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301 Days Of Code - Log

Day 1: Jan 13, 2020

Today's Progress: commited buffered input and output file to my java beginner guide and started with AWS and made bucket to store data.

Day 2: Jan 14, 2020

Today's Progress: commited file reader and writer file to my java beginner guide and studied more about AWS, apart from this solved problem solving question on HackerRank.

Day 3: Jan 15, 2020

Today's Progress: solved questions of java and problem solving on HackerRank also studied and implemented AWS Versioning , Cross Region Replication.

Day 4: Jan 16, 2020

Today's Progress: solved questions of java and got my "java" GOLD badge on HackerRank and commited about numberformat class on my java guide also going to start with Maven.

link to HackeRank:

Day 5: Jan 17, 2020

Today's Progress: commited to my java guide also studied and implemented AWS CloudFront CDN.

link to that :

Day 6: Jan 18, 2020

Today's Progress: commited to my java guide and solved problem solving questions .

Day 7: Jan 19, 2020

Today's Progress: started with maven ,studied java networking and solved questions on problem solving .

Day 8: Jan 20, 2020

Today's Progress: started with maven and made a build using apache netbeans and solved questions of algorithm and array data structures problem solving.

Day 9: Jan 21, 2020

Today's Progress:solved questions of algorithm problem solving and also posted my solution on HackerRank and studied storage gateway {file gateway, tape gateway ,volume gateway} AWS.

Day 10: Jan 22, 2020

Today's Progress:solved questions of algorithm problem solving and also commited on my java guide on java socket networking.

Day 11: Jan 23, 2020

Today's Progress:solved questions of algorithm problem solving .

Day 12: Jan 24, 2020

Today's Progress:solved questions of algorithm problem solving and got my 4th star on HackeRank in problem solving and studied about AWS Snowball, S3 Transfer Acceleration

AWS console:


Day 13: Jan 25, 2020

Today's Progress:studied about apache MAVEN from udemy and started solving google hashcode practice problems.

Day 14: Jan 26, 2020

Today's Progress:commited about java networking on my java guide ,solved some linux shell questions on HackerRank and studied about MAVEN using cmd.

link to HackerRank:

Day 15: Jan 27, 2020

Today's Progress:practiced some java programs and linux shell questions on HackerRank.

Day 16: Jan 28, 2020

Today's Progress:practiced data structures(sorting) using java and solved problem solving on HackerRank.

Day 17: Jan 29, 2020

Today's Progress:started with some python basics and got my second python star on HackerRank.

link to HackerRank:

Day 18: Jan 30, 2020

Today's Progress:done some python basics and solved some question of python on HackerRank

Day 19: Jan 31 - Feb 1, 2020

Today's Progress:participated in a Hackathon and started with our project

Day 20: Feb 2, 2020

Today's Progress:build a java swing application and commited it to my java guide

Day 21: Feb 3, 2020

Today's Progress:build a another window for my java swing application and connected both via common button,also earned 3rd star in python.


Day 22: Feb 4, 2020

Today's Progress:resolved my hackathon project problem in code , commited in CODERED in my java guide apart from this still stuck in a python problem :(

Day 23: Feb 5, 2020

Today's Progress:comitted to CODERED and solved problem solving questions on HackerRank

Day 24: Feb 6, 2020

Today's Progress:comitted to CODERED, studied about some network devices and started with a problem solving question

Day 25: Feb 7, 2020

Today's Progress:solved problem solving questions on HackerRank.

Day 26: Feb 8, 2020

Today's Progress:solved problem solving questions on HackerRank waiting for 850/850 currently on 631/850.

Day 27: Feb 9, 2020

Today's Progress:solved problem solving questions on HackerRank waiting for 850/850 currently on 691/850 and studied about AWS EC2 and AWS EBS .

Day 28: Feb 10, 2020

Today's Progress:solved problem solving questions on HackerRank waiting for 850/850 currently on 741/850.

Day 29: Feb 11, 2020

Today's Progress:solved questions of algorithm problem solving currently on 796/850 also created a instance on AWS EC2.

