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199 lines (142 loc) · 5.33 KB


All subcommands are:

vaulted version

Shows the version of vaulted

> vaulted version

vaulted help

Shows usage help

> vaulted help
Vault encrypt/decrypt using asymmetric RSA keys and AES

  vaulted [flags]
  vaulted [command]

Available Commands:
  decrypt     Decrypt a file/value
  encrypt     Encrypt a file/value
  help        Help about any command
  rekey       Rekey (decrypt and encrypt using different keypair) a file/value
  rotate      Rotate (decrypt and encrypt) a file/value
  terraform   Terraform resources related commands
  version     Print the version of vaulted

  -h, --help   help for vaulted

Use "vaulted [command] --help" for more information about a command.

vaulted encrypt

Encrypts an in file source or from stdin and writes to out file source or to stdout.

It uses encrypt flow specified in How it works.

> vaulted encrypt \
--public-key-path pubkey.pem \
--in ./my_secrets.raw \
--out ./my_secrets.enc

vaulted decrypt

Decrypts an in file source or from stdin and writes to out file source or to stdout.

It uses decrypt flow specified in How it works.

> vaulted decrypt \
--private-key-path privkey.pem \
--in ./my_secrets.enc \
--out ./my_secrets.raw

vaulted rotate

Rotates an in file source or from stdin and writes to out file source or to stdout.

It uses rotate flow specified in How it works.

> vaulted rotate \
--private-key-path privkey.pem \
--public-key-path pubkey.pem \
--in ./my_secrets.enc \
--out ./rotated_my_secrets.enc

vaulted rekey

Rekeys an in file source or from stdin and writes to out file source or to stdout.

Rekeying is the process of decrypting an encrypted payload with old private key and encrypting with new public key (from new keypair).

It uses rekeys flow specified in How it works.

> vaulted rekey \
--old-private-key-path privkey.pem \
--new_public-key-path pubkey.pem \
--in ./my_secrets.enc \
--out ./rekeyed_my_secrets.enc

vaulted terraform vault ini

Converts an INI file to terraform file. It uses "future-proof" vaulted_vault_secret terraform resources.

> vaulted terraform vault ini \
--public-key-path pubkey.pem \
--in ./my_secrets.ini \
--out ./

vaulted terraform vault migrate

Migrates a terraform in file with vault_encrypted_secret resources generated from legacy ini, to terraform vaulted_vault_secret resources as you would generate them from terraform vault ini.

If specified out already exists, it does not overwrite, it appends.

Terraform resources different than vault_encrypted_secret are not modified. They're simply moved to out

> vaulted terraform vault migrate \
--public-key-path ./my-pubkey.pem \
--private-key-path ./my-privkey.pem \
--in ./ \
--out ./

vaulted terraform vault new-resource

Create new terraform vaulted_vault_secret resource with specified path and resource-name (as suffix).

in will be encrypted and serialized. Result is terraform file at out.

If specified out already exists, it does not overwrite, it appends.

> vaulted terraform new-resource \
--public-key-path ./my-pubkey.pem \
--in ./mysecret.txt \
--out ./ \
--path secret/example-app/example-key \
--resource-name example_app_example_key

vaulted terraform vault rekey

Rekeys an in terraform file and writes to out terraform file with rekeyed resources.

Rekeying is the process of decrypting an encrypted payload with old private key and encrypting with new public key (from new keypair).

It uses rekeys flow specified in How it works.

If specified out already exists, it does not overwrite, it appends.

Terraform resources different than vaulted_vault_secret are not modified. They're simply moved to out

> vaulted terraform vault rekey \
--new-public-key-path ./my-pubkey.pem \
--old-private-key-path ./my-privkey.pem \
--in \

vaulted terraform vault rotate

Rotates an in terraform file and writes to out terraform file with rekeyed resources.

It uses rotate flow specified in How it works.

If specified out already exists, it does not overwrite, it appends.

Terraform resources different than vaulted_vault_secret are not modified. They're simply moved to out

> vaulted terraform vault rotate \
--public-key-path ./my-pubkey.pem \
--private-key-path ./my-privatekey.pem \
--in ./ \
--out ./