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Clare edited this page Feb 12, 2016 · 10 revisions

All messages should be a subset of the following object:

  word: str
  crawl_date: str # ISO8601-formatted
  urls: [ # list of URL objects
      url: str
      title: str
      author: str
      source: str  # e.g. "The Atlantic" or
      search_provider: str  # e.g. 'google'
      date: str # ISO8601-formatted
      doc: str # contains the cleaned body of the URL
      features: {
        italic: bool # Does the term occur in emphasis in the document?
        bold: bool
        quotes: bool
        readability: float # Reading score
      variants: [...] # List of spelling variants in this document
      sentences: [ # List of sentences mentioning the term
        s: str
        s_clean: str # Cleaned sentence, search terms replaced with '_TERM_'
        frd: int # binary classification of sentence being an FRD (1 or 0)
        frd_likelihood: float # likelihood of sentence being an FRD as percentage (eg. 0.1 = 10% likely)
        pos_tags: str # Penn Treebank tagged sentence in format 'A/DT _TERM_/JJ culture/NN is/VBZ'
        rating: float # Relative rating of the FRDs to one another (eg. 1st best, 2nd best, etc)

String encoding

All strings are expected to be UTF-8 encoded when the message is saved to S3 or to database, and Unicode strings when within the application. If the application requires strings to be UTF-8 encoded for some operation, it will be clearly marked in the code, and strings should be decoded back into Unicode as soon as possible.


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