AWS console:

Day 30: Feb 12, 2020

Today's Progress:Finally its 850/850 earned my gold badge in problem solving and also made my LINUX shell rank to 4 digits


Day 31: Feb 13, 2020

Today's Progress:revised some java concepts

Day 32: Feb 14, 2020

Today's Progress:done some shell scripting .

Day 33: Feb 15, 2020

Today's Progress:revised java static and final keyword ,abstract class and interface.

Day 34: Feb 16, 2020

Today's Progress:commited about java abstraction and multiple inheritance to my java guide.

Day 35: Feb 17, 2020

Today's Progress:didn't done much today just studied some articles on diffrent flavours of LINUX.

Day 36: Feb 18, 2020

Today's Progress:commited to my java guide and started with java Data Structures done Heap sort.

Day 37: Feb 19, 2020

Today's Progress:done questions of 30 Days of code on Hackerank(4 challenges to go for my 4th badge) also commited about the same on problem solving repository.

Day 38: Feb 20, 2020

Today's Progress:done some java programs and going to be started with google HashCode.

Day 39: Feb 21, 2020

Today's Progress:participated in google hashcode and a ACM coding event today and need to say that i have to work on my speed to write and make logics of the program.

Day 40: Feb 22, 2020

Today's Progress:studied about markdown language and made a for my upes java lab manual and commited in java programs for the same also done data structures using java (insertion sort).

Day 41: Feb 23, 2020

Today's Progress:started with HackerEarth and solved problems on basic programing also started a course of AWS on coursera.

Day 42: Feb 24, 2020

Today's Progress:solved problems on basic programing on HackerEarth also hosted a web page using AWS EC2 instance on Apache server.

link to instance:

link to webpagehttp://

Day 43: Feb 25, 2020

Today's Progress: got stuck in java problem statement.

Day 44: Feb 26, 2020

Today's Progress:solved java problem statement also done questions on Basic programing on HackerEarth.

Day 45: Feb 27, 2020

Today's Progress:started with git coursera, done some java program and also done data structure (Quicksort).

Day 46: Feb 28, 2020

Today's Progress:completed with my going cloud natives on coursera and also done problems on HackerEarth.

Day 47: Feb 29, 2020

Today's Progress:implemented stack data structure and done some problems on HackerEarth.

Day 48: Mar 1, 2020

Today's Progress:studied Queue data structure and done some problems on HackerEarth.

Day 49: Mar 2, 2020

Today's Progress:studied about AWS( EBS, EBS volume, security group, AWS AMI , load balancing).

Day 50: Mar 3, 2020

Today's Progress:created AWS AMI ,done questions on HackerEarth on basic programing.

Day 51: Mar 4, 2020

Today's Progress:made a java GUI of sending a automatic OTP to a given phone number and verifying it. used testlocal API.

Day 52-53: Mar 5-6 , 2020

Today's Progress:done something on github workflow,done some questions on HackerEarth also got stuck, my API didnt working well :(

Day 54: Mar 7 , 2020

Today's Progress:continued on github workflow and done questions on HackerEarth.

Day 55: Mar 8 , 2020

Today's Progress: done questions on HackerEarth soon to get a rank in 4 digits in basic programing.

Day 56: Mar 9 , 2020

Today's Progress:implemented queue data structure using array in java.

Day 57: Mar 10 , 2020

Today's Progress:studied about AWS load balancer and solved problems on HackerEarth.

Day 58: Mar 11 , 2020

Today's Progress:done nothing much today just done some java programs.

Day 59: Mar 12 , 2020

Today's Progress:started implementing AWS load balancer and done questions on HackerEarth p.s taken 1 hour just to remove a lossy comperation error of BigInteger.

Day 60: Mar 13 , 2020

Today's Progress:started a course of git and version control on coursera and done questions on HackerEarth and got my rank in 4 digits.

link to HackerEarth:

Day 61: Mar 14 , 2020

Today's Progress:studied about APACHE MAVEN on udemy.

Day 62: Mar 15 , 2020

Today's Progress:merged a automated security dependency pull request and studied git version control on coursera.

Day 63: Mar 16 , 2020

Today's Progress:done questions on HackerEarth.

