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156 lines (132 loc) · 7.87 KB

File metadata and controls

156 lines (132 loc) · 7.87 KB



  • Configurable, modern theme for the GRUB, containing backgrounds, icons, fonts and styling
    • Backgrounds, fonts and fontsize can all be customised
    • Wallpaper source files can be found here
    • Some of the icons used are from here
  • Any donations are greatly appreciated :)


Usage: sudo ./ [OPTIONS]

Options: Description:
-h , --help Show a help page
-i , --install Install the grub theme (root)
-u , --uninstall Uninstall the grub theme (root)
-e , --boot Install the grub theme into /boot/grub/themes
-p , --preview Preview the grub theme (Works with other options, non-root)
-b , --background Choose a background image (must be a .png, or bundled with the project)
- Leave blank to view available backgrounds
-c , --custom Use a solid colour as a background (HTML value, must be quoted)
-r , --resolution Select the display resolution
- Leave blank to view available resolutions
--icons Choose whether to use coloured or colourless icons
-f , --font Specify which font to use (file)
- Leave blank to view available fonts
-fc, --fontcolour Use a specific font colour (HTML (must be quoted) and SVG 1.0 colours supported)
- Use the format: -fc "textcolour,selectedcolour"
-fs, --fontsize Use a specific font size
-l , --bold Force font to be bold
-hl, --help-label Add a help label to the bottom of the theme

Required arguments: [--install + --background / --uninstall / --preview]

  • If the repository is updated, make clean should be run, to erase cached assets

Fixing common problems:

  • Secure Boot can cause some assets (primarily fonts) to fail to load, as they're not signed
  • The simplest fix to to disable Secure Boot in BIOS
  • Alternatively, the files can be signed and enrolled after installation, but this method varies by distro


  • Install the theme for a 4k display, using the Night wallpaper:

    • sudo ./ --install --resolution 4k --background Night
  • Install the theme for a 4k display, using the Night wallpaper and a font size of 32:

    • sudo ./ --install --resolution 4k --background Night --fontsize 32
  • Install the theme for an unknown resolution, using the Crystals wallpaper:

    • sudo ./ --install --resolution custom --background Crystals
  • Install the theme for a custom resolution (1024x720), using a solid magenta wallpaper:

    • sudo ./ --install --resolution 1024x720 --custom #ff00ff
  • Preview the theme with a fontsize of 32, a white font colour and black selected font colour:

    • ./ -p -b Crystals -fs 32 -fc "white,#000000"
  • Preview the theme with a different font:

    • ./ -p -b Crystals -f Terminus.ttf
  • Install the theme into /boot/grub/themes:

    • sudo ./ -i -e -b Night
  • Uninstall the theme:

    • sudo ./ -u



  • Some individual images at end of document



  • make - Used for the build system
  • imagemagick / convert - Used to generate backgrounds with custom colours
  • inkscape - Used to generate pngs from svgs (Used by make generate-all)
    • inkscape is needed if the fontsize used isn't 16, 24 or 32
    • If optipng is present, generated icons will be losslessly compressed


  • python3 - Used when generating icons, or when using a custom fontsize
  • optipng - Used to losslessly compress pngs (Used by make compress-backgrounds, make generate-gif, make generate-icons and make generate-select)
  • grub2-theme-preview - Used to preview themes (Used by --preview)


  • Clone the repository: git clone
    • If it's already cloned, just run git pull
  • Clear the asset cache: make clean
  • Install like normal

Preview the theme:

  • Follow the instructions at grub2-theme-preview to install the program
    • Your distro might require using a virtual environment, this can be done with the following:
      • python3 -m venv .venv
      • source .venv/bin/activate
      • pip3 install grub2-theme-preview
      • Install grub2-theme-preview's dependencies using your distro's package manager
  • Run the install script with your desired options, but replace --install / -i with --preview / -p
  • For example: ./ --preview --background Crystals.png --resolution 4k

Using a different resolution:

  • Use ./ -r to list available resolutions, and ./ -r [RESOLUTION] to use one
  • Any resolution can be used with ./ -r custom and a custom background

Using a custom background:

  • Find the resolution of your display, and make sure your background matches the resolution
  • Place your custom background inside the root of the project
  • Run the installer like normal, but with --background [filename.png] and --resolution [YOUR_RESOLUTION]
    • Resolutions:
      • 16:9: (1920x1080 -> 1080p, 2560x1440 -> 2k, 3840x2160 -> 4k)
      • 16:10: (1920x1200, 2240x1400, 3840x2400)
    • Make sure to replace [YOUR_RESOLUTION] with your resolution and [THEME] with the theme

Forcing an icon:

  • Find the name / class of the icon in assets/svg/icons/
    • For example, assets/svg/icons/linuxmint.svg would be linuxmint
  • Add the class to the corresponding entry in /boot/grub/grub.cfg:
    • Change: menuentry 'Linux Mint 18.3 Cinnamon 64-bit' --class ubuntu --class gnu-linux --class gnu
    • To: menuentry 'Linux Mint 18.3 Cinnamon 64-bit' --class linuxmint --class ubuntu --class gnu-linux --class gnu
  • Save the file and exit

Adding your own icon:

  • Add a 32x32 .svg of the icon into assets/svg/icons/
    • If using colourless icons or planning to push the changes upstream, put a colourless copy in assets/svg/icons-colourless
  • Make sure inkscape, python3 and optipng are installed
  • Run make generate-icons -j$(nproc)
  • Install as normal
  • If those dependencies can't be installed, or you can't use a .svg, place 32x32, 48x48 and 64x64 versions of the icon in the corresponding directories in assets/icons/
  • Install as normal, but if --fontsize is used, the custom icon won't be used


Crystals Dawn Dusk Waves Dark Waves Grey Night Multi-distro Crystals Magenta

Makefile options:

  • Makefile respects core count specified by -j[Core count]
  • make clean - Remove assets generated at build time
  • make full-clean - Remove all generated assets
  • make generate-all - Generate all assets
  • make compress-backgrounds - Compress backgrounds losslessly


  • If you made changes to any images, or added a new one:
    • Run make full-clean
    • Run make generate-all
  • If the change was to a background, scale the background for each resolution, then:
    • Run make compress-backgrounds
  • Create a pull request from your branch or fork
  • If any issues occur, report them to the issue page
  • Thank you :)

Copyright and credits:

  • Terminus font: Copyright (c) 2019 Dimitar Toshkov Zhekov, fonts/Terminus-License.txt
  • Unifont: The GNU Project - fonts/Unifont-License.txt
  • Theme originally based off of grub2-themes
    • Code is upstreamed where possible