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Setting up Less

This is an easy way to set up Less, including integration with watch and LiveReload.


1. Choose Sass when running the generator

It sounds odd but this is the easiest way, because the task tree will be set up correctly for CSS preprocessing, and you can just switch out all the Sass references to Less ones.

But don't choose Bootstrap in the generator – it's easier to manually set up the Less version of Bootstrap afterwards, if you need it.

2. Switch your npm dependencies

Remove gulp-sass and install gulp-less instead:

$ npm uninstall --save-dev gulp-sass && npm install --save-dev gulp-less

3. Edit a few tasks

 gulp.task('styles', () => {
-  return gulp.src('app/styles/*.scss')
+  return gulp.src('app/styles/*.less')
-    .pipe($.sass.sync({
-      outputStyle: 'expanded',
-      precision: 10,
-      includePaths: ['.']
-    }).on('error', $.sass.logError))
+    .pipe($.less({
+      paths: ['.']
+    }))
     .pipe($.autoprefixer({browsers: ['> 1%', 'last 2 versions', 'Firefox ESR']}))
     .pipe(reload({stream: true}));
gulp.task('serve', ['styles', 'scripts', 'fonts'], () => {
-'app/styles/**/*.scss', ['styles']);
+'app/styles/**/*.less', ['styles']);
 gulp.task('wiredep', () => {
-  gulp.src('app/styles/*.scss')
+  gulp.src('app/styles/*.less')

4. Check that it's working

Delete app/styles/main.scss and replace it with your own main.less.

Then verify that gulp build and gulp serve work correctly. While gulp serve is running you should be able to edit your main.less and see the styles dynamically update in your browser.


Add Bootstrap

Install it as a bower component:

$ bower install --save bootstrap

Now you have two options for including Bootstrap in your page:

  • Option 1: Run gulp wiredep

    • This automatically inserts <link> and <script> tags for Bootstrap in your index.html
  • Option 2: Include the parts you want manually

    • Exclude Bootstrap's compiled assets in the wiredep task:
     gulp.task('wiredep', () => {
    +      exclude: ['bootstrap/dist'],
           ignorePath: /^(\.\.\/)*\.\./
    • In your main.less, add @import "bower_components/bootstrap/less/bootstrap.less"; – or you could do something more granular
    • In your index.html, add script tags for the individual components you want, e.g. <script src="/bower_components/bootstrap/js/affix.js"></script>
      • NB: Some modules depend on others, e.g. popover.js depends on tooltip.js – see the docs