Day 64: Mar 17 , 2020

Today's Progress:commited some programs to my java programs repo.

Day 65: Mar 18 , 2020

Today's Progress:done questions on HackerEarth and completed another week of git version control on coursera.

Day 66: Mar 19 , 2020

Today's Progress:done questions on HackerEarth and started building a github Workflow.

Day 67: Mar 20 , 2020

Today's Progress:done questions on HackerEarth and got a certificate of git and version control on coursera.

link to certificate :

Day 68: Mar 21 , 2020

Today's Progress:done questions on HackerEarth .

Day 69: Mar 22 , 2020

Today's Progress: participated in google kickstart round A and got a rank around 6-7k also done questions on HackerEarth.

Day 70: Mar 23 , 2020

Today's Progress: done questions on HackerEarth.

Day 71: Mar 24 , 2020

Today's Progress: done questions on HackerEarth,started launching VM using vagrant cloud also done a multitasking java program.

Day 72: Mar 25 , 2020

Today's Progress: done questions on HackerEarth,ready to launch VM using vagrant cloud

Day 73: Mar 26 , 2020

Today's Progress: studied about AWS- Database Services (Relational, Non Relational Database) and done question on HackerEarth.

Day 74: Mar 27 , 2020

Today's Progress: studied about AWS- Database Services (Elasticache) also started creating AWS RDS instance and done question on HackerEarth.

Day 75-76: Mar 28-29 , 2020

Progress: made a AWS EC2 instance , made a AWS RDS instance and connected RDS database to EC2 instance using php MySql also done questions on HackeEarth.

EC2 ip:

link to RDS:

Day 77: Mar 30 , 2020

Today's Progress:made a complete apache maven guide on github to make a simple maven project using cmd and started working on making a twitter bot using java.

Day 78: Mar 31 , 2020

Today's Progress:started with 10 days of statistics on HackerRank.

Day 79: Apr 1 , 2020

Today's Progress:made a twitter bot and added a functionality of tweeting a tweet on our account.


Day 80: Apr 2 , 2020

Today's Progress:done questions on HackerEarth

Day 81: Apr 3 , 2020

Today's Progress:done programs about threading and collection class in java and comitted about the same in java programs.

Day 82-83: Apr 4-5 , 2020

Today's Progress:participated in google code jam from apr 4 (4.30 am) to apr 5 (7.30 am) qualified to next round and also researched about how to retweet using java for my bot.

Day 84: Apr 6 , 2020

Today's Progress:started learning github actions.

Day 85: Apr 7 , 2020

Today's Progress:done question on statistics and got my 2nd star on HackerRank in that.


Day 86: Apr 8 , 2020

Today's Progress:added a functionality of watching our latest twitter timeline on my twitter bot and done some questions on HackeEarth.


Day 87: Apr 9 , 2020

Today's Progress:made a small command line progress animation using java.

Day 88: Apr 10 , 2020

Today's Progress:made a MySql database and created a table and inserted data using JDBC, also practiced some DS algos.

Day 89: Apr 11 , 2020

Today's Progress:participated in google code jam round 1A and done with the complete algorithm for my twitter bot to retweet.


Day 90: Apr 12 , 2020

Today's Progress:added a new function of getting tweets in by twitter bot and done some questions on hackerearth.


Day 91: Apr 13 , 2020

Today's Progress:done some questions on hackerearth and studied some topics regarding DOCKER, also going to get started with a project in this week.

Day 92-93: Apr 14-15 , 2020

Today's Progress:updated retweet devops organization and added another functionality of retweet(still there is some issue in it i'll fix it really soon)


Day 94: Apr 16 , 2020

Today's Progress:started with some basic selenium testing.

Day 95: Apr 17 , 2020

Today's Progress:did some questions on hackerEarth.


Day 96: Apr 18 , 2020

Today's Progress:almost done with making a selenium testing guide.

Day 97: Apr 19 , 2020

Today's Progress:made a selenium testing guide, participated in google kick start round b and also started with a project.

Day 98: Apr 20 , 2020

Today's Progress:made all my database and configured it with schema required for my next project, configured my apache tomcat server and just made a simple servlet page .


