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Nvidia Jetson nano development board informations.

__________________________ SOMMAIRE _____________________________

Power the board

For power the board there are two way :

  1. Power with micro usb connector with the power limitation 5V/2A. In this case you can't have a lot of peripheral because with 2A under 5V there are not enough power supply.
  2. Power with Barrel Jack 5V/4A. To use this power supply is important to connect the jumper J48.

Top view board Jetson nano

Getting Started With Jetson Nano Developer Kit

There are 4 stages for start using the dev board :

  1. Power supply choice (micro usb or jack power). For jack power it's necessary to buy an external power supply (5V/4A)
  2. Download the ISO file and install it on an SD card.
  3. Setup the first boot with SD card, keyboard, mouse and ethernet connexions.
  4. Test Jetson nano environment.

Note : For my board version, the lastest file not work. The correct file is the

Link ISO jetson nano r32.1-2019-03-18 : (

Enable and configure WIFI connexion

wifi package

Add the wifi package with wpa

sudo apt-get install wpasupplicant wireless-tools

wifi informations

For testing if wifi card is blocked

sudo rfkill list

For unblock all wifi board :

sudo rfkill unblock all

For obtain list of network in console mode :

iw dev

For list the visible wifi network on wlan0 interface

sudo iw dev wlan0 scan

For see the status of the wifi connexion

sudo iw dev wlan0 link

For statistic infirmations on the acces point :

iw dev wlan0 station dump

wifi configuration

Edit interface file as well:

sudo nano /etc/network/interfaces

Enter this part :

auto wlan0
iface wlan0 inet static
       wpa-ssid "network-name"
       wpa-psk "pre-shared-key"

Restart the network for testing

sudo /etc/init.d/networking restart

Link for information :

Link for information :

Enable desktop sharing of embedded UBUNTU

By default there are somes problems to enable desktop sharing.

To activate it, it nesessary to do this

  1. Edit the Xml file like : sudo nano /usr/share/glib-2.0/schemas/org.gnome.Vino.gschema.xml
  2. Add this part on the XML file :
<key name='enabled' type='b'>
   <summary>Enable remote access to the desktop</summary>
   If true, allows remote access to the desktop via the RFB
   protocol. Users on remote machines may then connect to the
   desktop using a VNC viewer.
  1. Compile the Gnome schema with : sudo glib-compile-schemas /usr/share/glib-2.0/schemas
  2. After this, you can enable desktop sharing.

Jetson enable desktop sharing

Source information :

deactivate GUI on boot

To disable GUI on boot, run:

    sudo systemctl set-default

To enable GUI again issue the command:

    sudo systemctl set-default

to start Gui session on a system without a current GUI just execute:

    sudo systemctl start gdm3.service

Install jupyter lab

sudo apt install nodejs npm
sudo apt install python3-pip
sudo pip3 install jupyter jupyterlab
sudo jupyter labextension install @jupyter-widgets/jupyterlab-manager
sudo jupyter labextension install @jupyterlab/statusbar
jupyter lab --generate-config
sudo jupyter --build
jupyter notebook password   

Source :

Run jupyter lab

jupyter notebook --ip=   //for running jupyter
link to start on Jetson Nano : or

Tensorflow on Jetson nano

Nvidia official TensorFlow release for Jetson Nano! (Python3.6+JetPack4.2.1)

$ sudo apt-get install libhdf5-serial-dev hdf5-tools libhdf5-dev zlib1g-dev zip libjpeg8-dev
$ sudo apt-get install python3-pip
$ sudo pip3 install -U pip
$ sudo pip3 install -U numpy grpcio absl-py py-cpuinfo psutil portpicker six mock requests gast h5py astor termcolor protobuf keras-applications keras-preprocessing wrapt google-pasta
$ sudo pip3 install --pre --extra-index-url tensorflow-gpu==1.14.0+nv19.7

DL frameworks -

Download -

Installation guide -

Release note -


JetCard is a system configuration that makes it easy to get started with AI. It comes pre-loaded with

A Jupyter Lab server that starts on boot for easy web programming

A script to display the Jetson's IP address (and other stats)

The popular deep learning frameworks PyTorch and TensorFlow

After configuring your system using JetCard, you can get started prototyping AI projects from your web browser in Python.

See also

**JetBot** - An educational AI robot based on NVIDIA Jetson Nano

**JetRacer** - An educational AI racecar using NVIDIA Jetson Nano

**JetCam** - An easy to use Python camera interface for NVIDIA Jetson

**torch2trt** - An easy to use PyTorch to TensorRT converter

Poblem for open webcam

When you try to test your webcam on jupyterlab and you have this error :

RuntimeError Traceback (most recent call last)
/usr/local/lib/python3.6/dist-packages/jetcam-0.0.0-py3.6.egg/jetcam/ in __init__(self, *args, **kwargs)
23 if not re:
---> 24 raise RuntimeError('Could not read image from camera.')

