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44 lines (29 loc) · 922 Bytes

github-post Command

Posts a message to your GitHub PR thread.

To be able to post to GitHub you need to have a GitHub access token, you can get one here.

Once you have obtained your token, you can specify it as a GITHUB_TOKEN environment varialbe.

GITHUB_TOKEN=<your_github_token> ci github-post --plan

As --token param:

ci github-post --token=<your_github_token> --plan

Or in ci.config.js:

    'github-post': {
        params: {
            token: '<your_github_token>'

Use --text param to specify a custom message. Default message:

Build version: x.y.z-pr-1.1

Use --command param to specify a command to capture and post stdout of. --command overrides --text if both are specified.

You can also add extra text arount the default text message using the --beforeText and --afterText params.