Day 99-100: Apr 22 , 2020

Today's Progress: configured my SMTP server, made my own domain on ubuntu to send mails to different user, added another feature of replying to a tweet on my tweet-bot also worked on the front-end of my current project.



Day 101: Apr 24 , 2020

Today's Progress: Did some SERVLET program , made some windows(front end) of my car rental system also did some backend for another networking project.



Day 102: Apr 25 , 2020

Today's Progress:did some prims and krushkal implementation using c and studied about github actions tried to make some workflow actions.


Day 103: Apr 26 , 2020

Today's Progress:completed with the front-end for my car rental system also started with making a beginner guide for building profiles in Apache Maven.



Day 104: Apr 27 , 2020

Today's Progress:completed with the a beginner guide for building profiles in Apache Maven and also did some questions on HackerEarth.


Day 105: Apr 28 , 2020

Today's Progress: did some questions on HackerEarth and started with the back end for my car rental system.

Day 106: Apr 29 , 2020

Today's Progress: working on the back end for my car rental system.


Day 107: Apr 30 , 2020

Today's Progress: worked on the back end for my car rental system and done some wireshark networking, security in ubuntu.


Day 108: May 1 , 2020

Today's Progress: worked on the back end for my car rental system and done questions of JSP.


Day 109 May 2 , 2020

Today's Progress: almost completed with my car rental system , participated in google code jam round 1c and also completed with a course on maven on udemy


Day 110-111 May 3,4 , 2020

Today's Progress:checked out package cloud services, worked on back-end of car rental system and IPAM also done some codes on wrapper class and JSP.



Day 112 May 5 , 2020

Today's Progress:almost completed with IPAM


Day 113 May 6 , 2020

Today's Progress:completed with IPAM and also soon going to get completed with car rental system



Day 114 May 7 , 2020

Today's Progress: done some documentation for our IPAM and also completed with the ADMIN side of car rental system



Day 115 May 8 , 2020

Today's Progress:started revising python



Day 116 May 9 , 2020

Today's Progress: revising python and soon going to start with new project


Day 117 May 10 , 2020

Today's Progress:completed with car rental system and still revising python


Day 118 May 11 , 2020

Today's Progress: still revising python


Day 119 May 12 , 2020

Today's Progress: still revising python


Day 120 May 13 , 2020

Today's Progress: still revising python


Day 121 May 14 , 2020

Today's Progress: still revising python


Day 122 May 15 , 2020

Today's Progress:done with revising python ,doing some questions on hackerrank and soon going to start with projects on python,devops


Day 123 May 16 , 2020

Today's Progress:got my 4th star in python on Hackerrank and soon going to start with projects on python,devops


Day 124 May 17 , 2020

Today's Progress: participated in google kick start round c

Day 125 May 18 , 2020

Today's Progress:started with Pandas and soon going to start with a project on COVID-19


Day 126-127 May 19-20 , 2020

Today's Progress:completed with pandas and going to start a project on covid-19 using pandas and matplotlib


Day 128 May 21 , 2020

Today's Progress:done a task for getting latest number of confirmed cases, deaths, recovered and active cases of COVID-19 Country wise total and specific and represent them using bar graph


Day 129 May 22 , 2020

Today's Progress:working on another task to Get the total no. of confirmed cases of a selected country Day wise and then plot the data to know the change in past days


Day 130 May 23 , 2020

Today's Progress: attended AWS online conference and done the task for Getting the total no. of confirmed ,death ,recovered cases of a selected country Day wise and then plot the data to know the change in past days


Day 131 May 24 , 2020

Today's Progress:done another task getting total no. of death cases from user and filter the countries which have greater then no. of deaths given by user on latest date and ,Then plot that countries confirmed,deaths,recovered and active cases


Day 132 May 25 , 2020

Today's Progress: working on another task of Interactive Choropleth Map of coronavirus spread with Plotly


Day 133 May 26 , 2020

Today's Progress: completed with the task of Interactive Choropleth Map of coronavirus spread with Plotly


Day 134 May 27 , 2020

Today's Progress: done another task of Taking the name of an Indian state from user and display its current confirmed,death and cured cases and then plot using pie chart


