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PagerDuty Alert ID


This job is considered up when the pod cluster-version-operator-$UID in the namespace openshift-cluster-version is functioning.

Investigation and Triage

The first thing to determine is whether the pod. After logging into the cluster with oc login you will need to examine each of the running pods to determine which container is having the problem. Change to the openshift-cluster-version project:

oc project openshift-cluster-version

Verify the IP of the pod:

oc get pods -o wide
NAME                                       READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE     IP              NODE                            
cluster-version-operator-c9b67c44b-9b6hz   1/1     Running   20         6d21h   master-0.lab-cluster.ocp4.lab   

If the pod is up check the logs from the pod to see if there are any errors:

oc logs cluster-version-operator-c9b67c44b-9b6hz |tail -n 20

You can also view the events in the project for other clues. You can sort them by timestamp like so:

oc get events --sort-by=.metadata.creationTimestamp

As a last resort, you can kill the pod:

oc delete pods cluster-version-operator-c9b67c44b-9b6hz


After the pods have been restarted, make sure the pods are up:

oc get pods

Then view the events. You should see a LeaderElection notification:

oc get events --sort-by=.metadata.creationTimestamp 
LAST SEEN   TYPE     REASON             OBJECT                                          MESSAGE
--- SNIP ---
49s         Normal   Started            pod/cluster-version-operator-c9b67c44b-ghfgd    Started container cluster-version-operator
44s         Normal   LeaderElection     configmap/version                               master-2.lab-cluster.ocp4.lab_4b40696d-2471-48ec-9816-941e77bdd02e became leader

At this point if there are no more errors and the pod is healthy, the alert should clear itself up in 10-15 minutes.