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Team Meeting


Hannah to take notes during meetings

Main Goals (in order of priority)

  1. Hannah and Ahmed do super neat sketches of the UI with main focus on the review/comment section. The UI sketches should mainly involve the visuals and flow of the pages. To do this, draw these sketches and have arrows with descriptions and notes. These will help Aaron a lot when it comes to designing these pages in Android Studio. Pages to be completed by Friday: Sign in (log in) page, home screen (with all the restaurants), restaurant screen with info and review / comments, and the profile page. Filters, settings and other features to be completed later.
  2. Aaron to work on login page with the ability to sign in or register an account. This will then go to the restaurant screen to be completed in collaboration with Hannah and Ahmed.
  3. Need to take pictures from restaurants when we go out to lunch. The plan is as follows. We will present 10 restaurants on Friday. The 10 restaurants will be the restaurants that Hannah has research because they already have photos on Airbnb and TripAdvisor and we have locations for them (that way we can test images and GPS locations in the app). The only thing is that they lack a menu. After lunch we will take photos of 3 restaurant menus each we will choose the 10 best looking and easiest to translate and randomly put them with one of the researched restaurants. Aaron, Belinda and Hannah will then work on these translations whilst Ahmed me and Frank work on the app and the wiki.
  4. Ahmed needs to complete and table of reviews and comments and what they should look like in the app. Have at least 3 reviews per restaurant and at least 2 comments per restaurant. These can be random but will need to follow the structure that was made in MySQL (Ahmed come ask me after and I will clarify).
  5. Belinda needs to make a tight schedule for the next two weeks so for the next 30min we need to discuss what needs to be done and this schedule should just include goals and to dos nothing too in-depth just enough to track our progress.
  6. Change of seating arrangement Ahmed -> Hannah -> Belinda -> Gabe -> Aaron -> Frank
  7. Me and Belinda will work on the Team aspect of the wiki, Ahmed and Hannah will work on the Software requirements specification, Me and Aaron will work on the code as well as Frank but Frank also needs to Finish where he left of and see if we can get MySQL to work with Java.
  8. 10 restaurants will consist of official, unofficial and credited
  9. Frank needs to get a start on Software design specification
  10. Project demo: have screenshots of the application, the pages, the logo
  11. Ask Richard or teacher about the test plan and iteration (is iteration the version of the app, like where we are up to or is it the different ideas we had for the app)