Day 135 May 28 , 2020

Today's Progress: done another task of Taking a Indian state from user also, a start and end date to show a plot of total number of samples for testing coronavirus in that range of dates apart from this also plot how many were positive and how many were negative from that samples


Day 136 May 29 , 2020

Today's Progress: participated in Hack the Interview IV (Asia Pacific) and still going on HackerRank

Day 137 May 30 , 2020

Today's Progress: participated in Hack the Interview IV (Asia Pacific) and still going on HackerRank

Day 138 May 31 , 2020

Today's Progress: done with Hack the Interview IV (Asia Pacific)

Day 139 jun 1 , 2020

Today's Progress:Started with Jenkins


Day 140 jun 2 , 2020

Today's Progress:build some basic jobs in doing further in it

Day 141 jun 3 , 2020

Today's Progress:stuck in jenkins launch its not launching

Day 142 jun 4 , 2020

Today's Progress:finally fixed my jenkins problem i was stuck because of some port no. issue finally solved.

Day 143 jun 5 , 2020

Today's Progress:working on take code from github repos and then build using jenkins automatically.

Day 144 jun 6 , 2020

Today's Progress:working on some github integration using jenkins.

Day 145 jun 7 , 2020

Today's Progress:done some MAVEN and GITHUB integration using jenkins.

Day 146 jun 8 , 2020

Today's Progress:learnt about distributed build and made a basic pipeline in jenkins and also visualized it apart from this made a pipeline using groovy script (basic)


Day 147 jun 9 , 2020

Today's Progress:done how to take repos from github and perform different batch files from it also cleared hackerrank java(basic) assessment and going to start with a project on jenkins


Day 148 jun 10 , 2020

Today's Progress:started working on a implementation of commit, build, test, stage, deploy and monitor.

link: a implementation of commit, build, test, stage, deploy and monitor

Day 149 jun 11 , 2020

Today's Progress: working on a implementation of commit, build, test, stage, deploy and monitor project and cleared python assessment on HackerRank


Day 150 jun 12 , 2020

Today's Progress: working on a implementation of commit, build, test, stage, deploy and monitor

Day 151 jun 13 , 2020

Today's Progress: working on a implementation of commit, build, test, stage, deploy and monitor

Day 152-153 jun 14-15 , 2020

Today's Progress: done with the pom.xml and code part for CI-CD pipeline writing jenkinsfile Script in groovy.


Day 154 jun 16 , 2020

Today's Progress:almost done with this written its script for complete pipeline


Day 155 jun 17 , 2020

Today's Progress:doing some documentation for my CI-CD pipeline


Day 156 jun 18 , 2020

Today's Progress:doing documentation for my CI-CD pipeline


Day 157 jun 19 , 2020

Today's Progress completed with my CI-CD pipeline using jenkins


Day 158 jun 20 , 2020

Today's Progress started with some course on data science

Day 159 jun 21 , 2020

Today's Progress did some research on big data , hadoop , deep learning and machine learning.

Day 160 jun 22 , 2020

Today's Progress did some visual recognization using IBM watson.

Day 161 jun 23 , 2020

Today's Progress learned about different languages and framework used for different parts of data science.

Day 162 jun 24 , 2020

Today's Progress learning about different tools and technique used for data science.

Day 163 jun 25 , 2020

Today's Progress learnt and done things about SPSS modeler using IBM Watson, also done some hackerrank problems.

Day 164 jun 26 , 2020

Today's Progress got my 4th star in 30 days of code on hackerrank and also completed with tools for data science.

link :

Day 165 jun 27 , 2020

Today's Progress working on different data science methodologies

Day 166 jun 28 , 2020

Today's Progress still working on different data science methodologies

Day 167 jun 29 , 2020

Today's Progress completed with data science methodologies and started with python for data science

Day 168-169 jun 30 - jul 1 , 2020

Today's Progress deployed some github pages and done with python for data scicene also started working on speech to text, a translator type of thing using API

Day 170 jul 2 , 2020

Today's Progress working on speech to text and a translator type of thing using API

