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File metadata and controls

118 lines (81 loc) · 4.54 KB
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Essential Extjs4
2011-09-11 16:35

Essential ExtJs 4 to survive

Querying the Dom elements
            <div class="eightcol">
            <p class="para">DomQuery interface of ExtJS 4 supports most of the CSS3 selector spec. <code>selectNode</code> selects a single element based on the given CSS or XPATH expression, while <code>select</code> gathers a group of elements matching the expression. selectNode returns a single <code>Element</code>. </p>
            <p class="para">
                <code>Element</code> encapsulates DOM element; adds simple DOM manipulation facilities, and normalizes browser differences. It also inherits from <code>Ext.fx.Anim</code> making visual effects easily available for the DOM elements. <code>addListener</code> or its equivalent <code>on</code> shorthand method appends an event handler to the element. <code>Ext.get</code> retrieves the element by its id or by node.


var el = Ext.get('elementId'); el.on('click', this.onElementClick, this, { single: false,
stopEvent : true


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            Controllers binds the application as a cohesive unit. They listen for events from the view and take action based on it. Every controller extends the functionality of <code></code>. On application booting <code>init</code> method of the controller will be called by the framework provided the controller is placed in the controllers array of the application.

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            Ext.ClassManager as the name suggests, manages all the classes and handles the mapping from string class name to actual objects throughout the framework. It is accessed through the following shortcuts.

            <p class="para">
                <code>Ext.define</code> defines a class and accepts three parameters; the string dot namespaced class name, the object of properties to apply for this class, and an optional callback to execute after the class is created. For naming a class the root and the class name are CamelCased and everything else is lowercased. 
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FormPanel provides standard container for forms. FormPanel is configured with the Anchor layout by default. It accepts all the configuration options associated with the BasicForm class through the initialConfig property. bodyPadding is a useful property of Form panel, which it inherits from the AbstractPanel component. It could either be a number applied to all sides or a normal css string.

<p class="para">
    <code>defaults</code> option, inherited from <code>AbstractContainer</code> allows applying default settings to all of the added items. <code>buttons</code> configuration property is a convenience method to add docked buttons to the bottom of the panel.It is a synonym for <code>fbar</code> configuration.

Ext.form.field.File is aliased as filefield and fileuploadfield and allows user selection of a file and uploading it to server on form submit. When the fileupload is used, ExtJs by default expects text/html content type json rather than the json/application one as the server response.

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