_id=x.transaction_id, index=x.index) for x in transactions],
recipients=[Recipient(destination_address=destination_address, subtraction_fee_from_amount=True, amount=amount_to_send)],

# Broadcast the successfully built transaction
response = node.wallet.send_transaction(transaction_hex=response.hex)
### Special case: Offline signing
Using the same `s_txs`, `amount_to_send`, `destination_address`, and `change_address` as the last example, we are going to build a transaction that can be signed offline.
response = node.wallet.build_offline_sign_request(
account_name='account 0',
outpoints=[Outpoint(transaction_id=x.transaction_id, index=x.index) for x in transactions],
recipients=[Recipient(destination_address=destination_address, subtraction_fee_from_amount=True, amount=amount_to_send)],
Once the offline sign request is built, you'll need to do the next step on your offline device.

Underneath the hood, pystratis uses [pydantic datastructures]( We'll use `pydantic` to help move our data to the offline device for signing.

First, you'll need to serialize the response from the api request (a [BuildOfflineSignModel](
serialized_response = response.json()

# Write the serialized data to a file that can be moved over to the offline device with a thumbdrive.
offline_sign_file = 'offline_sign_model_file'
with open(offline_sign_file, 'w') as f:

The next steps assume you are on the offline device (this should be done with swagger or the UI, but including here for completeness).
from pystratis.nodes import StraxNode
from pystratis.api.wallet.responsemodels import BuildOfflineSignModel
import json
offline_node = StraxNode()
with open('offline_sign_model_file', 'r') as f:
data = json.load(f)
# Restore the json in to a BuildOfflineSignModel
offline_sign_model = BuildOfflineSignModel(**data)

response = offline_node.wallet.offline_sign_request(
wallet_account='account 0',

# The response of the offline_sign_request is a BuildTransactionModel.
# We are going to save the hex for importing back to the online computer for broadcasting.
signed_transaction_file = 'signed_transaction_file'
with open(signed_transaction_file, 'w') as f:

Back on the online node.
from pystratis.core.types import hexstr
with open('signed_transaction_file') as f:
offline_transaction_hex = hexstr(f.readline())

# Broadcast the successfully built offline transaction
response = node.wallet.send_transaction(transaction_hex=offline_transaction_hex)
91 changes: 90 additions & 1 deletion tutorials/
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@@ -1,2 +1,91 @@
Wallet Basics with Pystratis
The Strax/Cirrus wallet is a full-featured HD wallet. This tutorial will cover some basics for setting up a new wallet on a StratisFullNode using pystratis.

Note: The same wallet will be used in all of the examples. The tutorial on [sending transactions can be found here.](

## Creating a wallet
from pystratis.nodes import StraxNode
from typing import List

node = StraxNode()
# Returns the mnemonic representing the HD wallet seed.
mnemonic: List[str] = node.wallet.create(name='ExampleWallet', password='abc123')
## Loading a wallet
# Loads a known wallet from the data dir with the given name and decrypts the wallet.
node.wallet.load(name='ExampleWallet', password='abc123')
## Recovering a wallet
node.wallet.recover(mnemonic=mnemonic, password='abc123', name='RecoveredWallet')
## Listing wallets
wallets: dict = node.wallet.list_wallets()
## Creating an account
account_name = node.wallet.account(wallet_name='ExampleWallet', password='abc123')
## Listing wallet accounts
## Getting an unused address
unused_address = node.wallet.unused_address(wallet_name='ExampleWallet')
## Getting all addresses
addresses = node.wallet.addresses(wallet_name='ExampleWallet')
## Getting general information about a wallet
## Getting a wallet history
history = node.wallet.history(wallet_name='ExampleWallet')
## Resyncing wallet
## Getting the balance of a wallet
wallet_balance = node.wallet.balance(
## Getting the balance of a specific wallet address
Note: The wallet does not track value in non-owned addresses. If you need to check the balance of a specific address on the blockchain:
- Ensure `addressindex=1` in node configuration.
- Use `blockstore.get_addresses_balances` or `blockstore.get_verbose_addresses_balances` API method.
wallet_balance = node.wallet.balance(
## Signing and verifying a message
signature = node.wallet.sign_message(
message='Blockchain made easy.'
assert node.wallet.verify_message(
message='Blockchain made easy.'

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