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File metadata and controls

474 lines (349 loc) · 8.59 KB


Cykl Red-Greeen-Refactor

  • Red
  • Green
  • Refactor

Zasady FIRST

  • Fast – testy powinny być szybkie
  • Independent – testy powinny być niezależne
  • Repeatable - testy powinny być powtarzalne
  • Self-checking - testy powinny być automatyczne
  • Timely - testy powinny być pisane na bieżąco


Szablon testu

public class RentTests
  public void Method_Scenario_ExpectedBehavior()
      // Arrange

      // Act

      // Assert

Walidacja wyniku

  public class RentTests
      public void CanReturn_UserIsAdmin_ResurnsTrue()
          // Arrange
          var rent = new Rent();

          // Act
          var result = rent.CanReturn(new User { IsAdmin = true });

          // Assert

      public void CanReturn_SameUser_ReturnsTrue()
          // Arrange
          var user = new User();
          var rent = new Rent() { Rentee = user };

          // Act
          var result = rent.CanReturn(user);

          // Assert

      public void CanReturn_AnotherUser_ReturnsFalse()
          // Arrange
          var user = new User();
          var rent = new Rent() { Rentee = user };

          // Act
          var result = rent.CanReturn(new User());

          // Assert


public void ExceptionTest()
    // Arrange
    Order order = null;
    IOrderCalculator orderCalculator = new MyOrderCalculator();

    // Act
    Action act = () => orderCalculator.CalculateDiscount(order);



Walidacja wyniku

 public class MathCalculatorTests
      private MathCalculator mathCalculator;

      public void Setup()
          mathCalculator = new MathCalculator();

      public void Add_WhenCalled_ReturnsTheSumOfArguments()
          var mathCalculator = new MathCalculator();

          var result = mathCalculator.Add(1, 2);

          Assert.That(result, Is.EqualTo(3));


      public void Max_FirstArgumentIsGreater_ReturnTheFirstArgument()
          var mathCalculator = new MathCalculator();

          var result = mathCalculator.Max(2, 1);

          Assert.That(result, Is.EqualTo(2));

      public void Max_SecondArgumentIsGreater_ReturnTheSecondArgument()
          var mathCalculator = new MathCalculator();

          var result = mathCalculator.Max(1, 2);

          Assert.That(result, Is.EqualTo(2));

      public void Max_ArgumentsAreEqual_ReturnTheSameArgument()
          var mathCalculator = new MathCalculator();

          var result = mathCalculator.Max(1, 1);

          Assert.That(result, Is.EqualTo(1));

Parametryzacja przypadków testowych

 public class MathCalculatorTests
    private MathCalculator mathCalculator;

    public void Setup()
        mathCalculator = new MathCalculator();

    [TestCase(2, 1, 2)]
    [TestCase(1, 2, 2)]
    [TestCase(1, 1, 1)]
    public void Max_WhenCalled_ReturnTheGreaterArgument(int a, int b, int expected)
        var result = mathCalculator.Max(a, b);

        Assert.That(result, Is.EqualTo(expected));

Testowanie String

public class MarkdownFormatterTests
    public void FormatAsBold_WhenCalled_ShouldEncloseStringWithDoubleAsterix()
        var formatter = new MarkdownFormatter();

        var result = formatter.FormatAsBold("abc");

        // Specific
        Assert.That(result, Is.EqualTo("**abc**").IgnoreCase);

        Assert.That(result, Does.StartWith("**"));
        Assert.That(result, Does.Contain("abc"));
        Assert.That(result, Does.EndWith("**"));


Walidacja kolekcji

public void GetPrimeNumbers_LimitAsGreaterThanZero_ReturnPrimeNumbersUpToLimit()
    var result = mathCalculator.GetPrimeNumbers(100);

    Assert.That(result, Is.Not.Empty);
    Assert.That(result.Count(), Is.EqualTo(25));

    Assert.That(result, Does.Contain(2));
    Assert.That(result, Does.Contain(3));
    Assert.That(result, Does.Contain(5));

    Assert.That(result, Is.EquivalentTo(new[] { 2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17, 19, 23, 29, 31, 37, 41, 43, 47, 53, 59, 61, 67, 71, 73, 79, 83, 89, 97 }));

    Assert.That(result, Is.Ordered);
    Assert.That(result, Is.Unique);

Testowanie zwracanego typu

public class VehiclesControllerTests
    public void Get_IdIsZero_ReturnNotFound()
        var controller = new VehiclesController();

        var result = controller.Get(0);

        Assert.That(result, Is.TypeOf<NotFoundResult>());

        Assert.That(result, Is.InstanceOf<NotFoundResult>());

    public void Get_IdIsNotZero_ReturnOk()
        var controller = new VehiclesController();

        var result = controller.Get(1);

        Assert.That(result, Is.TypeOf<OkResult>());

Walidacja metod void

public class LoggerTests
    public void Log_WhenCalled_SetLastMessageProperty()
        var logger = new Logger();


        Assert.That(logger.LastMessage, Is.EqualTo("a"));

Walidacja wyjątków

[TestCase(" ")]
public void Log_EmptyMessage_ThrowArgumentNullException(string message)
    var logger = new Logger();

   // logger.Log(message);

    Assert.That(()=>logger.Log(message), Throws.ArgumentNullException);
    Assert.That(() => logger.Log(message), Throws.Exception.TypeOf<ArgumentNullException>());

Walidacja zdarzeń

  public void Log_ValidMessage_RaiseMessageLoggedEvent()
      var logger = new Logger();

      var id = DateTime.MinValue;

      logger.MessageLogged += (sender, args) => { id = args; };


      Assert.That(id, Is.Not.EqualTo(DateTime.MinValue));


Instalacja biblioteki

 dotnet add package FluentAssertions

Walidacja wyniku

public void CalculateTest()
    // Arrange
    var order = new Order
        TotalAmount = 1000

    IOrderCalculator orderCalculator = new MyOrderCalculator();

    // Act
    var result = orderCalculator.CalculateDiscount(order);

    // Assert

Walidacja String

public void CustomerTest()
   // Arrange
   Customer customer = new Customer("John", "Smith");

   // Act
   var result = customer.FullName;

   // Assert

Walidacja wyjątku

public void ExceptionTest()
    // Arrange
    Order order = null;

    IOrderCalculator orderCalculator = new MyOrderCalculator();

    // Act
    Action act = () => orderCalculator.CalculateDiscount(order);

    // Assert

Czas wykonania

public void CalculateTest()
    // Arrange
    var order = new Order
        TotalAmount = 1000

    IOrderCalculator orderCalculator = new DiscountOrderCalculator();

    // Act
        .ExecutionTimeOf(s => s.CalculateDiscount(order))

   // ekwiwalent
    Action act = () => orderCalculator.CalculateDiscount(order);


Walidacja metody asynchronicznej typu void

public void SendAsyncTest()
    // Arrange
    ISender sender = new EmailSender();

    // Act
    Func<Task> act = () => sender.SendAsync();

    // Assert


Walidacja metody asynchronicznej typu T

public void CalculateAsyncTest()
    // Arrange
    var order = new Order
        TotalAmount = 1000

    IOrderCalculator orderCalculator = new MyOrderCalculator();

    // Act
    Func<Task<decimal>> act = () => orderCalculator.CalculateDiscountAsync(order);

    // Assert
    // add using FluentAssertions.Extensions