Day 171 jul 3 , 2020

Today's Progress done with Speech To Text tool and started with Sql and mysql for data science


Day 172 jul 4 , 2020

Today's Progress working on Databases and SQL for Data Science

Day 173 jul 5 , 2020

Today's Progress done with Databases and SQL for Data Science and started with data analytics using python i.e different algorithms,technique and models for data analysis

Day 174 jul 6 , 2020

Today's Progress working on data analytics using python i.e different algorithms,technique and models for data analysis

Day 175 jul 7 , 2020

Today's Progress finally! my letter came of my internship which i have done from may 2020 to june 2020 and still working on different algorithms,technique and models for data analysis

Day 176 jul 8 , 2020

Today's Progress working on Model Development in data science

Day 177 jul 9 , 2020

Today's Progress done some data analytics


Day 178 jul 10 , 2020

Today's Progress doing Model Evaluation and Refinement

Day 179 jul 11 , 2020

Today's Progress done Model Evaluation and Refinement


Day 180 jul 12 , 2020

Today's Progress Done Data Wrangling, Exploratory Data Analysis, Model Development, and Evaluation for House-Sales-in-King-County-USA


Day 181 jul 13 , 2020

Today's Progress Doing data visualization and done some questions of hackerrank

Day 182 jul 14 , 2020

Today's Progress Done with data visualization and done some questions of hackerrank

Day 183 jul 15 , 2020

Today's Progress Got my 5th star in 30 Days Of Code on HackerRank


Day 184 jul 16 , 2020

Today's Progress started with machine learning using python

Day 185 jul 17 , 2020

Today's Progress Doing regression in machine learning


Day 186 jul 18 , 2020

Today's Progress continued with regression in machine learning


Day 187 jul 19 , 2020

Today's Progress completed with regression in machine learning


Day 188 jul 20 , 2020

Today's Progress done with K-Nearest Neighbors algorithm


Day 189 jul 21 , 2020

Today's Progress done with Decision Trees algorithm


Day 190 jul 22 , 2020

Today's Progress done with logistic regression algorithm


Day 191 jul 23 , 2020

Today's Progress done support vector machines algorithm for classification and k means clustering algorithm for clustering


Day 192 jul 24 , 2020

Today's Progress doing clustering algorithm for M.L


Day 193 jul 25 , 2020

Today's Progress done with clustering


Day 194 jul 26 , 2020

Today's Progress started with Recommendation system


Day 195 jul 27 , 2020

Today's Progress done content based filtering for Recommendation system


Day 196 jul 28 , 2020

Today's Progress done collaborative filtering


Day 197 jul 29 , 2020

Today's Progress done with algorithm for M.L


Day 198 jul 30 , 2020

Today's Progress working on foursquare API for a project

Day 199 jul 31 , 2020

Today's Progress done working on foursquare API for a project


Day 200 aug 1 , 2020

Today's Progress working on segmentation and clustering


Day 201 aug 2 , 2020

Today's Progress working on capstone project


Day 202 aug 3 , 2020

Today's Progress working on capstone project


Day 203 aug 4 , 2020

Today's Progress working on capstone project


Day 204 aug 5 , 2020

Today's Progress working on capstone project

Day 205 aug 6 , 2020

Today's Progress working on capstone project

Day 206 aug 7 , 2020

Today's Progress working on capstone project

Day 207 aug 8 , 2020

Today's Progress working on capstone project

Day 208 aug 9 , 2020

Today's Progress working on capstone project

Day 209 aug 10 , 2020

Today's Progress working on capstone project

Day 210 aug 11 , 2020

Today's Progress working on capstone project

Day 211 aug 12 , 2020

Today's Progress working on capstone project

Day 212 aug 13 , 2020

Today's Progress working on capstone project

Day 213 aug 14 , 2020

Today's Progress working on capstone project

Day 214 aug 15 , 2020

Today's Progress working on capstone project

Day 215 aug 16 , 2020

Today's Progress working on capstone project

Day 216 aug 17 , 2020

Today's Progress working on capstone project

Day 217 aug 18 , 2020

Today's Progress working on capstone project

Day 218 aug 19 , 2020

Today's Progress working on capstone project

Day 219 aug 20 , 2020

Today's Progress stuck at a point on capstone project

Day 220 aug 21 , 2020

Today's Progress stuck at a point on capstone project trying to make it work

Day 221 aug 22 , 2020

Today's Progress working on capstone project

Day 222 aug 23 , 2020

Today's Progress working on capstone project and also attended a contest on hackerrank

