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File metadata and controls

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Model property reference

{% include important.html content="This reference information is being moved to the API documentation. Until that is complete, it is provided here. " %}

Application properties

The application model represents the metadata for a client application that has its own identity and associated configuration with the LoopBack server.

See for a list of the application model properties.

ACL properties

See for a list of ACL model properties.

Role properties

REVIEW COMMENT from $paramName
Need to get these into the JSDocs.

The following table describes the properties of the role model:

Property Type Description
id String Role ID
name String Role name
description String Description of the role
created Date Timestamp of creation date
modified Date Timestamp of modification date

LoopBack defines some special roles:

Identifier Name Description
Role.OWNER $owner Owner of the object
Role.RELATED $related Any user with a relationship to the object
Role.AUTHENTICATED $authenticated Authenticated user
Role.UNAUTHENTICATED $unauthenticated Unauthenticated user
Role.EVERYONE $everyone Everyone

Scope properties

REVIEW COMMENT from $paramName
Need to get these into the JSDocs.

The following table describes the properties of the Scope model:

Property Type Description
name String Scope name; required
description String Description of the scope

RoleMapping properties

REVIEW COMMENT from $paramName
Need to get these into the JSDocs.

A RoleMapping entry maps one or more principals to one role. A RoleMapping entry belongs to one role, based on the roleId property.

The following table describes the properties of the roleMapping model:

Property Type Description
id String ID
roleId String Role ID
principalType String Principal type, such as user, application, or role
principalId String Principal ID