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Cowboys Service


This service is a showcase of how a bunch of cowboys can shoot each other via Http or Grpc connection.
This service is using CockroachDb as its persistent storage solution.
This service has 2 modes of operation :

  • Basic - Using Http for communication and fulfilling basic requirements
  • Intermediate - Using Grpc for communication and storing action logs



For your convenience this project is using taskfile so please follow the instructions and install it

Other basic requirements include:

  • Git
  • Docker
  • Golang

How to run and test it

This service can be run in 3 different ways

  • Locally
  • Docker
  • Deploy to k8s(minikube)

Clone this repo

git clone

Cd into the directory

cd ./cowboys

Bellow are all the different ways to follow

1. Locally( basic / intermediate )

Before you attempt to run this you will need to install cockroachDB or run a single node version in docker.\

-- Run the following commands in your terminal

docker network create -d bridge roachnet
docker run -d \
--name=roach-single \
--hostname=roach-single \
--net=roachnet \
-p 26257:26257 \
-p 8080:8080 \
-v "roach-single:/cockroach/cockroach-data"  \
cockroachdb/cockroach:v23.1.12 start-single-node \
--http-addr=localhost:8080 --insecure 

Next -> Export DB_URL to your terminal

export DB_URL=postgresql://root@{YOUR_DOCKER_IP}:26257/defaultdb?sslmode=disable
EXAMPLE -> export DB_URL=postgresql://root@

Because we want to run this in basic mode run the application as

MODE=basic go run .

By default service runs in an intermediate mode

go run .

To test and see the console logs

Use Postman to make a Post request to localhost:9090/run Or

curl --request POST 'localhost:9090/run'

To Reload and try again

curl --request POST 'localhost:9090/reload'

In intermediate mode you will get game_id and can check the logs e.g

curl --request GET 'localhost:9090/logs/200d96aa-b7f2-4083-b422-7313ecebf0de?offset=0&limit=50&sort=asc'

2. Docker( intermediate )

To run the whole stack in docker
Make sure you don't have cockroachDB or Traefik already running.
-- Run macOs

task compose

-- Run Linux

sudo PWD=${PWD} task compose

Note - Depending on your machine you might need to wait a bit for everything to laod up

If everything Succeeded you should be able to go to your browser and visit


And navigate to Http routes, which should show you that we have Host(cowboys.localhost) exposed.

to test the endpoints first curl the healthz as I have noticed Traefik sometimes lagging behind with load balancing and dns stuff

curl cowboys.localhost/healthz

If this return "ok"
proceed with running the game

curl --request POST cowboys.localhost/run

To reload the game call

curl --request POST cowboys.localhost/reload

3. Deploy to k8s (minikube) intermediate

This service includes a charts directory with service deployment
This Deployment was tested on minikube for local setup
Main dependency our service has is the CockroachDB and this needs to be deployed first

This Step requires you to have the following installed :

  • Kubectl with appropriate cluster context
  • Helm

To Deploy CockroachDB using helm run

task deploy-crdb

Next to deploy our service run

task deploy-service

Note: This should not be deployed to an actual cluster as the cockroachdb is running on a limited stoarge and tls configuration.

To test service running on k8s first port forward it

kubectl port-forward <your_pod_name> 8084:8080 -n dev

Open up logs in another terminal window

kubectl logs -n dev <your_pod_name> --follow

Then go to Postman open GRPC request and put localhost:8084 and make grpc call to run the service

Note : This service runs perfectly fine if you scale the pods to multiple replicas


Basic Http communication in Local run mode

Bellow is a flowchart showing what happens in the basic cowboy shooting process.

graph TD;

subgraph Cowboys Service - RunRequest
run_request(RunRequest) --> engine_interface(Engine interface)
engine_interface(Engine interface) --> engine_basic_run(Engine-Basic-Run)
engine_basic_run --> database_alive(DB - List Alive Cowboys)
database_alive --> engine_basic_run
engine_basic_run --> database_game_start(DB - Create Game)
database_game_start --> engine_basic_run
engine_basic_run --> c1(cowboy_1)
engine_basic_run --> c2(cowboy_2)
c1 -- Go Routine --> start_game(Start Game)
c2 -- Go Routine --> start_game(Start Game)
start_game --> database_get_single(DB - Get current state)
database_get_single --> start_game
start_game -- Http Post --> http_shoot( localhost:9090/shoot )
http_shoot --> http_gateway(Gateway)
http_gateway -- http to grpc --> shoot_at_random


subgraph Cowboys Service - ShootAtRandomRequest
shoot_at_random(ShootAtRandomRequest) --> engine_interface
engine_interface --> engine_basic_shoot(Engine-Basic-ShootAtRandomCowboy)
engine_basic_shoot -- DB Transaction --> db_transaction(ShootAtCowboyTx) 
db_transaction --> query_row_shooter_health(Get shooter health)
db_transaction --> query_row_random_target(Get target)
db_transaction --> update_target_health(Update target health)
db_transaction --> query_target_health(Get target health)
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