Day 223 aug 24 , 2020

Today's Progress working on integrating sonarqube on jenkins

Day 224 aug 25 , 2020

Today's Progress working on integrating sonarqube on jenkins and also practiced hosting a website using AWS lightsail

Day 225 aug 26 , 2020

Today's Progress made complete synopsis report for minor 1

Day 226 aug 27 , 2020

Today's Progress working on integrating sonarqube on jenkins

Day 227 aug 28 , 2020

Today's Progress working on integrating sonarqube on jenkins

Day 228 aug 29 , 2020

Today's Progress working on integrating sonarqube on jenkins

Day 229 aug 30 , 2020

Today's Progress done integrating sonarqube on jenkins

Day 230 aug 31 , 2020

Today's Progress doing some leetcode problems

Day 231 sep 01 , 2020

Today's Progress practiced making AWS EC2 instance using Terraform and doing some D.S problems on HackerEarth

Day 232 sep 02 , 2020

Today's Progress doing some hackerearth problems

Day 233 sep 03 , 2020

Today's Progress doing some hackerearth problems

Day 234 sep 04 , 2020

Today's Progress doing some hackerearth problems and started documenting sonarqube integration in jenkins

Day 235 sep 05 , 2020

Today's Progress given an interview for my next internship and got selected!

Day 236 sep 06 , 2020

Today's Progress working on some computer graphics problems using openGL


Day 237 sep 07 , 2020

Today's Progress working on some computer graphics problems using openGL


Day 238 sep 08 , 2020

Today's Progress working on some computer graphics problems using openGL


Day 239 sep 09 , 2020

Today's Progress working on presentation for minor 1

Day 240 sep 10 , 2020

Today's Progress working on presentation for minor 1 and done some questions on hackerearth

Day 241 sep 11 , 2020

Today's Progress working on presentation for minor 1 and done some questions on hackerearth

Day 242 sep 12 , 2020

Today's Progress completed with the presentation today and working on a problem statemnt to solve .

Day 243 sep 13 , 2020

Today's Progress working on Counterfeit Coin Riddle problem with different different algorithms


Day 244 sep 14 , 2020

Today's Progress working on Counterfeit Coin Riddle problem. algorithm 1 done now working on another algorithm


Day 245 sep 15 , 2020

Today's Progress working on Counterfeit Coin Riddle problem and doing research work for my minor 1


Day 246 sep 16 , 2020

Today's Progress doing some problems in computer graphics and also got some certificates from hackerrank based on my performance


Day 247 sep 17 , 2020

Today's Progress started working on my minor 1(LIFE SAVING ALARM) making the login window

Day 248 sep 18 , 2020

Today's Progress working on my minor 1(LIFE SAVING ALARM)

Day 249-250 sep 19-20 , 2020

Today's Progress started working on database for my minor 1(LIFE SAVING ALARM)

Day 251 sep 21 , 2020

Today's Progress working on database for my minor 1(LIFE SAVING ALARM)

Day 252 sep 22 , 2020

Today's Progress working on database for my minor 1(LIFE SAVING ALARM) and also started working on my internship work at statusneo!

Day 253 sep 23 , 2020

Today's Progress working on database for my minor 1(LIFE SAVING ALARM)

Day 254 sep 24 , 2020

Today's Progress done with login and register window and connected it to database (LIFE SAVING ALARM)

Day 255 sep 25 , 2020

Today's Progress started with hactoberfest pull requests

Day 256 sep 26 , 2020

Today's Progress genrated some PR for hactoberfest

Day 257 sep 27 , 2020

Today's Progress started working on scala and hackerrank interview preptn kit

Day 258 sep 28 , 2020

Today's Progress working on scala blog(1st)