RuntimeError: Could not read image from camera.

During handling of the above exception, another exception occurred:

RuntimeError Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-1-3869f3f89e04> in <module>
1 from jetcam.usb_camera import USBCamera
----> 3 camera = USBCamera(width=224, height=224, capture_width=640, capture_height=480, capture_device=1)

/usr/local/lib/python3.6/dist-packages/jetcam-0.0.0-py3.6.egg/jetcam/ in __init__(self, *args, **kwargs)
26 except:
27 raise RuntimeError(
---> 28 'Could not initialize camera. Please see error trace.')
30 atexit.register(self.cap.release)

RuntimeError: Could not initialize camera. Please see error trace. 

Use this correction :

if your opencv is not installed with jetpack ,you should modified code
in the file, line 20

#self.cap = cv2.VideoCapture(self._gst_str(), cv2.CAP_GSTREAMER)
self.cap = cv2.VideoCapture(self.capture_device)

then reinstall jetcam, camera should be OK

if the file is an *.egg file convert him into zip after extract the zip and modify the


Temperature sensor

To monitor temperature sensor

sudo apt install lm-sensor

after to know the temperature



intallation of NODE RED

To install NODE RED run these command :

sudo apt-get install nodered

Autostart on boot

If you want Node-RED to run when the Pi is turned on, or re-booted, you can enable the service to autostart by running the command:

sudo systemctl enable nodered.service

To disable the service, run the command:

sudo systemctl disable nodered.service

Influxdb database

installation Influxdb

Package installation :

sudo apt install influxdb  //for server
sudo apt install influxdb-client //for client for adding database

Or for manual installation, to install influxdb on Jetson you can go to the web site :

Run these command for ARM 64 bit

tar xvfz influxdb_2.0.0-alpha.18_linux_arm64.tar.gz

Get started with influxdb :

add data on the database

For adding new database run influxdb in command line as well

 influx -port 8090

You can see some command for create a database


SHOW DATABASES  //to see database name

You can manage the retention pilicy with these commands :

CREATE RETENTION POLICY "one_year" ON base_name DURATION 365d REPLICATION 1 DEFAULT //for database retention

RETENTION POLICY "one_year" ON nom_base DURATION 365d REPLICATION 1 DEFAULT        //for create retention policy Ex:1year=365days

ALTER RETENTION POLICY "one_year" ON "nom_base" DURATION 24h REPLICATION 1  //replace policy retention ex:1year->24h

DROP RETENTION POLICY "one_year" ON "nom_base" //delete retention policy


Special commands :

link :

DROP DATABASE <database_name>   //erase database

SHOW DATABASES   //list all database

CREATE DATABASE "database_name"   //create database

USE "database_name"  /acitave the database for request

DROP MEASUREMENT <measurement_name>  //erase all data on a database

 - example : DROP MEASUREMENT "msg.measurement"

SHOW MEASUREMENTS   //to see measurment

SHOW FIELD KEYS  //list the data format

//delete data with time condition :
USE "database_name"
DELETE FROM "name"  WHERE time < 1615282155000000000  

installation Influxdb docker 1.x

command docker :

$ docker run -p 8086:8086 \
      -v $PWD:/var/lib/influxdb \

Grafana visualisation

Grafana installation

To install Grafana go to this link :

run these command :

sudo dpkg -i grafana_5.2.0-beta1_arm64.deb

installation grafana with docker

command pull docker :

docker pull grafana/grafana

command for launch grafana with docker :

docker run -d --name=grafana -p 3000:3000 grafana/grafana

Use this command to install apache

sudo apt install apache2

Use this command to install PHP

sudo apt install php php-mbstring

Use this command to install MySQL avec php

sudo apt install mysql-server php-mysql

Change the file property with this command on the directory /var/www/html

cd /var/www/html
sudo chown -Rf www-data:www-data .
sudo chmod -Rf 777 .

Run the web server with this command

sudo service apache2 start

For managing the mysql data base you can install the PhpMyAdmin tool with this command

//for install phpmyadmin
sudo apt install phpmyadmin
//validate all information and set a password for acces to the mysql

//for create a link to the phpmyadmin directory
sudo ln -s /usr/share/phpmyadmin /var/www/html/phpmyadmin


Use these commands for booting the jetson nano on USB external drive


You should do this on a freshly flashed Micro SD card. You can use a 16GB card for this process. In the video, we use a Samsung T5 500 GB USB SSD. On the JetsonHacksNano account on Github, there is a repository named rootOnUSB. Clone the repository, and then switch to the repositories directory:

    $ git clone

    $ cd rootOnUSB

This is a 4 step process.