Day 259 sep 29 , 2020

Today's Progress completed with the scala(1st blog) publish it soon

Day 260 sep 30 , 2020

Today's Progress shifting my blogs from github pages to medium

Day 261 oct 01 , 2020

Today's Progress created 4 PRs for hactoberfest2020

Day 262 oct 02 , 2020

Today's Progress started with 30days of google cloud, today completed Getting Started: Create and Manage Cloud Resources

Day 263 oct 03 , 2020

Today's Progress completed with cloud storage and IAM in GCP and published 3 blogs on medium

link: username for medium @Sumyak_jain

Day 264 oct 04 , 2020

Today's Progress completed with Perform Foundational Infrastructure Tasks in Google Cloud ,in 30 days of google cloud and started with hands on Scala

Day 265 oct 05 , 2020

Today's Progress completed with Managing Deployments Using Kubernetes Engine ,in 30 days of google cloud and also one of my blogs got published on


Day 266 oct 06 , 2020

Today's Progress completed with Setup and Configure a Cloud Environment in Google Cloud

Day 267 oct 07 , 2020

Today's Progress created some PRs for hactoberfest and another blog got published on FAUN

Day 268 oct 08 , 2020

Today's Progress created some more PRs for hactoberfest previous one got merged and also completed with 3 quests for track 1 in 30 days of google cloud 3 more to go!


Day 269 oct 09 , 2020

Today's Progress working on scala and completed Continuous Delivery Pipelines with Spinnaker and Kubernetes Engine for 30 days of google cloud


Day 270 oct 10 , 2020

Today's Progress working on scala

Day 271 oct 11 , 2020

Today's Progress working on scala

Day 272 oct 12 , 2020

Today's Progress working on scala and completed Orchestrating the Cloud with Kubernetes for 30 days of google cloud

Day 273 oct 13 , 2020

Today's Progress working on scala

Day 274 oct 14 , 2020

Today's Progress working on scala and completed some more tasks for 30 days of google cloud.

Day 275 oct 15 , 2020

Today's Progress working on scala and completed some more tasks for 30 days of google cloud.

Day 276 oct 16 , 2020

Today's Progress working on scala and completed with Deploy to Kubernetes in Google Cloud quest for 30 days of google cloud.



Day 277 oct 17 , 2020

Today's Progress working on scala

Day 278 oct 18 , 2020

Today's Progress working on scala

Day 279 oct 19 , 2020

Today's Progress working on scala


Day 280 oct 20 , 2020

Today's Progress working on scala


Day 281 oct 21 , 2020

Today's Progress working on scala

Day 282 oct 22 , 2020

Today's Progress working on scala and also completed my hactoberfest2020

Day 283 oct 23 , 2020

Today's Progress working on scala


Day 284 oct 24 , 2020

Today's Progress working on scala


Day 285 oct 25 , 2020

Today's Progress working on scala


Day 286 oct 26 , 2020

Today's Progress working on scala


Day 287 oct 27 , 2020

Today's Progress started working on apache spark

Day 288-289 oct 28-29 , 2020

Today's Progress working on apache spark

Day 290 oct 30 , 2020

Today's Progress working on apache spark also completed track1 for 30 days of google cloud


Day 291 oct 31 , 2020

Today's Progress working on apache spark

Day 292 nov 01 , 2020

Today's Progress working on apache spark

Day 293 nov 02 , 2020

Today's Progress working on apache spark

Day 294 nov 03 , 2020

Today's Progress created a VM using vagrant and made a docker image of ubuntu



Day 295 nov 04 , 2020

Today's Progress working on apache spark

Day 296 nov 05 , 2020

Today's Progress working on apache spark

Day 297 nov 06 , 2020

Today's Progress working on apache spark got stuck at a point since 2 days

Day 298 nov 07 , 2020

Today's Progress working on apache spark and going to start with a project on making a bot for attending online classes

Day 299 nov 08 , 2020

Today's Progress started working on my new project

Day 300 nov 09 , 2020

Today's Progress working on my new project written a test script for that to check its basic functionality

Day 301 nov 10 , 2020

Today's Progress practiced deploying docker container and added more functionalities to my new project



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