Step 1

Build the initramfs with USB support, so that USB is available early in the boot process. A convenience script named provides this functionality.

    $ ./

Step 2

Prepare a USB drive (preferably USB 3.0, SSD, HDD, or SATA->USB) by formatting the disk as ext4 with a partition. In the video, we use the ‘Disks’ application. It is easier if you only plug in one USB drive during this procedure. When finished, the disk should show as /dev/sda1 or similar. Note: Make sure that the partition is ext4, as NTSF will appear to copy correctly but cause issues later on. Typically it is easiest to set the volume label for later use during this process.

Step 3

Copy the application area of the micro SD card to the USB drive. copies the contents of the entire system micro SD card to the USB drive. Naturally, the USB drive storage should be larger than the micro SD card. Note: Make sure that the USB drive is mounted before running the script. In order to copyRootToUSB:

usage: ./ [OPTIONS]

-d | --directory Directory path to parent of kernel

-v | --volume_label Label of Volume to lookup

-p | --path Device Path to USB drive (e.g. /dev/sda1)

-h | --help This message

In the video, we:

    $ ./ -p /dev/sda1

Remember to mount the USB drive before attempting to copy.

Step 4

Modify the /boot/extlinux/extlinux.conf file. An entry should be added to point to the new rootfs (typically this is /dev/sda1). There is a sample configuration file: sample-extlinux.conf

You should make a backup of the original extlinux.conf file. Also, when you edit the file you should make a backup of the original configuration and relabel the backup. This will allow you to access an alternate boot method from the serial console in case something goes sideways.

Then you should changed the INITRD line to:

INITRD /boot/initrd-xusb.img

So that the system uses the initramfs that we built that includes the USB firmware. Then set the root to the USB drive.

Here are some examples. You can set the drive by the UUID of the disk drive, the volume label of the drive, or the device path:

APPEND ${cbootargs} root=UUID=0e437280-bea0-42a2-967f-a240dd3075eb rootwait rootfstype=ext4 APPEND ${cbootargs} root=LABEL=JetsonNanoSSD500 rootwait rootfstype=ext4 APPEND ${cbootargs} root=/dev/sda1 rootwait rootfstype=ext4

The first entry is most specific, the last most generic. Note that you are not guaranteed that a USB device is enumerated in a certain order and will always have the same device path. That is, if you leave another USB drive plugged in along with your root disk when you boot the Jetson, the root disk may have a different path than originally, such as /dev/sdb1.

Also, there is a convenience file: which will determine the UUID of a given device. This is useful for example to determine the UUID of the USB drive. Note: If the UUID returned is not similar in length to the above example, then it is likely that the device is not formatted as ext4.

    $ ./

While this defaults to sda1 (/dev/sda1), you can also determine other drive UUIDs. The /dev/ is assumed, use the -d flag. For example:

    $ ./ -d sdb1

You may find this information useful for setting up the extlinux.conf file Reboot and Enjoy!

Source :


I summarized the key words here.

sudo apt update
sudo apt install pulseaudio pulseaudio-utils pavucontrol pulseaudio-module-bluetooth

and then modify the bluetooth service

sudo nano /etc/systemd/system/

 ExecStart=/usr/lib/bluetooth/bluetoothd -d --noplugin=audio,a2dp,avrcp
 ExecStart=/usr/lib/bluetooth/bluetoothd -d --noplugin=audio,avrcp

and reboot

sudo reboot

If you want to extand the sd card size you can run these command (repalce 32GB sd card to 64GB after cloning the system):

With the command df -h you can get the path of the partition for example "/dev/mmcblk0p1 59G 26G 30G 47% /"

//to see the size of the partition
df -h
//change the partition file 
sudo fdisk /dev/mmcblk0
 p -> to see the correct device for example /dev/mmcblk0p1
 d -> for deleting partition 1
 1 -> enter the first partition
 n -> for create new partition
 1 -> recreate the first partion with the new size
 clik enter twice for gett all the parition size 
 Do you want to remove the signature respond **No**
 p -> to see the new partition size
 w -> for writing the new partition

//reboot the system
sudo reboot

//after reboot run the command to expand the partition
 df -h  -> to see that the partition size not expand
 sudo resize2fs /dev/mmcblk0p1  -> expande the parition for axample 32GB to 64GB
 df -h  -> to control the the partition have been resize